I was travelling for the past few months in Europe and met some amazing women, the most recent being this milf. I remember spitting the most smooth game that night to this milf, and she said a few times "you're smooth", "you're beautiful" (in Europe I think this is interchangeable with handsome) and "you're so confident". I was being very touchy and the sexual tension was very high. Finally the age question came up and she told me "by the way I'm 48 years old", to which I replied "that can't be, you don't look a day over 25".

we bantered back and forth and she finally asked how old I am, I deflected and told her "i'm too old for you, i don't think this is very appropriate actually". she laughed and kept flirting. i was telling her "i can teach you some salsa moves and give you some good exercise tonight", and she was on board and was telling me she's only here for a few days and she has an airbnb thats free tonight.

the bar ended up closing and we went outside and talked for a bit more, she asked me again how old I am and guessed that I'm 25, and i avoided answering in a straightforward way because I assumed it was a shittest. after a few minutes of asking me again she told me she has to leave because she thinks she's too old for me, i didn't chase her but I think she would've been receptive to that.

where did I go wrong? I think my game was on point this night but I'm still not sure if the age question was a genuine question or was it a shittest.