I've read 95% of the TRP sidebar and just been soaking up the knowledge for a couple months now.

I see 2 things consistently pop up: 1. you need to hold frame 2. you need to be your inner child (be fun, adventurous).

My question is - how do you combine these 2? If you oversimplify it, the question becomes: how to be a man and be a child at the same time? Which is contradictory.

Say a new person meets you and they see you act all childish and unserious. I feel like they'd assume that's your character and that's how you act 90% of the time.

How can you be that, but also hold frame, be confident, be stoic, when the situation calls for it? I think if you had behaved childish before you are automatically discredited in some people's eyes and they see you as as pushover, hence you holding frame will seem like fakery.

I guess there is a sweet spot where you can allow yourself to be fun and do what you want - with the right people at the right place and time. But then it would feel disingenuous and you wouldn't really be having fun?

I've been quite stoic most of my life, so allowing myself to have fun has been eye-opening. But I've noticed it catches people who know me off guard.