My father always had problems. To name a few: Drinking, smoking, messy, bad taste in general but in music and food, bad with money, naive around manipulative people, bad family relationships.
Many of these problems could be avoided if he just stopped being so stubborn. Some of these problems could be regarded as minor. But now he's 71 y/o and his physical and mental health are... I don't know how to put this in few words. Basically his house is a mess of wine bottles littered everywhere, his teeth are just gross, he smells and doesn't shower regularly. Never asks for help, never asks for advice on his appearance, always cranky and talking politics. He could have a way better life as an old man, but since he retired it seems he just wants me to find him dead in the worst way possible, sad, filthy, in debt, drunk.
I've been following general advice from RP, but honestly I've been BP almost all my life. Nowadays I just ask what should I do to not end being such a sad man like my dad. He lives alone, never had another woman after my mom.
He wasn't ALWAYS like this. His mind started deteriorating after retirement. Now I wonder if having someone by your side telling you basic stuff like "stop overspending, stop drinking, take a shower" is a necessity after retirement.
As you can tell, it seems like I basically need a mother. I can work, I can focus on my career, I can do almost everything by myself. But I've noticed I have many traits my dad has. I'm naive, I have bad taste, I'm a weirdo most of the time, people don't want to hang out with me because of that.
Most girls that I bump into and feel some sort of connection are single moms. I feel I just need to let go my judgements about single moms, just find one that's not a whore, one with the lowest bodycount possible and that's fine. I feel I can't be a proper boyfriend and a husband to a normal girl anymore. I'm too weird. Even if by chance a normal girl ends up liking me I cannot be sure I can guide and help her. And I feel sorry for this hypothetical girl already. I need help myself. I don't know if therapy could help.
mattyanon Admin 7mo ago
No, it's not a necessity.
you can fix that.
Women do not fix your problems...... the only problem women fix is "I want someone to fuck". They make everything else harder.
A single mother is raising her child. She's a full time mother and will never fully raise all your children because she will always be raising someone elses.
Single mothers are fine for sex, but not for commitment. She's already sold her child bearing years to somoene else, don't pay again.
Your love life is a journey. The solution is to be good with women, not to get a woman.
Musicgoon78 2 7mo ago
Looks like you caught one trait of your father that will surely cause an avalanche of calamity. You identify as a victim.
Now, you're going to have to make a sacrifice that's going to be extremely difficult for you. In fact, most of the guys with similar problems as yours will not make this sacrifice.
You're going to have to give up your victim identity and rebuild yourself.
You're going to have to let go of your beliefs and fears. Most men will not do this. They will sacrifice their friendships, happiness, love life and success just to confirm to themselves that they are a victim. This is the black pill mindset. It's a cancer.
You are not your father, you are not your past, you don't need a mommy replacement and you have every god given freedom and potential to build yourself into something great. And you have the support of a strong masculine community to do it.
Do you want to continue to sell this false narrative to us and yourself, or are you ready to sacrifice that identity in the name of self improvement and actualization?
I'll await a solid yes or no.
NoodlesAndRice 7mo ago
First of all thank you for such a thoughtful response.
No, I don't want this. I want to be at least as mindful so that I can take care of myself when I'm old (or to ask for help otherwise) and to encourage people to be better. I've seen this victim mentality in some of my closest friends. It looks so... immature, childish. You don't want to be around that kind of people. Constantly freaking out about how life has been so unfair for them, so they just gave up and live life doing the bare minimal effort. And I have to constantly fight this feeling to agree and to do the same.
Yeah so, dump all of your immature friend. I hear you. But I recently came back to live in my hometown. I was in working in another state for the last 5 years, covid and all. I haven't improved a bit because I was lost, depressed and alone. Now that I'm back, my dad is worse than ever. But having my immature friends around relieves me from some of the pain. Being able to share the stuff I have to endure, the amount of money and time I have to spend to take care of someone that won't just die already or at least be humble and ask for serious help.
Now, I know I'm still talking like a victim like you said and I will for a little more. But where do I draw the line? 5 years ago I tried doing everything by myself, being alone and it didn't work. I lost myself, I was taken advantage of, I was scammed, I lost so much money on crypto, etc. I'm in the exact same place. I havent improved career wise, life wise, or whatever. I'm just all bruised up from that experience and I've just basically learned that fire is hot and water is moist. Big deal.
I don't know if having a single mommy girlfriend, or a bare living girlfriend, or a woke one or whatever is going to shake something inside of me so that I stop being so spineless and naive. I don't know if I should use Tinder to try and know someone. But being all alone didn't help by itself.
