Most women will eventually start interrogating you about your sexual history. I find that the lower value the woman is, the sooner the questions come. Like really low value women start asking you about your sexual history and behavior as soon as they meet you and put you in the "possible lover" category. However, even high value women will start to ask questions about "the last girlfriend" or "who did you date in college" or "have you ever had any one night stands" or things like that, and these questions become more frequent, the more involved the relationship becomes.
Deflection and similar tactics work for a long time, but eventually it wears thin and gets more difficult to dodge these kinds of questions. What do you think a man's best approach is here. Some of the things I have tried:
(1) just keep deflecting and not answering (she will definitely get annoyed the longer this goes on)
(2) give her a hard time for being "insecure"
(3) turn it back on her with a retort like "Yeah, and when you are going to start telling me about the guys you have fucked?"
(4) Explain to her that it is low value and indicative of poor character to ask such questions and a lady should not do that
I have found all of these options to be just partial solutions that don't really solve the problem, although I have recently been leaning towards (4) as a possible permanent solution if done correctly.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6mo ago
4) sounds like the typical response of a male feminist libtard; do society a favor and cut your own balls off so you can’t reproduce if that’s how you walk around talking to women lmfao.
3) gross why would you wanna hear ab other men that fucked your plate?
2) yes. “oh why are you jealous? ;)”
1) amused mastery: “more than you” or “wouldn’t you like to know ;)” etc etc
Problematic_Browser 1 6mo ago
I just tell them "don't ask about my past unless you want me asking about yours" and don't budge.
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
I find all of these to be terrible options for a very basic shit test.
All this high value and low value shit is completely subjective to you. Let's not do that.
Edit: By the way, it very normal for a woman to ask you questions about yourself in an LTR. It's not heinous. She's just trying to know you. Being guarded and dishonest is a sign of weakness.
Why are you dodging the question? Women don't want to be fucking a man that no other women want to fuck. If you're in a relationship just be honest.
"I've had a few girlfriends before you. You can probably thank them for showing me what I don't want". Give a little laugh.
It seems to me like you're fighting some autistic tendencies. Just be honest, slightly vague and playful. All your responses sound butthurt.
NeoSpartan 6mo ago
Yup, it's a normal get to know you during a date question. Your 1-4 is terrible and needlessly combative. Just be honest (or not, w/e.) but definitely don't treat it like an attack bro.
Anyway, you should ask her same question after you answer.
This isn't really relevant, but for me, almost every time (might have been literally everytime actually) this subject has come, up the girl told me her last bf cheated on her.. which.. I dunno if they were lying but it seemed high :/
Found it strange.. Victim points? But also I had the thought like.. why did he cheat on you then? But obviously I didn't but still, seems like a bad thing to admit if true and if not true.. The only reasoning I can think of is victim points... which backfired because my one thought was just "What did you do or not do for the guy to cheat?"
MrSupreme 6mo ago
Talking about sex history is better post coitus and in the form of a conversation where each of you share your experiences instead of her throwing a bunch of questions your way. Let her know it is just not the time and actually start the Convo after fucking, just casually letting her know that you had never tried a position or whatever
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
All 4 of those are terrible ideas, especially the fourth one.
Be evasive, yet playful. The Goon who is Musical already gave you an excellent go-to.
Also, forget that "high value, low value" bullshit. It's retarded.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
Why do you not just read TheRedPill material already available to you. This is answered ad nesausm if you browse the content long enough
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
That's almost as bad as "at nozium" which became a bit of a running gag in WAATGM comments (the Red Archive won't link search results, so just search "at nozium" lolololol)
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
I misspelled it
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
Ya don't say?!
some vcardsa downvote!First-light 6mo ago
As a rule they don't mind, especially if its revealed close to the start of the relationship. Its a preselection thing. Just tell them the broad truth. Where it can get awkward is when they want to dig into past relationship problems or who really rocked your boat sexually. This can mess with their insecurities as the relationship progresses. They can look for patterns in your behaviour and extrapolate them into the future of the relationship "once a cheater, always a cheater" for example.
I would be happy talking about generalities and a few past names and such but when they want to know why you broke up with Karen who basically just had a badly entitled attitude it can come back to haunt you later when you criticise their attitude for something. I think its best to say "I don't like to dig too deep into relationships with exes. Its all in the past. We all grow and move on, there is nothing worse than the person who goes on about their ex with the next partner"
Just don't get down to bitching or criticising exes, don't self flagellate over your own past failing either and don't say how satisfying so and so was when she took it doggy. Any gains for this wort of behaviour are very short term and cost more long term.
Lone_Ranger 2 6mo ago
check out the downvotes on this post! Testme is going for the June 24 record.