No need to go over my entire story again i have talked about it and posted my before and after pics many times. In short i lookmaxed and turned into chad/handsome. After 4 tinder lays i have decided that i want to get hotter girls that are not on tinder. Started working on my social circle. After failing at bars i tried tekno clubs and making friends was very easy. Now i have new guys to go out with every weekend.

This is the funny part, i have been living in this 200k people city since 2010. Never had a social circle, never dated. All i did is stalk young girls to see what they are doing on weekend. Not even jerking off because i have low libido after years of depression. Just to see what they do on weekends and if their boyfriends are handsome.

The irony is that now at 35 i turned into that handsome guy, just last weekend a 20yo girl aporoached and she used google translate to tell me you're very beautiful. But this girl was a tourist. The other girls are a bit scared/creeped out when they see me.

Don't know how i got caught but they now i used to stalk them. This is not a huge city, so the voice spreads fast.

Now i could care less about woman's opinion, i have experienced what i was trying to prove in my blackpill era when i was an incel doing tinder experiments with male models. One Lithuanian girls i met on tinder came home to fuck me even if i raged at her and called her subhuman. I'm not proud for the raging but it's just proof that woman don't count, they are just grown kids. If they like you you can call her mother a cunt and she will still suck your dick. Also when i look and their tiktok videos i cringe. I can't imagine caring about girls opinion after seeing them posting those videos

Still Don't know what to do, because girls stare at me. Some them seem interested, some of them a bit scared.

Happens when you go from incel to chad and I'm kinda proud. It's like a heroes journey. For someone who tried to kill himself so many times is incredible.

One day i will move and experience the world but I'm not ready for that yet. I'm still saving money and i need time to dial in the TRT that i just started with my endo. I would like to experience what's like to bang hotties in their party years but i don't know how to go about it.

I'm worrried i fuck one of them, they tell her this guy used to stalk us, she feels used and hits me with a false rape accusation.

In my redpill journey I've read so many articles about the psychology about false rape accusations. One thing i can do is literally film everything and have sex only in my apartment. In this fucking feminist society they believe woman automatically so i don't even know if it would be enough

After talking with some friends i realised normal bluepill people think woman never lie, it's crazy