Thought this may be a good reminder for all.

Real life situation. Friends daughter is mid 20's , with a live in BF. He's a "nice guy". He's late 20's. She's pretty, at least 2+ SMV above him, but she's high maintenance for sure and she knows it. He's a total 4-5 in every way, doesn't work out at all, a bit overweight/flabby. She's a 7.

They've been together a few years, all is good, he's a "nice guy". And the sex is on her schedule from what I've heard. Yes guys, Girls talk about everything.

She's from an affluent family. He's not, he makes a bit more than her, but it's not that much and his prospects for increasing that aren't good for sure. she's gonna inherit money, he's not.

She's realized , she likes money, likes to travel. May want kids and wants to be a SAHM.

Strangely, all of a sudden. She is not satisfied with their relationship.

This guy is gonna be wrecked when she dumps him, he's done everything he could for her. She's the best looking girl he's ever had by far and knows probably will ever get. But, she's a major headache, very high maintenance and he deals with it as the trade off. I wouldn't last a weekend with this girl.

He was just a holdover, he was good for her in this time in her life. Now she's looking for more and it's time to move on.

Now, I like to be fair. Guys do the same thing. I've done this with FWB, FB's who, at that time in my life, that worked well for me. Then I moved on, or almost always they pushed for more and I had to move on from them.

Whats my point?

It's just your turn and don't forget about it.

Stay in shape, lift, work on your life goals. Work on making/earning enough money to live the lifestyle you want.

If you want a LTR or kids,etc. Don't push above your target.

What's my target? IMHO, it depends.

A girl who's no more than my SMV, even if I have money. Why? Because I want her to realize I'm the best she could get. I want her devotion, I want her sexual attraction to me and want her and her hypergamy to be satisfied. Her hamster to respond, you did good girl. Now go empty his balls.

Sure, if you have money, we all know you can get a girl that's +2 your SMV, trophy wife.

I know quite a few couples in this deal. I can't see even one of them, where there's a true sexual attraction from the women. They are in it for the money and country club lifestyle.

So, recognize what you want and don't be surprised with the outcome.

A trophy wife with no sex or once in awhile dead fish sex, a girl on your level who wants to and enjoys emptying your balls or a girl who's just using you for a place holder.

Good luck to all