I've been doing latino dances for 6 months now, at the same dance school.

Our female instructor is a vapid gen Z feminist which always somehow, during the classes, places the blame on men (leads) heavily, when in fact, many women in the class can't dance and FOLLOW for shit!!! exception makes any girl that is under 24 there. SOMEHOW, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, THE DANCE GOES SMOOTH AND VERY GOOD WITH THEM, I WONDER WHY.

Anyway, the constant blame and propaganda she emits during classes really pisses me of and demotivates me from learning, because I REALLY LOVE bachata and salsa, I love the music and I love dancing. I literally wait for my 9-5 to pass so I can go and practice/dance and study the dance and its musicality.

As instructors, they should in fact be happy, because I am the only student who goes out to social dance in the clubs every weekend and can actually naturally lead a woman.

I really am humble there and sometimes ask questions out of curiosity, I am aware that these fucking instructors are utterly losers in real life and have huge egos with gigantic drama in their lives. So I try no to come out as arrogant and an all-knowing asshole, to not mess up my social standing within the group.

Many women at the clubs have told me that I dance really good for a beginner, I never had any bad experience there, only at the fucking classes.

The bitch instructor always says something like "come on girls, we have to teach these men how to lead, we have to make them how we want them to, because they can't do that for themselves, they can't be leaders" WHAT THE FUCK is this whore talking about?

I've started going to social dance clubs for about 3 weeks now, and these instructors have seen the stories on my social media. They have started to resent me for this, like I've been somewhere I shouldn't have, because it exposes their fucking business trick of being able to social dance after 2+ years of courses, because if you go to the club, nothing you have learned in your first year of classes only can be applied at the club, you have to somehow BE PATIENT AND SUCK ENOUGH and improve yourself by yourself, by studying alone.

And yes, this is EU. EU is way, way fucking worse at feminism and woke shit than US, in everyday life.