Hey everyone,

5 years ago, I met a girl online when we were both in our teens, we had sex once and slowly lost contact afterwards (actually were each others' firsts). I always assumed that we didn't have feelings for each otherand it was purely sexual so I didn't care to not burn the bridge, so I behaved like a typical (then newly-redpilled) asshole and she blocked my number eventually. However, she was recently suggested to me on Instagram and she still posts stories about her "first heartbreak" and such. She's definitely talking about me because there are obvious details in her posts.

Currently, I'm in a relationship with a girl who lets me fuck other girls and who has organized FFM threesomes for us. She knows about my history with this chick. Since we will travel to my hometown tomorrow and she knows about this "ex" of mine, she has suggested I hit her up on Instagram and check if she'd be interested to hook up with me or both of us, as it would at the very least be a fun experience.

First of all, should I do it at all? Because this is not like fucking a stranger and it might blow up in my face, especially since that "ex" is somewhat crazy. If yes, what the hell would you write her in such a situation? I don't have much experience with text game since I never bothered with online dating. The only angle I see is the fact that she's still thinking about me apparently, but I don't know how to utilize that.