I’m 27 and a half. I didn’t lose my virginity until age 23 which wasn’t really a problem in my eyes.
My n count is 10 but most of the girls I’ve fucked were just wet holes tbh, not very exceptional. I finally fucked one that I was proud of fucking eventually. She was 28 though.
The fact that I’m in my late 20’s now is just weird to me. It seemed like, for so long, I was young. Now I don’t feel “young” in the same way.
I’m also not too interested in girls who are my age (in terms of an LTR, but that’s not what I’m looking for at the moment FYI) because I feel like they are on the decline, plus they have definitely gotten more and more baggage as the years have gone on. Maybe that’s hypocritical but then again men and women have different hormones so we decline at different points, and men probably have less baggage as time goes on.
I think the fact that I consider women my own age too old for an LTR makes me feel like I myself am old. It’s weird because my oneitis when I was 22 was 27.
What is going on, is this an internal problem or is life just worse at this age?
Side note; everyone I know is settling down, which shouldn’t matter because I’m not actually friends with any of them and don’t hangout with them, but it does make me wonder if I’m an outcast for being this age and not getting past my desire to fuck as many hot girls as I can… but the thing is that I feel like I’d be past it had I been doing it when I was younger like they were.
Edit: Lastly, I feel like younger girls would think we’re not on the same level due to the age difference.
First-light 6mo ago
Don't go sounding like a girl who wishes she went to more parties before deciding to "settle" and who now asks "where are all the good men"
A youth rarely does anything of any value. He is not meant to, he is still learning about the world. You are just about at an age now where you need to choose what you are going to achieve and start doing it. You are just getting going. This is going to be the start of things getting better every decade now.
You are never going to stop wanting to bang young hot women. You didn't miss out and that is why you are now thinking of it, you are just supposed to always want to bang hot young women.
At 27 I married an 18 year old. It was a really bad idea because she was a poor match for me and marriage is not a good idea anyway but seriously, there is nothing to stop you having a younger girlfriend for a LTR.
You will never be on the same level with younger women. Its one of those things that is a plus and a minus at the same time. Both sides gain and both sides lose something in it but overall its better that way for both sides than the other way. You will always find them a bit boring and a bit immature but they will have a freshness and hotness that is very exciting. They will always find you a bit less mentally flexible and vibrant than they would like but you are safe and strong and experienced. What matters is the overall you balance SMV.
EurasianChad 1 6mo ago
Men age like fine wine, my friend. That's just biology. You'll be fine. I know dudes in their 40's dating hot 22 year olds.
Keep working on yourself, your finances, your fitness. You didn't miss out on anything.
MrSupreme 7mo ago
Fuck girls, fuck em in their 20s,in their 30s,maybe in their 40s if you're feeling adventurous. But if you're gonna look for long term commitment and family, then you always wanna look at them in their 20s. Past that they already have kids, are bored of riding the cock carousel and are willing to settle down with the guy that will take care of em and their kids financially and is willing to deal with her mess of a mind being a single mom and not being able to have any serious meaningful relationship. It is called the wall and many women hit it hard, there may be exceptions here and there sure.but not enough to bet on it.
As a man,if you live a healthy lifestyle and make the right decisions get ready to age like wine.Women lose value over time. You're gonna have to get used to some age difference as you age, some guys stay within the 18-25 bracket, other guys say to look for women 10 years younger. There's plenty of women who dig older guys, calibrate your game when you get to that point,but you're still pretty young to be worrying about it
MidgetSpinner 7mo ago
You're still in your youth, man. Make it count.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 7mo ago
You're not remotely old. All you missed out on was immature women and awkward starter sex.
Guys have the most power and options near 30 and after
Wintergreen 6mo ago
But I want those immature women (for sex).
For what though? Casual sex or only LTR’s? I still don’t want an LTR yet.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
And you can't get that now that you're old, haver higher SMV, and a better position than kids their age? Why the fuck not?
Both. I really don't understand what you're bitching about. How many lays do you need to happy about yourself?
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
Bro you're still really young. In fact too young to be throwing in the towel.
This post is a fat cope.
My life started over after 35. I was divorced zeroed out and had nothing. Even fat and poor I slayed with women. My notch count went up exponentially and I found that I could get whatever type of chick I wanted at all sorts of age ranges. It only got better as time went on.
In my 40's I've had an 18 and 19yo. Age isn't an obstacle at all. In fact, it helps you.
Of course, if you don't want a bunch of sex with women, by all means, keep the excuses up. Less competition for me.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
When I see a young man still in his twenties kvetching about feeling old, it looks like this to me.