I have a problem.
Obviously, when you put these red tinted glasses on you can't ever really take them off.
However, before the red pill I was already super focused on self improvement. I was coming at it from a place of fighting the need for validation. I believed that if I worked on being assertive and authentic, I would reach my goals with both women and life. I held that the most important thing was to accept what was out of my control. To not try and tailor my reactions to other people, but to just proceed with how I truly felt and what I truly wanted. Basically, to not be codependent anymore.
I actually had a lot of success following this philosophy, getting laid for the first time, feeling a sense of purpose, and chasing my goals.
After getting rejected I was beating myself up and stumbled across the rational male. The evolutionary psychology stuff was really powerful, and even though I didn't want to buy it I couldn't help but see it everywhere.
The issue is, before the redpill I wasn't that bad at talking to women. Sure, I was very inexperienced but I was willing to stand up for myself and wasn't shy around coworkers or women in my friend group.
Since I entered the anger phase I havent been able to be like that. It's as if a dam was broken subconciously, and I simply cannot be present in interactions.
So much of the redpill is about crafting the right response to a shit test, maintaining frame in someone else's eyes, doing specific actions to gain status, etc. This is giving me an identity crisis, because one of my cardinal values was to not try and control how other people reacted to me.
There's a new anxiety, knowing that Im being judged based on my frame, the possibility that an interaction was a shit test, the knowledge that life is a competitive hierarchy and we are judged based on our performance.
I feel like I was ironically making more progress through trial and error when I DIDNT know this stuff, but now I can't go back to how I was.
How are you guys redpill aware but also true to yourself. How are things like agree and amplify, frame, etc not trying to control how other people react to you? Isn't that a codependent thing, trying to make other people behave a certain way to satisfy your needs?
I dont know how to be. I could use some advice on how to integrate this stuff and reconcile it with not being codependent.
BecomingABetterMan1 8mo ago
How do people repeat themselves but also repeat themselves?
Shift28 8mo ago
Are you criticizing my writing style or trying to make a point?
I know the redpill does preach being authentically a superior man, to a degree, the issue is that a lot of it is focused on controlling how other people react to you. I find that makes me neurotic and unconfident.
BecomingABetterMan1 8mo ago
I was poking fun, because it's fun.
You're overthinking all of this. No one with frame thinks about frame. If you start talking about frame with someone who already has it - they'll look at you like a retard.
When you're pursuing your authentic mission, and ignoring (or at least not getting distracted/working on things outside of your mission), you are in your frame.
The tools that Red Pill provides (it is a toolbox, after all), help you navigate the world as it is, and elicit the results you want from it.
Think less, do more.
Shift28 8mo ago
I agree with the principle of doing, not thinking. In fact, I detest even asking for advice online. I only do so today because this issue has been eating at me, and I haven't been able to rectify it in a satisfactory way by myself.
I am active in the world. I hit the gym, work on sales, talk to people, etc.
But Im not sure your response answers what Im getting at. Even if frame becomes second nature, how is it not trying to curate a specific response in other people? It's taking actions to maintain your social position. Doesn't that make you dependent on what others think of you?
Kloi 8mo ago
Never hate the idea of asking for help.
If you're actively trying to improve in any walk of life, there'll be old heads more than happy to help because it's a rare sight in today's age.
Shift28 8mo ago
I want to be sure I can do things myself, but you have a point.
Kloi 8mo ago
None one is self made, nothing is new. Evens scientific discoveries piggy back off of those before them.
Reframe it in your mind as practice not acting and it only remains practice until it becomes subconscious behaviors.
Shift28 8mo ago
That might help I will try it
Kloi 8mo ago
None of the more advanced guys around here are actively thinking about crafting responses, holding frame or doing any specific actions for specified results.
It sounds like before you learned the rules to life you were naturally doing all of the above subconsciously. TRP isn't a step by step guide how to be successful.
TRP is more like a set of guidelines to curate to your fitting. I always tell guys what works for me isn't going to work for you.
Trial and error is exactly how you develop your own style to life. Personally I'm too much of an ass hole and needed to tone it down to get further ahead most guys come from the opposite end of the spectrum.
It sounds like you might be too worried about being perfect/have a fear of failing now that you know the rules.
Shift28 8mo ago
Probably. I think that's where the new anxiety comes from.
Well I still feel like I'd be putting on an act, but I guess maybe I don't have to. Thanks for responding at least.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
I agree with the other two users
You are severely overthinking this shit
How do you get people to do what you wanted before? You memorized and executed your blue pill belief system of human behavior. You never thought about it too hard.
Same shit about RP. Do i think about shit tests in the moment? No. Do i think about x in the moment? No. I just do it. Why? Because I've internalized RP. No one who is experienced is thinking about this shit in the moment. Maybe we reflect afterwards and say: "ah fuck that was a shit test i should have xyz" but for the most part no, we don't really think about it
Shift28 8mo ago
Well, my issue is that I don't want to try and get people to act a certain way. I had this belief that trying to control other people, instead of just showing up as myself, was codependent and what made me unhappy.