Anyways, advice is appreciated and thanks for reading me
Musicgoon78 2 7mo ago
Do you see how you are putting the burden of fixing yourself on someone else. It's time to take responsibility for your success and failures.
NoodlesAndRice 7mo ago
Exactly. I don't want to burden someone else. And so far, I never did. Actually, when my past relationships started going poorly I moved away from it. That was always perceived as weakness, as not having enough balls to endure the hardships of a relationship. But from my perspective, I never wanted to burden someone else. Because I know how it feels, from my parents.
I've been alone for most of my life, focusing on my career and job. But when do I stop living this monk-like kind of life? How do I know I'm "fixed" so I won't be a burden? Is that going to be revealed spontaneously? Like... all at once? Like I just keep working and making money, fixing my debts, fixing my house, fixing my car until eventually I'm fixed (without knowing) and the next day I find a partner? Do I just have to believe and have faith?
Thanks again and sorry if I come harshly on my words. This is being actually helpful and I'm trying to analyze myself, so I just write as raw as I can to see what's up in my subconscious mind
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
You are building your own prison.
You need to realise that you are not your father, and that your life is not already set in stone.
Build yourself a plan. That plan should have rules. Rules like - you never not have a shower. You work a solid 8 hours a day. You do a 5 km run every day, and the gym.
Build your own life. Find your mission or purpose.
PS. stay away from single moms. That way lies hardship - just don't.
NoodlesAndRice 7mo ago
Hi, thanks for your response.
My point is, my dad wasn't always like this. He always was a drinker smoker, but his life had some structure. His appearance and oeverall demeanor was, decent let's say.
The thing is he was always lonely and away from his family as much as possible. Never had another woman. I think he tried once with a single mom and failed of course. But he was mindful enough to realize he was being taken advantage of.
Since his mother (my grandma I barely knew) died the family started splitting apart even more. He took care of his dad, my grandpa, whom I barely interacted with. Then he reached retirement.
This chain of events and having no one to rely on to maybe share his sadness... I'm just realizing, I think this broke him and started trowing his life away, slowly aging and dying in the worst way possible.
So, a partner. I was always lonely and my relationships lasted for a couple of months mostly. But I think I need someone. I think I'm just realizing my limitations as a human and why it's so important to have a partner. I'm 34 right now and I'm realizing this just now. So... yeah... there's that.
Thanks for your response
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
I hear you.
My greatest fear is loneliness. I have two failed marriages behind me, in the process of getting divorce raped for the second time. it's rough.
But my fear is that things will get worse - that I will end up being lonely and alone. So... The solution is to take action. Make plans to have the life that you want to have. That means focusing on things that are going to make your life better.
forget about focusing your life on women. that is the mistake I made. I you dedicate your life to a woman, she will get the ick and leave you. The correct thing to do is focus on making your life great, then women will appear from nowhere. Choose the best one. not the hottest one, not the sluttiest one - the best one.
the big question for you is this - do you want to have children yes or no. Beceause if you don't want kids - don't bother looking for a wife.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 7mo ago
That's a mindset that you are choosing to have.
For my part, I've always loved solitude. Usually when someone hates solitude, it's because they hate themselves. It's like how people who need to always have music playing or a television on "for background noise" because they can't stand their own thoughts.
For your own sake, learn to relish your time to yourself.
Some additional food for thought: The Myth of The Lonely Old Man by Rollo Tommasi
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
appreciate it. It's just recently I am feeling that way - in the middle of a divorce rape process.
On the plus side, I am banging a very tidy looking upgrade on the side already. I was cheered up to find out that I hadn't lost my pick up game.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 7mo ago
Nice! :)
One of the funny things you'll see if you read over MRP stuff or listen to Rian Stone's podcasts, is when MRP guys have run their MAP and started gaming other women (whether playing catch-and-release orn cheating or moving on post-divorce), they realize that it's even easier than when they were young.
I hope that's the case for you.
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
Yup, there are always silver linings (always look on the bright side of life).
No dating, no dinners, no providing, no nothing. I just met her at an event, spoke with her for about 20 mins, since she was easily the best looking woman out of all the guests. And then looked her square in the eye and said, "I'm going to bed early - my room number is 203 - come in about 10 minutes".
She was shocked at how forward this was, and how damp her panties became.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 7mo ago
I've only skimmed the other responses so far, but they seem great. Mull them over.
I'll try to come back to this again in greater depth if time permits, but for now:
There's no such thing as "fate" or "destiny". Your life is a series of choices and consequences.
