Same day match and meetup. She finished her workout pretty late (like 11 ish) and was waiting for me to pick her up at her gym for “anime n chill” in my car so I thought things were going down
I call her when I get to the lot cause I can’t find her car. We get that figured out and I pull-up next to her and she gets in. I ask her how her workout was and all that shit, she says she hit back and biceps so I start feeling up her biceps like “damn yeah i feel the pump”
I drive aimlessly around the parking lot cause I didn’t really have a plan and she suggested to park by her car so I just went along with it.
We talk about what animes we like and then I suggest one, she didn’t want to and suggested a romance one so I was like “damn so you in the mood for romance tonight” trying to flirt and shit and get things going
I suggested we move to the back cause it would be more comfortable but she was like nah it’s better in the front cause you can put your phone on the console so I was like alr whatever she doesn’t wanna go back and I didn’t want to come off as pushy.
We watch for a little bit and then she asks if I ate and I saw naw did u and she says nah i’m hungry, did you wanna go to the taco bell since it was in the same lot. I said sure but I can’t pay (I didn’t have cash on me) she says that’s fine and we get some cheese fries.
Then we chill for a bit watching, I’m cracking jokes and shit and she seems to be laughing and i’m getting to know her at the same time. Then at what i thought was a high point I ask her so when r u gonna kiss me and then she goes muh you’re making it awkward we need to build up to it. I was like ok how much more are we supposed to build up to it.
And it just goes downhill from here, we go back to watching and then after a while I try setting up the kiss again and then she starts talking about how she doesn’t do anything on the first time meeting someone and how she talked to a guy for a month before meeting him. It’s pretty much over at this point so I just give up and we watch for like 10 more mins and then I kick her out of my car
But yeah i feel like i’m making progress tbh I’m proud of myself for trying to escalate more, I feel like it’s easier when i’m alone with the girl but I feel more awkward in public for whatever reason
Anyways what do you guys think
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
Anime n chill… you are portraying that you are childish as fuck and immature. Still living with your parents on top of that is making it worse. Do not bring up fucking anime to girls.
Why are you hanging out w her after the gym that’s gross af she’s sweaty n gross. Note to self for future endeavors: if a girl wants to hang after gym you’re not going to smash that night.
Kino good; well done.
“Cause i didn’t really have a plan” always have a plan. She’s finishing up gym = chipotle, yogurt land, etc. she had to suggest tbell. Your role as a man is to lead the interaction not her.
Romance flirt; good. Make sure you’re cheesing while you make these comments.
“Can’t pay” are you a broke cunt? Yes you shouldn’t lead w your wallet but something as light as tbell isn’t an issue. The essence of redpill logic is don’t be a beta bitch boi free lunch Friday Samuel simperton. Don’t take her out on a high end date for the first date. But light fast food is fine; you make yourself look like a little bitch there.
Asking for the kiss is where you fumbled the bag. Do you think Chad is asking that bitch to kiss? No. Chad confidently leans in at the right moment (via years of experience w women and overall being socially calibrated) and goes for it. See hitch w will smith in the scene where he explains how to go in for the kiss for further clarification.
Good job for progressing and putting yourself out there. Kobe became great by taking thousands of shots - you must do the same w women to become a chad. Keep fucking going. Learn from this exp and apply it to next time. Practice makes perfect
joyboy 10mo ago
Thanks bro good analysis a lot of it makes sense
Thanks I'll try and apply it I just need to meet up with more girls and improve my match to meetup ratio which is horrendous right now
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
This is another drawback to OLD - for the most part you’re dealing w weirdo as fuck women that have been pumped n dumped so many times it’d make your head spin. It’s a reason why they’re still on the app instead of having secured an LTR w a high value guy.
The point here is flying over your head. #1 girls are never going to present themselves to you with sweaty, nasty pussy. I get where your line of thought is but take this as a basic understanding of female nature. Next time if a girl says oh come meet me at the gym I just finished my workout say somethin like “you’re not even gonna take a shower first that’s wild. you must be really excited to meet me ;)”
Don’t overdo it either. Chilling.
Women smell fear and are repulsed by it. This will just take time but adopt a more confident attitude. Working on yourself helps w this.
As long as u learn.
Just watch this video pretty much lays it out perfectly.
It seems like you’re relying on tinder way too much brother. If you’re 21 you need to go to the fuckin bars. real life Rizz will always be better than tinder Rizz. I’m 5”8; i don’t look like a chad but I still pull bc I know how to vibe n shit. You only learn that from experience…
You can bitch n moan about being inexperienced or you can get out there and keep trying until you develop experience. Choice is yours; one leads down a sexless path and the other leads to getting laid lol
First-light 10mo ago
You would need to be serious high value and be very smooth to just summon her to your car to bang first date.
On the plus side you got her into your car, so you did something right in the communication. Well done for this. You need to plan a date next. It needn't be super flash. Just a movie and a cheap restaurant would be miles better than your car.
Full marks for having the balls. You have the balls and no shame but you have to deliver benefit to her to court her, then you may get to bang her. Benefit always has to flow to the female, even if its just entertainment.
joyboy 10mo ago
Well I was having fun and she seemed like she was too so idk. I feel like if my game and escalation was more on point I might have been able to just bang in the car.