I can see how it becomes subconscious which is encouraging, but it's the idea that I'm trying to control interactions that puts me off.
enfier 8mo ago
You have been trying to control the outcome the entire time. Here's your previous covert contract -> "I believed that if I worked on being assertive and authentic, I would reach my goals with both women and life." You just replaced one covert contract with a slightly better, RP themed one.
You are trying to integrate RP into your life but you haven't let go of your desire to control everything. Taking effective actions is 100% different than trying to control the outcome. When you interact with a woman, just being able to slow down, recognize a shit test and then not get worked up over it will be a more effective action than what you otherwise would have done. Does it mean you are going to get laid that night? No.
As you move along your thoughts, actions and way of being will start to align. That's what frame is - a person who is grounded, not overly reactionary and doesn't get pushed off course. You can still "be yourself" while being aware that some actions aren't helping you with women. It just won't really matter as much any more when your issues getting laid are resolved.
Have you read No More Mr. Nice Guy yet? You need to start pulling these covert contracts.
Shift28 8mo ago
fuck, no I havent. Thanks
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
You already do. Everyone does. You're in denial.
Red pill is how people actually think and behave. You have a problem with acting in accordance with how people actually think and behave?
Where the fuck did RP said to control people? Like seriously man where did you read that? Link it for me
Again. Where tf did you read about control. Being high value and people wanting to be in your frame isn't control. Idk where tf you read any of this sh*t
Shift28 8mo ago
Nobody said it, it's what I picked up from reading TRP I guess. It seems at odds with just acting how you feel/stating what you need in the moment. Because you can't just be yourself to get results.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 8mo ago
Be yourselves is shit anyway
Be your BEST self. And that means understanding how people actually act
You're uncomfortable with how people actually think and act just admit it and your journey will be a lot easier
Being blue pill and lame is easier because to be BP all you have to do is roll over and be undeservedly nice to everybody
Also yeah you read RP very wrong then
Whatsnext 8mo ago
Because you operate from the frame that you do not give a fuck. I really think a lot of us can fix the problems we have by thinking "Am I being a pussy right now?" Yeah? Ok I dont care about that anymore. When i failed shit tests I took what they were saying seriously or personally. When I pass shit tests I take nothing that person says as serious and make all conversation into a game and idgaf about the outcome and laugh at it anyway.
First-light 8mo ago
I think this is a good question and it exposes some of the weaknesses that red pill thinkers are commonly prey to -that of being co dependent, that of a man being the biggest pussy beggar out there, crafting his life to manipulate women by pleasing them iso they please him for fleeting moments. Such a man finds validation only in proving Briffault's law -that his relationships all revolve around him giving women what they want -the impression of high male value. Such a man is an actor, holing his frame -being in character. He is not authentic.
To balance that I would say that humans are a social species and we are codependent. If you want a relationship with another human, you do need to consider what they want and what they think and how to give them a good experience. I think some guys (including red pill authors) take it all too far sometimes. We really do benefit from seeing the truth of the world as it is but we still have to get in there and do our thing. Every man has to have his line that he will not cross when it comes to integrity as well as to know when to bend to being what someone wants them to be in order to get what he desires.
Embrace the knowledge, then do your own thing. Some of the guys who wrote this stuff don't even live by it now. This is not a religion with tenets and sins, where you get excommunicated for not doing certain stuff. Its more a science of reality. The laws of the world don't change but you can choose your own way through the world.
Shift28 8mo ago
Thanks. This helps a lot.
JamesSkepp Moderator 8mo ago
You were being judged on that criteria anyway, you just didn't know it happened. You were fine before (failing or passing), you're going to be fine know (both failing and passing). It's simply not that big of a deal in the long run. Also in the long run, you'll get better with practice and you'll fail less.
Before you found RP/Rollo you navigated blindly based on false principles (BP). Now you have the knowledge and the tools to make conscious choices and choose your responses. Women prefer men who "get it". You think that without RP/Rollo the interactions are somehow more genuine, they arent. This is b/c women are naturally RP, they already make their decisions based on RP principles. So now you have a choice to act like the guy who "gets is" or be the old "not-RP" guy who randomly stumbles upon correct decisions that make the girl like him more.
In effect you are making a conscious choice to lead your life and to lead her into having you (or eachother, depending on the perspective) in her life. You think it s an intellectual dilemma, while in fact it's a deliberately choosing to be the leader, something a men should be for women anyway.
Lone_Ranger 2 8mo ago
you are over thinking.
There is a process - you wake up, and then you move on and live your life, and never have to be a victim again.
You sound like you are stuck in the 'waking up' phase. You're like some guy that has just found out that people can actually die in road traffic accidents, and now you're afraid to drive.
Knowledge is never a bad thing. Once you know that driving can be dangerous, you simply drive more sensibly. Don't speed. Don't drive drunk. Keep your distance.....etc.
Get on with your life. Enjoy it.
Durek_The_Bald 8mo ago
This is the way.
This is not the way.
Basically, you went from advanced-level, "inner game" mentality, to beginner-level, semi-autistic validation-seeking, PUA-lite craftsmanship.
