I feel like a woman can always find a guy to fuck / get into a relationship with her way easier than a man, even if the guy is more attractive. Hence, even if they break up, even if the guy is the one who initiates it, she will find another guy either at the same speed or faster than he can find another girl. She has options no matter how ugly; infinite, with no repercussions because of birth control, hence the woman will hold the power.

How do I get over this debilitating fact, it makes me feel so powerless as a man. The only thing that used to stop them was the fear of God and pregnancy.

Background: I have been following TRP for a really long time but for some reason only just came to terms with this realisation, like properly, partially because I ended an LTR because it became long distance (it was gonna be like this for 2 years) and there’s no chance she wasn’t going to find someone else to fuck while I’m not there.