I fumbled with two girls over the weekend both of whom very clearly liked me, the second one is stinging a lot more. Basically a girl I’ve known for years. Was flirting then all of a sudden left to go fuck another guy somewhere in the venue we were at. My best guess is she thought I wasn’t interested because I waited to long to make a move. Tbh I just thought I had more time. I didn’t think she’d go fuck another guy.

Not 100% sure but they both disappeared for 45 mins. Came back hair a mess, guy buttoning up his shirt with a self satisfied grin and her friend asking her how it was.

Anyways I did a quick search and found and answer saying I should be emotionally detached and amused mastery especially with abundance but In reality I have none, and I kinda feel like a cuck. I don’t know maybe its cause I actually thought this girl had some potential now im back to square one.

I woke up this morning to photos of us she sent herself. Is this a hard next? How do I stop feeling like shit. Im still coming off drugs so I assume this is amplifying my state.

Edit: When I say known for years I mean we’ve known each other but we haven’t seen each other in years.