
My father always had problems. To name a few: Drinking, smoking, messy, bad taste in general but in music and food, bad with money, naive around manipulative people, bad family relationships.

Many of these problems could be avoided if he just stopped being so stubborn. Some of these problems could be regarded as minor. But now he's 71 y/o and his physical and mental health are... I don't know how to put this in few words. Basically his house is a mess of wine bottles littered everywhere, his teeth are just gross, he smells and doesn't shower regularly. Never asks for help, never asks for advice on his appearance, always cranky and talking politics. He could have a way better life as an old man, but since he retired it seems he just wants me to find him dead in the worst way possible, sad, filthy, in debt, drunk.

I've been following general advice from RP, but honestly I've been BP almost all my life. Nowadays I just ask what should I do to not end being such a sad man like my dad. He lives alone, never had another woman after my mom.

He wasn't ALWAYS like this. His mind started deteriorating after retirement. Now I wonder if having someone by your side telling you basic stuff like "stop overspending, stop drinking, take a shower" is a necessity after retirement.

As you can tell, it seems like I basically need a mother. I can work, I can focus on my career, I can do almost everything by myself. But I've noticed I have many traits my dad has. I'm naive, I have bad taste, I'm a weirdo most of the time, people don't want to hang out with me because of that.

Most girls that I bump into and feel some sort of connection are single moms. I feel I just need to let go my judgements about single moms, just find one that's not a whore, one with the lowest bodycount possible and that's fine. I feel I can't be a proper boyfriend and a husband to a normal girl anymore. I'm too weird. Even if by chance a normal girl ends up liking me I cannot be sure I can guide and help her. And I feel sorry for this hypothetical girl already. I need help myself. I don't know if therapy could help.