I was living in a big American city and was surrounded by a bunch of pussy. I’m a short guy, but there were so many girls that getting laid was easy. I ended up leaving to come home and help my father with the family businesses. I did this because I was lost in the city chasing pussy and wanted to come home to learn business. Also, my dad’s health was not well, and I wanted to be there for him since family is important to me.
I loved life in the big city, even though it’s libtard as fuck. I love the excitement and energy. I am now in a recluse island in the middle of the Pacific. I’m talking super small—40k people. Considering 80% of the population is obese, and assuming 20% is split half between men and women, that leaves 10% of those girls as women. And I am a business person, so I don’t want to spend my time with a chick who is just okay and not ambitious. I’m not expecting her to be a businesswoman, but I’m just done with simple pump and dumps. I got to the point in the city where I was dating some pretty good girls—I was consistently pulling HB7-8s. I work out, I have money, I’m 27, and I have hobbies.
I have not gotten laid in months since I moved back. It has begun to drive me insane. I don’t want to move just for the sake of getting pussy, plus I want to honor my family’s legacy, and I am gaining business skills I would never learn by being a corporate bitch for someone in the States. However, I am losing my mind. I’ve gotten addicted to porn and now cam girls. I know this is bad—I KNOW IT’S BAD, I KNOW, I KNOW!! But I’m craving connection so bad that I don’t know where else to go. I am worried there is no happy ending, but I know there is. Can anyone shed light?
MrSupreme 5mo ago
You're upgrading, think long term. You're getting valuable skills and doing work to push you forward and you're going to see the results and benefits all through your 30s, I'd call that lucky. Also you're there supporting your family, your dad surely appreciates you being by his side through all this.
Let me give you a short story, I'm 35,broke, only one skill,in a broke country and havent gotten laid in 5 years (got close 3 years ago), no friends,no female contact. Currently doing things to get me out of this slump, would have probably gotten more done in a normal country. Maybe you'll get some inspiration from that story.
If you must,find the highest quality girl you can find in your low population place.Keep her,don't marry,don't have kids.Just enjoy being with her for a while,for as long as you wanna.You gotta adapt to your current condition, and it seems it won't be easy or possible to spin plates where you're at.Just find your nicest girl and focus on your career.
Do you have any idea of how long you're staying in that place
Musicgoon78 2 5mo ago
Get some plates.... Jesus man, you know you can just fuck them and not give commitment or children to them right?
Maybe you'll go a bit chunky or a bit plain. That's fine. This isn't going to be the last women you ever fuck. Enjoy what this island has to offer and upgrade later. No need to flip out my friend.
Stay away from those cam girls. That will fuck up your dating and social skills
TribalChad23 5mo ago
I guess Im also worried cause im 27 and feel im wasting my prime here
Musicgoon78 2 5mo ago
You haven't even hit your prime yet homie. You're 30's and 40's are when your SMV is maxxed out.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
Your prime is yet to come. 30s and 40s, even into 50s if you stay healthy and on your mission.
TribalChad23 5mo ago
But I am use to attractive girls. Its hard to turn to chunks after being with HB8s. I have had a girl offer to fly out here but I know she wants to marry me and I dont want all that.
Musicgoon78 2 5mo ago
So what you're saying is there are absolutely zero girls with anything on this island? 20,000 uggos? I doubt that. Sounds like you're not going to try.
Doing nothing is always an option. You can choose to ride out your time there alone and celibate.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 5mo ago
Damn, that's a tough situation.
kudo's for doing the grind and taking care of your family at same time. As others have said, this is good for the long term.
I also, have no attraction to fat girls.
Such an isolated environment. You don't even want to use prostitutes with that small of environment, it will get around. Your situation is/will breed a lack of abundance, you are becoming desperate for pussy and it will likely lead to bad decisions.
Long weekend travel for prostitutes?
Bringing girls in, that can be a bad situation as you know when they expect more.
Sorry, not helping here.
TribalChad23 5mo ago
Nah I appreciate someone else atleast voicing and understanding what Im going through.
Its weird cause in the city I was legit IDGAF abundance. Id leave dates if I wasnt having any fun or felt the girl couldnt keep up. When your in this type of environment you have fattys acting like HB10s and youll see dudes with great stuff going for them desperate for some chunky pussy. Honestly just not sure what to do.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
If your primary goal is getting laid, you may need to compromise on that.
WTF kind of "ambition" do you hope a woman to have? That's a masculine trait.
TribalChad23 5mo ago
You are correct sir. I guess what I mean is a girl who is well kept and has an actual personality rather then just a girl who likes to drink tequila and get fucked and complain. A girl who takes care of herself, respectful, clean and I have actual fun with rather then just a hole.
TribalChad23 5mo ago
TBH my primary goal right now is a chick who I genuinely bond with and enjoy being around. Not really in the pump and dump phase right now.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
If you lead with a desire for a relationship, you're going to have a bad time. They'll sense that shit, and take advantage of you as they string you along. It won't even be conscious on their part most of the time.
Go for sex. Make them earn upgrades to get any kind of relationship (most won't).
Read this post from the sidebar again: HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Managing Your Bitches. Relevant excerpt, which has been borne out by the experiences of tens of thousands of men at both TRP and MRP:
That's not a phase, but rather what you do to women who are unworthy of anything past a few lays. Bad news, bud: few women are worthy of anything besides a few fucks.
If you are actively seeking sex, and actively removing unworthy women from your life, you are unlikely to ever stop pumping and dumping.
And I say this as a man who recently celebrated 19 years of being married to my wife.
mattyanon Admin 5mo ago
Can relate dude...... can relate.
Business vs happy social life.
Can you compromise somewhere? Spend some time away getting social fun? Can you work remotely.?
TribalChad23 5mo ago
It is hard to work remotely right now since I am in the office. I really do not know man.
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
I'm guessing Guam or Saipan. I lived on Saipan for a while when I was a teenager so I can relate but that was 30+ years ago and the obesity was less back then. Even then there were only about 2 hot chicks on the whole island. I was the prize so I got one but anyway you may have to fly a chick out. Have a steady pussy and then take a week or two each year and fly out to some pussy paradise and get it out of your system. Ever wonder why Vegas is so popular?
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
All the stage shows?!
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
Yup! It's totally not all the guys who have fat wives going there for prostitutes.