What can I tell you? Just chill, and take a step back. Take a good, long break from everything red pill. Make sure to feed whatever other interests you have. Surely you're interested in other topics than just man-woman-stuff. Me, I like history, metaphysics, catastrophy, crime and court stuff etc. I probably spend less than 10% of my listening/reading time listening/reading red pill stuff. Make sure you do the same.
You already knew everything The Rational Male told you - that's why it was so familiar to you. It just taught you the vocabulary to verbalise it in your mind. So now it's in the forefront of your mind, rather than a subconscious script running in the background. It's normal when you first become consciously aware of this stuff. But it will pass, so long as you don't act like a red pill junkie.
Don't be a red pill junkie. Or in the words of Rian Stone:
"You need to learn this shit, so that you can forget it."
As for the anger phase, you'll learn to love the game. You always have the choice which way you want to spin the information you find in this space. A bit of love and understanding for your fellow men and women goes a long way for spinning things more positively. Water is wet.
Good, honest post btw! We need these sort of discussions here.
Follow-up question:
What specifically angers you?
Shift28 8mo ago
Hypergamy, I guess? It's hard to quantify what part triggered my anger phase, actually. I think just learning that I was being judged to be subconciously "beta" for most my life, or that female friends of mine were essentially using me as the emotional tampon in the past.
I have a history of women doing shitty stuff to me, job and mom included. It probably had something to do with that as well. Or maybe the notion that we are all just animals, that dominance hierarchies are baked into everything.
It could have been a lot of things, but it made me more bitter.
I appreciate your reply. I am going to try and revive my prior mindset, but maybe with a bit more caution accounting for what I've learned. I've heard Models by Mark Manson is good, so I might read that too.
entgame 8mo ago
Imo Anxiety might come from ie: discomfort, anger.
Anyway you learnt something and you are unsure were you doing stuff right. It should normalise.
People that (say) act alpha but later die due to 1000 concessions, don't know why. With newly acquired knowledge you have better chance to prevent yourself for falling for that.
Anxiety is coming from environmental changes, real or perceived. Your brain is ready to addapt.its a feature not a bug.
hotsht 8mo ago
Sup man. I've been through similar thoughts/feelings.
Since september this year I started a new life and I wanted to implement all I had learned redpill-wise. I managed to dominate my new social circle, I became "alpha" and a leader with my friends and in Uni. This got me to bang the hottest girl in my class and gave me great satisfaction. Sadly, my transformation wasn't complete. I still unknowingly held many of my old bp beliefs, and I quickly fell back to old patterns. This girl dumped me after 3 months, my first uni course finished and I lost all the status and momentum I had built. I felt like a phony loser, an impostor. I almost gave up on the redpill, thinking that it only led to faking a personality and inauthenticity.
Luckily, I have regained some control over my thoughts. Also, I've been falling sleep every night to The Rational Male audiobook, and this is the main point of my response to you: read the part about "JBY" and "fake it til you make it". I believe it's a whole chapter. You'll understand how this process of becoming takes time (probably never ends), personality is a process, and "being true to yourself" relies on the fallacy that we can be what we are. There's a very interesting philosophical discussion about authenticity and identity, but the main idea is that they're never fixed: they're always in flow and open for improvement. This is not about trying to control what other people do or what other people think. This is about knowing what you want from life, acknowledging it to yourself, and reaching for it. You'll care about other people's reaction, this is only normal in every social animal. We're unavoidably dependent on others to an extent, we genuinely care about what others think of us because it is important to our survival. I think you just discovered and became aware of many things that were flying under your radar till this point. It can feel overwhelming but we will adapt. Good luck
Shift28 8mo ago
Thanks bro. I will re-read that stuff.
Also yeah, I know we always care to a degree. I will try to live most true to myself, but it is a trap to think we can never care. That much is very true.
whytehorse2021 8mo ago
This is what I call the slave-has-left-the-plantation stage. You don't know who you are or what you want because you've been a slave your whole life. Your entire existence has been to serve the sisterhood. Now you're free. Nobody can tell you who you are or what you should be. It's a little jarring, to say the least.
Shift28 8mo ago
Yeah, I definitely didnt expect my worldview to be shattered by a subreddit lol. But it changes your view on politics, people, everything.
whytehorse2021 8mo ago
The same thing happened to black people when slavery ended. Suddenly they had to figure out who they were and live for themselves. Ultimately they formed communities based around church, music, family, etc. A distinct new culture emerged comparable to the Renaissance(literally called The Harlem Renaissance). You had folk music, gospel, blues, bluegrass, country, rock, and later on rap. It culminated in the civil rights movement and continues to this day in the form of passport bros and soft guy era.
I bring that up because with men it's a similar situation. We all came together online and formed this red pill community. Instead of churches and music, we have stoicism and ourselves as our mental point of origin. We're still at the stage blacks were when segregation was happening. That's slowly changing as more men are waking up and taking a stand.
So far, on my journey, I have come to know myself better. I like rocketry, D&D, biking, physics, and manly stuff. When I went to Thailand I felt more freedom than I ever had in the US. It's like a black person going to Africa and becoming free of all the racism. Anyway, get to know yourself and nurture it. Only good things will come from it.