Not sure why blockhead me took so long to put 2 and 2 together, but I've started looking at things from a biological point of view rather than just an RP point of view. And it clicks.
I noticed that every breakup, every broken plate, every argument, and even rejections happened with girls who were in their luteal phase. That also explains a lot of the hot and cold behaviors from the regulars.
Which leads me to think...
There's no point bothering with women in their luteal phase. It’s a sign of infertility and seems designed to drive fertile (aka horny) men away. That’s when women are looking for emotional support and resources. It’s the phase most men deal with, and the entire beta world architecture is structured around pandering to women in this phase.
By induction, red-blooded men should focus on women in their follicular phase or ovulating. When they’re in this phase, sex is enthusiastic, sex is cheap/free, she initiates it, they’re open to your advances, more flirty, and generally more pleasant to be around. They’re signaling fertility and putting out signals to attract cock. That’s when you tone your alpha game and push the envelope.
Women don’t make it obvious when they’re in estrus. They want you to "just get it" (and I just got it!).
The reason for that is if men figured it out, they’d also figure out there’s absolutely no point in dating, courting, gifts, providing, or other token means by which the beta strives to "earn" the affections of his target. He'd just have to be sexy and ping her when she's horny.
The entire support structure built around women would just collapse.
mattyanon Admin 6mo ago
First-light 7mo ago
Being somewhere lese for 10 days or so of a woman's cycle is a really good idea for men and for relationships to survive. Women can be pretty horrible then and even if they refuse to take responsibility for their horribleness because "They can't help it" they could at least think -let me get out of the way of things I could damage when I am not my best self. One of those things is their relationship.
The reason this is not publicised and practised is because t do so would destroy all notion of sexual equality. Of course you don't want to employ women, at least 1/4 of the time they are horrible and irrational. Instead we hear how sport is sexist for not allowing for women's periods and employers are sexist for not paying for them to go away and not work then. Its never women's responsibility to work around their weakness and not let it spoil other people's lives. This is the great inequality.
I think to court women for LTRs you have to put up with some of that because LTRs last longer than the follicular cycle -women will want to know that you are not a part time boy friend but more understanding and restraint from women (like removing themselves from situations prior to making you wish they would leave and never return) would go a long long way.
Lionsmane8 7mo ago
That woukd be the plan for an LTR:
Go on dates, travel when she's in her follicular phase.
Fuck her hard and raw when she's ovulating. Treat her like a dirty slut.
Hold hands when in her early luteal phase.
EurasianChad 1 7mo ago
Lmao I see your point
Girl alone at the bar is definitely ovulating
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 7mo ago
It always amuses me when someone acts like he made a revolutionary discovery, but it's been discussed to death for several years and is common knowledge for anyone who bothers to read.
Musicgoon78 2 7mo ago
I read this overcomplicated shit and my eyes glaze over. This is sperg fuel and is honesty going to make other guys confused and frustrated. Like getting laid is a complicated algorithm or you need a fucking chart to figure this shit out. Meanwhile Chad has taken too many hits to the brain in football and still managed to knock up half of the cheerleading squad.
Women are less agreeable and horny on the rag. There. Mystery solved.
I have never once tried to deduce what part of a cycle a girl is on. What a waste. I just approach, say something bold and go after what I want unapologetically.
You guys are putting up your own obstacles and worthless variables. You're making this really complicated when it's super simple.
Congrats on this complicated shit. It's not going to get you women.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
What the fuck i paid some physicists and biologists good money to become an admin.
God dammit
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
one of my fav social science experiments of all time was a dutch study where they went to nightclubs / bars and interviewed women. They measured the size of bare skin on display by cm2 and then asked them when their period was due. What they found was a straight line correlation between ovulation and bare skin - the closer they were to ovulation, the more bare skin they were showing.
When discussed, all of the women strongly asserted that their choice of clothing had nothing to do with their menstrual cycle.
Delusional thinking is a female way of life.
Lionsmane8 7mo ago
I don't even think they genuinely know what they're doing.
Hence why they usually say stuff like "mood" and "feel like it".
They are completely subservient to their own biology and completely oblivious to it.
redhawkes 2 7mo ago
This and red lipstick/dress.
MyBoyJob 7mo ago
This only applies when they are not on hormonal birth control. Those exogenous chemicals throw this out of whack.