So uhm, I don't know how I should bring this over.

AWALT the same, right? Want to get dicked down by Chad, etc. So, if you have someone who shows alpha traits, is ripped, has game and so on a woman (especially during their nights out) will mostly give her pussy to him. Not trying to be racist or something but I think this mostly happens to white women who have long forgotten about religion (so accepting fucking is okay, openly speaking about sexual pleasure online, not thinking it's bad to have sex with a handsome guy, like it's just part of it...)

Then you have I think mostly the religious immigrants whose parents were strictly religious (not literally but like, religion was not forgotten in their household) when they were young. So they know fucking is "haram" (like not allowed in Islam). This term is even known now by a lot of non-muslims (at least where I live). Not just fucking but also drinking, smoking and every other thing that was forbidden by the Holy books.

Now, these women grow up in the West and start to face this shit (sex, smoking, drinking) and you have a lot who do it in private. Like... they tried it once and they liked it so they keep doing it (but not as publicly as everyone does...)

Now my question is how to get the whore out of this type of girls? They KNOW stuff like that isn't allowed so most of the time they "say" they don't do that kind of stuff. Meanwhile the next day she is getting railed by Tyrone... My question is how did Tyrone get this side out of her? How do you make such a girl, which still knows that she'll be paid for these stuff if someone would get to know, so comfortable with you that she doesn't mind being open with you about it?

I'm talking about these types: