Update to this story:
Turns out one of the coffee shop owners had his eye on the girl and he didn't like it when we were vibing.
Him and one of the waiters started cooking up that ridiculous story to blame me to give them a reason to kick me out of the store.
How do I know?
I know one of the managers, and I started talking to the girl. We had a lengthy call and she confirmed. Her family is hundred of kilometers away. She didn't mind me talking to her and her ugly friend didn't send her brother either.
She even offered to show up at coffee shop and scold the owner for cooking up that bullshit.
Jealousy man, male jealousy.
financehardo420 8mo ago
what a cuck; one of my boys got lifetime banned from two of the main bars (they are a chain) in our college town cause he fucked a manager’s girl
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Pathetic when you think about it.
Word spreads, now everyone and their grandmother know that he's sour loser
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
to be precise - now everybody knows that he has oneitis for a worthless slut.
joyboy 8mo ago
How does that make him a cuck lmao. He's using his status/position to cockblock other guys and take the pussy for himself. Thats the opposite of a cuck. If anything it would be cucked to let other guys take what he wants
No-Stress-Cat 7mo ago
What makes him a cuck is that he's putting his business in danger of getting a bad reputation by running off customers and potential customers over some girl who wouldn't fuck him anyway.
Pussy over money = Beta Ass Cuck
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Yeah,well it doesn't sem to be working.
Because according to that manager I'm on good terms with, I have been on his radar for a while as I have been inadvertedly "steeling" every girl he has had an eye for. Lol.
Now even this girl thinks he's pathetic.
AMOG attempts always expose you for the sour insecure little puss that you are.
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
The fact that you don't think he is a cuck is alarming.
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Aye, seconded
financehardo420 8mo ago
Thirded as well
financehardo420 8mo ago
the fact that you think being the manager of a fucking Starbucks type joint equates to power or status is laughable.
it’s definitely not masculine behavior. you let the chick do what she wants and act accordingly based off how she acts - if she goes for other guys; she’s clearly not into you thus you go for other women. this loser is trying to negotiate attraction = cuck
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
The Power of the Latte Compels You!
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
Well hold on a god damn minute, if you are trying to insinuate that the manager of a mid range hot drinks franchise, two time winner of employee of the month and District runner up for most improved outlet is somehow not high status, I'm going to have to ask you step outside.
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Well, he's the owner's brother.
That should give him (in his mind) "right of the Lord" on every bitch that enters his domain.
joyboy 8mo ago
Everybody wants cute girls and if she's cute you're obviously going to have to compete for her. It's not so much negotiating attraction as it is trying to remove the competition
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
WRONG. I've have yet to see a forum member who is so consistently wrong about everything, all the time.
If you have to compete for her, she is not worth having. She should be competing for you.
You have so much to learn Joyboy. Your blue pill programming runs deep.
joyboy 8mo ago
Lol ok bro in what world will a women compete for you… maybe if you’re a millionaire celebrity you’ll have women sliding into your DMs competing for you. Or if you’re a D1 athlete on your campus, then I could see it. Otherwise no women is gonna compete for you, they have too many options
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
Like I said, your blue pilled thinking runs very deep.
'Millionaire celebrity'. Wow - you really have zero idea.
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Dude, something tells me you're one of the countless of insecure cucks that try to AMOG me and fail.
It always backfires.
financehardo420 8mo ago
I’m not a millionaire celeb; nor a d1 athlete yet women compete for me…
joyboy 8mo ago
The women aren't hot and if they are congratulations on being a chad I guess
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
You don't "compete" for girls.
That's a feminine mindset.
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
Joyboy thinks he is a medieval knight, and must joust with other knights to attract the attention of fair maidens.
joyboy 8mo ago
You literally do though. Every girl you talk to is talking to a minimum 15-20 other guys through social media, dating apps, guys that approached her at the club, at the bar, guys that approach her on the street, through her social circle etc etc.
You have to be the best option out of all of those guys if you want to get it into her pants cause every other guy is trying to do the same thing
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
Joyboy - you just need to text harder - more texts, longer texts.
Sign up to my course Texting Like A Sex God - ($4999 plus local taxes).
You'll be coming on 10s faces as they kneel before you in your moms basement.
financehardo420 8mo ago
Statistically speaking you’re already wrong. 80% of dudes are too soft to even approach they’re more like you - hiding behind the keyboard of a dating app in hopes of getting laid.
