
I've been around a bit, and I've been the person to misinterpret a lot of the ideas I was exposed to on TRP. I was doing some self reflection and I am curious as to what ideas some of you struggled with or misinterpreted a lot on your RP journey. The point of this post is to learn if others had ideas they struggled with, and for new TRPers to learn from my mistakes. Often we hear about success and not failures, because people are more interested in learning from success stories. But TRP has showed me it's wiser to learn from other mistakes.

Examples of misinterpreted ideas

Friend Girls & Girlfriends Friend Boy

You can't be friends with a girl. Or if your girlfriend has guy friends that's a red flag. I remember reading posts that even go into the biomechanics of why this is. However, this revelation is probably the thing that saved me and taught me to think for myself based on my own real-life experiences. It's what really solidified the idea that nothing just black or white. Everything has a gray area. And there are countless factors that play into how one should use TRP. I think back often to how I used to behave, trying to be alpha based off some posts I've read. Now I just think how moronic that type of thinking was and all the opportunities I lost because of my misunderstanding. This idea has been getting more and more support on TRP which I think is great and wholesome. The next few might get me flamed on, but hear me out!


It's interesting how that word has become so mainstream now too, but now I cringe whenever I think to a time I tried to AMOG or see some drunk angry person try to amog and see low value girls become attracted to that sort of behaviour. Now I can't even believe I thought AMOGging anyone would get me anywhere in life. It took me awhile to understand that the term AMOGging is merely an observation, and isn't something you should implement for self improvement. What I am trying to say here is, I struggled with differentiating between what could be used as a tool, and what was just an observation to help understand human nature.


Even though it is true that ALL girls are like that (attracted to alpha behaviours for example), the reality is, not all girls are like that. Without experience talking to a variety of girls, I feel this idea (AWALT) can be very confusing for a lot of guys who first discover TRP. As I mentioned, I have witnessed girls who are attracted to guys who unironically AMOG. However, I believe these girls truly have low EQs and they are insufferable to be around besides a quick lay. I am not sure about you guys, but I've met girls who are actually disgusted by people who think it's appropriate to unironically mog. It seems to me that there are girls who are capable of overcoming their primitive drives. They do this either through understanding or just generally desire to be a good person. This may seem obvious for a lot of you, but I went through half a decade of my life thinking girls would prefer a guy who behaved like that over a "nice guy".

Nice guys finish last

There's some truth to it, but the term "nice guy" is very confusing to begin with. It's weird, because nice guys actually aren't nice, but we use this phrase to describe people who behave in certain ways. Being nice to get something in return isn't nice at all. Telling a plate they are doing too many drugs and you calling them out for the way they are treating themselves however mean you have to say it, THAT'S nice. I always use to think we used that term to describe people who are genuinely compassionate about the well being of others. I thought that was unattractive for a long ass time. I use to be rude and mean to girls thinking that behaviour would find a wife or LTR.

Contradictions within different ideas

There also seems to be many contradictions with some TRP ideas in relation to the purpose of TRP. What I mean by this is, TRP is a lense you use to view the world to help see things for what it really is. TRP is supposed to help with understand gender dynamics as well. However, when the focus is set on girls, some ideas become almost toxic when it comes to actually making constructive steps to improving one's life and experience living it. So yes TRP gives you the tools and observations of behaviours to help you get laid, but it's important to ask yourself how getting laid aligns with your purpose. We wanna get laid to be happy right? But it's fleeting unlike having a life-long purpose. Focusing on my purpose actually helped me understand TRP ideas and make better use of it as a tool. People often forget the "Purpose" part, and get fixated on getting laid which is actually counter-productive to having a purpose if that makes sense. I say this because I think it's an issue. When people misinterpret TRP ideas and it causes them some degree of social suicide, it gives cancel culture plausible deniability. Which is just shit! Getting laid is a skill which means you actually have to DO the doing to get better at it. But it's impossible for anyone to never fumble, or some reforming exclusive to say something creepy. It's just shit that there is backlash for this. Which is why I am making this post. Even if what I say gets to one person learning game, I'll be happy for them.

Thanks for reading. If any of you have shared similar experiences with TRP ideas, please don't hesitate to share!



I wanna add one more idea which is Crying in front of a girl There are girls who will be turned off if you cry for whatever reason. But please, do not think you have lost anything if this has happened to you. What I think TRP actually means by this has got to do with emotional mastery. If a family member you were close with passes, and you cry in front of your girl, as long as you are confident in managing your emotions however hard it may be, a valuable partner would not leave you for it. In fact you will grow closer.