I've noticed a pattern with my two exes, and it's the fact that for a while after we meet I'm still the cool guy with goals and a great social life that they like, and I don't really care that much about them leaving, which makes them fall even harder for me and be loyal (that's what I care about the most).

However, after an undetermined amount of time, especially after some bad event happens in my life, I get lazy, complacent, and stop hanging out with my friends and instead I focus 100% of my attention on the girl that I'm dating (this happened with my current ex, if you would like to hear the full story I'll write it out in a comment below), and then she leaves.

I can't seem to break out of this cycle, and although now I am somewhat motivated by the recent breakup, I am afraid of fallng into the pit once again, especially if I start dating someone else.