If you don't want to end up like your dad, then don't emulate his choices.
whytehorse2021 7mo ago
Sounds like your dad is fulfilling the destiny of every blue pilled beta man. Divorced, alone, no grand-kids, failed son, blue-haired tatted feminist daughter, etc. If I were him I'd be depressed too and drink myself to death. He has internalized the feminist narrative.
I met a lot of retirees overseas. Most of them remarried to Asian women in Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, etc. Maybe your dad needs to get his fucking passport and hit Nana Plaza in Bangkok. While he's there get his liver enzymes checked as well as his testosterone.
I'm pretty sure I was just like you at your age. It sounds like you've internalized the feminist narrative. What I did was I got my passport, sold all my junk, quit my corporate hell job, bounced on my lease, and hopped on a plane to Bali where my fiancee was waiting to greet me. I did an English teaching course at IALF and after that got married and started working in Bandung. Changed my life forever. I've been happily married for 18 years, have 2 sons, and love my life.
MrSupreme 7mo ago
If your dad set the bar that low,there's nowhere to go but up, so don't worry too much about ending up like that. Make some money and learn how to spend,invest and save wisely. Don't take shit from people,always believe people will try to find a way to screw you over,some exceptions if it's old friends and some family members but learn to not trust people while still being nice,no need to become a hermit because people are shit.
Whatsnext 7mo ago
Identify your vices. Maybe you don't drink or smoke cigarettes but you NEED women, porn, social media, etc. Once you identify what your vices are you can work to slowly remove them.
For example if your addiction is porn: You can quit. You will still mess up a few times because its an addiction but if you look at the long game you only used it 1-2 times a month instead of 1 time a day.
If your addiction is women: You can find passions and friendships greater than your lust for women and date moderately instead of pining for love or connection
Maybe its food: You can look into going on a cut and eliminating bad foods like sugar, etc
And wtf is the single moms part? There's a reason everyone says to not date them. Men have experience with them and its terrible. You sound like a pussy but you can change. Lift weights (ppl or ulul) and do cardio (150 mins/wk) to start. Most girls in the west you cant guide anyway even if you were a perfect reflection of masculinity. Once you commit to most western girls they are pieces of shit.
Whatsnext 7mo ago
Also: I had crazy parents on meth. I always wanted connection with them. As I have aged I realized I don't need them because I have God. My parents are not perfect representations of what a human should be. Believing in God has helped me a lot (not a perfect religious man by any means and I'm not pushing religion on you.)
First-light 7mo ago
Its good to be aware of your natural weaknesses. You have likely inherited number of your father's strengths and weaknesses. Now you have identified them it is down to you to deal with them by minimising the vices and building strengths to counter them.
Awareness of reality is the first stage of all red pill thinking. Some of your weaknesses you can power through with will, some with planning and dedication and some you may never fully conquer (we all have some of these). Work on them all and see which ones are which as you go along. Its important to know which type is which and don't be too fast to think you have got it right -re-test often. Each type needs a different approach. Don't get down if one approach does not work on a problem, try something else.
Its a life's work. If you get to hand over the baton to your children having been overall less messed up than your parents, you are one of life's successes, one of nature's winners. Whether or not you win in kudos or wealth, this is the win that creates the big difference to your children's future.
No-Stress-Cat 7mo ago
My father was a roaring alcoholic, drug abuser, child beater, wife beater, and serial cheater. He ruled the family with an iron fist.
I knew one day when I grew up, I wasn't going to be like he was. Of course, I had my party years, weed and booze (not drugs), but that phase passed when I got married and had kids. I became a responsible adult, father, and husband. Beta as fuck, but I handled my business.
My brother, on the other hand, is the one who became an alcoholic (he doesn't do drugs). He can't handle his liquor, and when he's drunk out of his mind, he becomes just like our father was: verbally abusive to his wife and children, sometimes physically. It never got to the point to where I had to step in, but somewhat of an apple that didn't fall far from the tree.
When he's sober, we're the best of buds. Soon as he starts drinking though, he doesn't stop until he's passed out. We become complete opposites of each other. I tried to get him to get some help, but in the end, it's he who has to take that step.
What you decide to become is up to you. "Oh, it's genetic." is a bullshit woman excuse. Be your own man, and live life on your own terms. You know the consequences of your actions, and you have a good example of what not to do. So learn from your father's mistakes, and don't repeat them. It's just that simple.
Problematic_Browser 1 7mo ago
Learn from his mistakes.
I mean, you see what he's become and the road he took to get there so... Don't do that?