I posted here a few months ago. After my ex and I broke up after many years. I have been struggling but trying to move forward

I have been dating other women. I live in Berlin, Germany. So there are plenty of single women and there are many single dating events that occur in the city. I’ve been on many dates but they go nowhere. I am still hurt and have feelings for my ex. So I’m not really myself. I’ve met some really good male friends at these events so it’s not too bad. I have started attended church again. Helps me find some peace.

Me and my ex have been in contact. But she is very confused. Very hot and cold. I am not sure what to do. But I would like one chance with her

Post breakup

  • 2 weeks after break up. I message her. She tells me she doesn’t want to work things out. And it’s over. She is hurt and can’t forgive me. She tell me not to contact her
  • 4 weeks after breakup. She text me asking if we got back together how would things change. After I answer. She later says, as much as I love you I don’t want us to work out.

  • June - she calls me. Saying she is missing me and is scared that I’m gone forever. She asks if we can go for a coffee. We meet up it goes well. A few days later she asks if she can stay with me. To try and sort all the issues. We go on a few dates during this time. We even kiss. But she is emotionally closed off. I can tell she is still hurt, angry and upset at me. I tell her let’s take it slow. She leaves and while she was driving past my apartment. She see me by the door and blows a kiss to me

  • July - I text her. She says she is too hurt, angry and doesn’t trust me. A few days later she calls to she how much she misses me. She doesn’t understand why she is so confused.

  • This week. I call her to catch up. She again says she wants nothing to do with me. She says she loves me and cares but she can’t trust me. She is too hurt. She tell me not to contact her again

What should I do? I do really want to make things work. It seems although she cares and loves me. She is afraid of getting hurt again. She is trying to force herself to move on. In truth I believe it’s making her even more miserable and hurt more.

I am not even sure, she said a few times it’s over don’t contact me. Yet she changes her mind. She seems to be really struggling