I was living in a big American city and was surrounded by a bunch of pussy. I’m a short guy, but there were so many girls that getting laid was easy. I ended up leaving to come home and help my father with the family businesses. I did this because I was lost in the city chasing pussy and wanted to come home to learn business. Also, my dad’s health was not well, and I wanted to be there for him since family is important to me.

I loved life in the big city, even though it’s libtard as fuck. I love the excitement and energy. I am now in a recluse island in the middle of the Pacific. I’m talking super small—40k people. Considering 80% of the population is obese, and assuming 20% is split half between men and women, that leaves 10% of those girls as women. And I am a business person, so I don’t want to spend my time with a chick who is just okay and not ambitious. I’m not expecting her to be a businesswoman, but I’m just done with simple pump and dumps. I got to the point in the city where I was dating some pretty good girls—I was consistently pulling HB7-8s. I work out, I have money, I’m 27, and I have hobbies.

I have not gotten laid in months since I moved back. It has begun to drive me insane. I don’t want to move just for the sake of getting pussy, plus I want to honor my family’s legacy, and I am gaining business skills I would never learn by being a corporate bitch for someone in the States. However, I am losing my mind. I’ve gotten addicted to porn and now cam girls. I know this is bad—I KNOW IT’S BAD, I KNOW, I KNOW!! But I’m craving connection so bad that I don’t know where else to go. I am worried there is no happy ending, but I know there is. Can anyone shed light?