Yes… it is a bit of competition in the sense of being the “best option”. That’s a lot of focusing on what you can control: physique = having abs n big ol’ muscles (all the work and DISCIPLINE that goes with that); finances aka LIFESTYLE = proper saving habits, good work ethic, solid career etc; having dope friends that wanna be around you bc you yourself are a dope person etc. just doing those few things puts you at an insane advantage and years ahead of the pack bro. Majority of America is obese. Majority of America earns less than 100k. Only top 20% of guys earn over 100k; prob less than 20% clear over 100k and have abs.
You sit here complaining left n right but you don’t do the fkin work. You live w your parents and get pissy cause you can’t get laid. Your entire life up till now may have been a monumental fuck up and that’s ok - you can’t go back in time. But you can focus on changing and improving - eat more protein, puff heavy ass weights, GRIND for better job, MOVE OUT OF MOMMY N DADDYS HOUSE.
Put in all that work bro n just watch how your life changes
joyboy 8mo ago
Buddy I'm already jacked with visible abs, and I'm sending 50 applications a day to high paying jobs in my field while working part time + trading options. Idk why you assumed I'm just sitting on my ass crying like some retard. I'm only crying cause I have 0 success despite all the work I put in and I'm getting sick and tired of just grinding forever with nothing to show for it
financehardo420 8mo ago
I simply don’t buy it brotha. If you had a good physique you wouldn’t be a fuckin virg. You’re probably just really skinny and think you’re jacked bc you have some ab definition going.
Also you live w your parents… and you refuse to acknowledge just how much of a pussy repellant that is at your age
joyboy 8mo ago
I'm like 13-15% bodyfat at 5'6 150 lbs (lifts in profile). Jacked is a overstatement but I'm lean athletic build with decent muscle mass.
Nah man it's becoming more and more common amongst my gen just cause of how fucked the economy and housing market is and all that shit.
Also I'm not scared of approaching lol I have cold approached before
financehardo420 8mo ago
More excuses than a chick
whytehorse2021 8mo ago
I'd suggest getting a few female friends so you can get calibrated.
joyboy 8mo ago
Lol but users on here told me men and women can't be friends. Also I wouldn't want to be friends with a female anyways all they would do is vent about getting railed by some chad who won't text her back
whytehorse2021 7mo ago
I don't know who's saying that...
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Yeah,you don't get it.
If you have to "compete" and "prove yourself", you already lost.
Control the frame
joyboy 8mo ago
I mean sure you should have the "I am the prize mentality" but the reason you even have that is because you're literally competing and want to improve your chances. If you think a girl is hot chances are so do 99% of other guys.
Lionsmane8 8mo ago
Don't know what to tell you man. You have the opposite frame of what is required.
While you're at it, just write down your cv and submit an application to the girl you want and hope she calls back
joyboy 8mo ago
I get what your saying and how you should believe that you are the prize and they should be competing for you and whatnot but my brain doesn't work like that.
It's a competition and I can't see it any other way no matter how hard I try too.
financehardo420 8mo ago
20% of guys fuck 80% of the girls.
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
It's actually much narrower than that my friend. I've seen a few research articles that put it at 3-5%, which are called 'the super-shaggers'.
The real chads are doing over 90% of the casual sex. Women by the age of 30 tend to have a body count of about 15, with a fairly narrow variation. For men, the average is the same, but the extremes are, well, much more extreme.
The average looking guys have a body count of around 4. The super shaggers are at about 300. Most women are shagging the super shaggers.
This 80/20 rule is just a misinterpretation of the pareto principle.
If you have any female friends, just ask them this when you are out at a fancy night club / bar;
"Have a look around this room - is there any guy here that you would just go home with right now, no talking, no phone numbers, just for a quick fuck and he'll never contact you again?"
They will most likely say no. Because there is no 3% guy there. They would for a 3% guy . But men are very different. The average guy will fuck about 70% of the female population for a quick fuck. We're not that fussy.
financehardo420 7mo ago
Fuck I’ve still got aways to till I hit 300; im prob around halfway to becoming a supershagger
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
think carefully if you want to devote your life to this quest.
It means spending a lot of time with sluts (broken people). It will mean neglecting your true purpose.
I've spent parts of my life devoted to shagging, and its very unfulfilling. It's a shallow life.
It's quantity over quality. It's like only going to McDonalds.
financehardo420 7mo ago
To be honest you’re right. I’ve steered clear of the bars for a while and in ~last month or so started going out again.
Women are my biggest vice. Fun to dabble in on occasion but absolutely shouldn’t be the focal point
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
main thing to remember - you don't NEED to focus on women. They will always be around.
Think of women like coffee. I drink coffee every day. But its not the focus of my life. It's not even the focus of my day. Where ever you go, there will be coffee.