I would've planned a date if we were meeting earlier but we literally met at midnight and it was super last minute so most places were closed
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
Stop trying to bang girls in your car; that’s not a fuckin thing - take it from guys that actually FUCK. I’m pretty sure you’re also a virgin on your senior year of college; there is no “I’m pretty sure I might have been able to bang” for you yet
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
I'm not trying to hate but: In your car?
Bruh. How inspiring to her for sex.
Why do you think this didn't work out?
Women ask/talk; men DO
Dude it sounds like your FR was fine but dude the car part is just killer. That had such a negative impact on your date
This SHOULDN'T be in public. Talk about ASD man
joyboy 10mo ago
I mean she agreed to meeting in my car I told her over the tinder convo. My car is clean and well maintained so it’s not like that was a problem. Idk what I did wrong tbh , the only thing I can think of is I didn’t make her feel wanted cause I didn’t compliment her even once except for the pump comment. Or maybe she just wasn’t attracted to me IRL
And yeah maybe I fucked up asking her about the kiss and could’ve gone about it better but i’m not sure, am i just supposed to stare into her eyes and then lean in or what lol.
No it wasn’t in public we were in a empty parking lot i’m just saying in general i would feel awkward trying to flirt and escalate in public but i felt more confident alone with her in my car
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Jesus Christ dude
Also i added a editbut Jesus Christ man. If you don't even understand asd holy hell
Dude it's your fucking car. What do you think that telegraphs to her? You view her as a complete slut (asd). You don't have your own place or even a place at all (bum, low value) and it's not remotely what women aspire for
She was probably hoping it would end up somewhere else and when she realized there was no hope she put up walls
Jesus Christ man, you seriously need to understand women. You're asking us "why you can't get anywhere" but then you do the most antithetical date possible to get sex
C'mon dude. She got chads taking her fun places and then smashing at his house. And she has 50 of them matched with her and then you expect that to work out, c'mon man you are doing what i initially suspected which is not remotely understanding the fundamentals
joyboy 10mo ago
Fuck dude your right how am i supposed to compete with all those rich chads? Do i just moneymaxx and become a chad too or is there no other way
I mean i didn’t view her as a slut but why did she agree to meeting up in my car at late at night on the first day i matched her if she wasn’t dtf? She probably was but i didn’t escalate and make her horny or something and she could tell i was inexperienced and got turned off by it
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
No dude even a motel would be 10x better than a car. But like many people have commented on your posts, get your shit in order get a house even if that means you are rommating with 3 other dudes to split rent
And like I said, she probably HOPED for more. You STAYED in the car. Some women make expectations based on hope, and her hopes were dashed
joyboy 9mo ago
How should I suggest a motel? I might be picking up another girl and doing some shit in the city for a first date. I read somewhere I should seed it like halfway through the date and be like "We should go watch a movie at my place after" or some shit. Should I just be like "Wanna go watch a movie at x motel"
I'm going back through the comments on this post cause I don't wanna repeat the same mistakes again. I'm planning on dropping like 50-70$ on either food/ice cream/boba or activities in the city. And gonna try going for the pull to a motel if the vibe is good
Vermillion-Rx Admin 9mo ago
Motels are shitty as fuck
Get your life in order no woman wants to fuck in a motel unless she absolutely has to when she absolutely wants to
Try to go to their place. Seriously dude you have far worse issues than getting women right now
joyboy 9mo ago
Dude i’m working on it how many times do i have to tell you I still want to meet girls while making money. I already got a job which pays decent and will start soon
Vermillion-Rx Admin 9mo ago
How many times do we have to tell you how fucked you are?
Try to go to hers instead of you can instead of a gross shitty ass motel.
If you don't want to listen to advice we just won't give it
joyboy 9mo ago
Man the only advice you guys gave me is to get a job and move out which I'm literally working on nonstop. I should have enough saved to move out in a few months, maybe sooner if I hit a few winning trades
Don't think I can go to hers since she probly still lives with her parents
Vermillion-Rx Admin 9mo ago
Not EVERY girl lives with her parents...
I'm sorry the truth sucks so bad. It's too bad multiple men on here aren't willing to lie to you to make you feel better
joyboy 9mo ago
Every girl I've met up with (not many) has been under 20 so I doubt it
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
Bro literally still lives w mommy and daddy and thinks car sex is a viable option for chicks he’s meeting for the first time off tinder.
What kind of genz moneymaxxing bs…
Get a fucking job, save up fucking dollars, move out of your parents house. You can have roommates to make it affordable; ideally they’re ur friends.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
That's what I'm saying
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
He’ll learn one day
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
I called it on his very first post or so on here, he doesn't understand the basic fundamentals, despite believing he does
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
ripping into him till it sticks should do the trick hopefully
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Maybe, maybe not
I think most people have already tried serious advice. Some times a mix of the two helps
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 10mo ago
I’ve tried to explain sooo many times that living w mommy and daddy is totally acceptable/wont impact success in like high school/maybe a year or two out of hs. 21s and beyond not so much lol
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
You would think