I work at a small hospital (~50 beds) and the staff all know each other.

My boss (Myles) is incompetent and socially awkward, but he's a cool guy and I get along with him well. Myles is considered a department supervisor, which means his boss Troy is an administrator. Myles sucks this guy's dick to a degree that makes me lose all respect.

Troy is an older dude, and is literally similar in terms of education/background as Myles. In fact, everyone sucks Troy's dick to an unfathomable level. The reason is that this dude is the definition of a phaggot. He has his favorites and everyone else he hates. He has a habit of going on firing-sprees and firing 1-2 "hated staff" from his list every few months.

I've never sucked this dude's dick and don't really interact with him because I have no reason to. I hit him with the casual "how's it going sir" and all that other BS.

Working with me are two hot bad bitches and two ugly heffers. Well - every single fucking day Troy walks in and flirts with the bad bitches. Then, the dude will dig for a reason to scold me for some reason or another. Sometimes for shit that I didn't even do. One time Bad Bitch #1 left some paperwork out and the dude took the opportunity to tell me I know better than to be doing that and that he doesn't want to see that I did that again. Naturally, i didn't wanna argue with him and just said "i didn't do that but i'll put it away" and he claps back and I just ignore it. Similar scenarios have occurred and each time I just ignore him after he claps because I know/feel that he's trying to get me to argue, which I'm not really interested in.

Nowadays, he'll walk-in, flirt with the bad bitches, try and make the heffers laugh (which they all accept and force laugh and shit since they suck his dick), etc. Once he sees me - it's twenty fucking questions. The dude will ask "what time did you get here?" or "who is this patient?" or "are those scrubs part of the policy?" or "what have you done today?" dude doesn't ask the ladies this.

1) I'm the only guy in the department that isn't Myles. 2) I've never broken policy or rules or anything. I show up on-time in uniform, never leave early, and don't make mistakes. 3) My position is harder/higher than casual shit, which means i'm slightly more protected than the heffers/bad bitches, but I still can be replaced by any of them in a second.

What is the best approach to deal with this fuckwad? I come here because I've found myself getting anxiety just thinking about this dude's passive-aggressiveness and that shit has kept me up at night a few times, and even on weekends i'll start thinking of this dude and getting anxious that he's building up to fire me or some shit. I wouldn't be fucked if I got fired - I don't really need this job and plan to leave this winter anyway.