Most women will eventually start interrogating you about your sexual history. I find that the lower value the woman is, the sooner the questions come. Like really low value women start asking you about your sexual history and behavior as soon as they meet you and put you in the "possible lover" category. However, even high value women will start to ask questions about "the last girlfriend" or "who did you date in college" or "have you ever had any one night stands" or things like that, and these questions become more frequent, the more involved the relationship becomes.

Deflection and similar tactics work for a long time, but eventually it wears thin and gets more difficult to dodge these kinds of questions. What do you think a man's best approach is here. Some of the things I have tried:

(1) just keep deflecting and not answering (she will definitely get annoyed the longer this goes on)

(2) give her a hard time for being "insecure"

(3) turn it back on her with a retort like "Yeah, and when you are going to start telling me about the guys you have fucked?"

(4) Explain to her that it is low value and indicative of poor character to ask such questions and a lady should not do that

I have found all of these options to be just partial solutions that don't really solve the problem, although I have recently been leaning towards (4) as a possible permanent solution if done correctly.