Hi everyone. This is a throwaway.

One day ago, I (22M) shared a night with someone who I've been good friends with (22F) for 1.5 years. I'm American, she is not an American citizen, is an international student. We have flirted on and off often. She's bisexual, and has a girlfriend currently (I know, bad idea. Thinking with my dick wayy too much). I asked her if she thought something like this would happen, and she said no, and I genuinely did not think it would either. We smoked weed and drank at my apartment, and slept in my bed together. Of note - I do have sort of a playboy-ish reputation among my close friends friend group, half earned and half kinda played-up by male friends, which is both helpful and harmful in some ways.

During the night we just cuddled, but in the early AM, things started to progress. She was rubbing her butt on my penis, snuggling up to me, etc. Being very, very affectionate. One thing led to another and eventually she had her hand down my pants, kind of jerking my penis, and I performed oral on her breasts and fingered her (but no penetration/intercourse at all as she was on her period, and no vaginal oral). She was saying things such as "I love you", being very enthusiastic, even offering to jerk me off with lube and/or suck it, etc. We eventually stopped fooling around at 10AM or so and slept for a few hours, and I drove her home in the afternoon, and everything seemed fine in the car. Everything seemed fine for the most part - she was acting a bit cold perhaps when texting that night, but she sometimes would do that in the past, so it didn't seem out of the ordinary. She told me she was not planning on telling her girlfriend about it at all, and still hasn't as of this morning. We agreed to not tell a soul.

This morning, I texted her a joke-ish image about plans we had on Wednesday, and she said "nonengr3r i don’t think I will be comfortable being around you or talking to you for a while and i want you to know that." This pretty much shocked me, completely blindsided, as she had given no indication of this previously. I said "I understand. If you want to talk about it sometime, please tell me, I don't want to lose you as a friend. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable at all, and I want to let you know that I feel bad we let it go as far as it did. Shouldn't have happened." I really do feel awful that I let it go as far as it did, even though she was initiating a good amount of it too. She responded with "i just need some time and space", then I told her I regret anything happened, that I'd appreciate a chance to talk to her face to face about it sometime and hash things out (and that it can be in public etc), that I'll always be there for her if she needs me etc.

Anyway, I am now concerned about possible legal allegations or something along those lines, or that she'd start posting things on social media, or spread rumors to friend group. Yes, she was the one that cheated, but I enabled it and I am afraid she'd say something along the lines of "I didn't feel I had a choice, I felt pressured, etc". Neither one of us were drunk or high at the time it happened. I never would have thought she'd say she does not feel comfortable around me though, and I don't necessarily predict it'll go that far regarding legal stuff, but I want to be prepared and would appreciate some advice on what everyone thinks is best to do in this situation. I really do want her as a friend still if possible, and know it was an absolutely all-time stupid move to do things like that when someone has a partner.. this is the first time I've really slept with someone and lost all control and completely fell into lust - usually I'm much better at not thinking with my dick. I regret that anything ever happened at all - its not worth losing a friend over a bit of fooling around. I truly don't think I did anything wrong or to make her feel uncomfortable, or I didn't think so until this morning when she texted me that (as in the past she's always said she feels very comfortable around me, and when we were intimate she was very into it as I was). It just feels like if allegations were to be made, you are on the losing end if you're on the defense. Seems like not much you can do. Anyways, advice appreciated... other than don't sleep with already taken people ever again - I know that one for sure now.

I have theorized she feels extremely guilty regarding her girlfriend and deciding to not tell her, and she comes from a somewhat conservative country and says that she won't have sex outside of a long-term relationship, but then she did this with me - so I half-wonder if she does not trust herself around me and that's why she wants distance. She has told me she's cheated before in previous relationships. Or maybe it really is that I make her feel uncomfortable for some reason despite her enthusiasm to give me oral/handjob just 24 hours ago, in which case I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed and defend myself against possible untrue allegations. I don't think it'll go that far, but I want to be prepared if it comes.

Thanks everyone.