I've remained in contact with the group of guys I grew up with in school, and I've valued the friendship we have a lot. Recently, I've begun to notice that they are unanimously more and more blue plilled as time goes on. Across the spectrum of politics, gender dynamics, and general moral standpoints, they are the prototypical soy males. They think it's funny to talk about how hot it would be to have mommy girlfriend. They think there is nothing wrong with playing video games all day (we are 26 now). Any discussion of the gym, or self improvement is "Nice man! That's awesome! I don't know how you do it, I could never do that."
I value their friendship, but it's only because of the history we have. They genuinely love to see me succeed, but they themselves are content to be the way they are. I have met guys later in life who are successful in multiple avenues of life, and also want me to succeed. The difference between the two is massive in terms of how much value they bring to my life.
I want to distance myself from my old friends because I think they will grow to resent me in time when they realize I am in total opposition to their lifestyles, and as much as I like them, I'm asking my life to get blown up hanging out with beta soy guys. I don't want to cut them off completely but maybe that's for the best?
Edit: I see once again that it is gay to neurotically fret over whether or not I am making redpill choices. Appreciate the replies. In case anyone else is in the same headspace as me on this topic, after taking these replies into account, I see that it's petty to cut people off for not being like you if you value them in any way. If I believe that my way of life is better than theirs, then I should demonstrate it like a leader would, and it's up to them to change their mind or not.
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
In defense of gamers, it is a legit hobby. I'd throw on a game for an hour in my 20s and play with my 40yr old neighbor. I beat Dying Light 2 with my son by playing an hour a night with him. Growing up, before video games, we'd waste a whole day playing D&D, Ninjas and Superspies, and various other RPGs.
MrSupreme 5mo ago
Finding the red pill is hard, some guys get divorced,others need to distance themselves from family members and a few just have to change their whole social circle.
Finding true supportive, fun to be with,constructive friends is hard. Take a moment to think of what they have been adding to your life, what they add now and what you add to theirs.
Also, make really darn sure you're not chasing a male unicorn ideal of a friend group,it is still blue pill conditioning to think that theres a guy group out there willing to receive you with open arms and be close to soul mates with them, like in some sitcom.
Maybe you feel that way because you're the alpha guy of the group,if that was true you're not in a bad spot.Assess the situation and ask yourself if you would give that up to be some other group's regular guy (don't be other groups beta)
But at the same time,you're just looking for someone with your own views and opinions,and finding it in friends is better than looking for that in a woman. You think things through before burning bridges mate, but your point of view is alright.
Einsamer 5mo ago
You are immature. I suppose you are in your 20s. Stop that bullshit right here and see them as what they are: nice people with a good heart. If they REALLY resent you eventually, so what? You can cut them off any time.
Seems that you have some other kind of problem that you are not aware of. Not sure what it is though. Good luck.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
I threw away a friend of 6 years because he was blue pilled and I'd just freshly unplugged
The next 3 years of my life were inadvertently extremely lonely and when I reached out to him he ghosted after making up excuses why he couldn't stay in touch and hang out
You need to evaluate how good friendships are to you as a man, not how uniformed they are about women.
If they genuinely don't even add value to your life man to man when it's just you boys hanging out together and you don't even have fun around them then yeah, what's the point
First-light 5mo ago
These guys are your friends. Only muppets cancel friends because they have different views. Just be yourself. You may drift away from them but you may not. You may find that one or two actually drift to you over time. Just wait till they are some wife's beta and miserable at home, till they put everything on the line for some girl who uses them, sucks every drop of cash from them and then discards them, wait till they get a false allegation against them or whatever. They may need you then. You may also find some times feel you need a little bit of happy mediocrity when you have pushed yourself too far, had a failure and are exhausted.
Life is a long journey. Friendships take many turns. A man does not make a good island.
About 15 years ago, one of my best and oldest friends publicly cancelled me over me being too red pill, too libertarian, having more than one woman at once and not being liberal enough. He did it in public in front of shared old school friends. This was a guy I thought of as a brother. We went to school together, we were on the same sports teams together, we went to university together, we signed up together and went through basic training together (only reserves but it was still shared history) This was a guy I had dug out of the snow on a then unclimbed mountain on an uninhabited arctic island on which we were the only 2 souls, tied onto a rope (because he was too cold to remember how to tie a knot) and dragged back across a glacier to high camp. And there he was cancelling me publicly over being too red pilled and not woke enough.
I was so angry that I was at the very point of challenging him to a duel. I have never issued a challenge to a duel but I just couldn't think of any other way to show how offended and hurt I was that he should put liberal nonsense principles before our friendship. I would sooner he shot me than that. Anyway remembering that the old timers advised that challenges should not be issued in hot blood, I left it till the morning and saw sense. I just went quiet on him. Then over the next few years he came back to me. He started to see that woke was bullshit, that women were not all angels and that for all my faults and our differences, I was still a loyal friend. These days we are closer than ever. He comes down from the capital city to visit me several times a year. He is godfather to two of my children. Never be quick to cast away a friend you have taken years to make.
timmytaliban 5mo ago
I was never exactly in the same situation with my friends being total soy boys, such as not acknowledging physical fitness being vital, etc.
But my best friend is a total simp when it comes to his girlfriend. It came down to the point where when I was back in my hometown during my summer vacation, there wasn’t a single time where we hung out together that either didn’t start or end with his girlfriend being with us. I have no problems being a 3rd wheel every now and then, but every time I see my best friend? Fuck that gets annoying.
All I can say is, tread carefully with how much you will allow your friend’s soy-ness interfere with your life. I usually draw my red line at whether or not I can have women around them.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
There's no need to cut someone out of your life just because of any of that. I've only ever cut friends out of my life because they brought nothing but trouble, and instead of lifting them up they brought me down.
No-Stress-Cat 5mo ago
Continue to be the shining example. When they see your success, they will ask you what your secret is. Invite them to come along and see for themselves.
lambOfGod 5mo ago
you have this unicorn view of what red pill is. Probably you've discovered it in the last few months/year.
You don't have to cancel your friend group because they are "blue pill". You will end up lonely, specially at 26. You think you can easily make one TRUE friend at 26 and beyond? Keep them around for hanging out.
Also, there is no "We" here. Stop believing gay gen z instagram reels of "i luv my brus, we go jim 7 days a week like the gymcels we are and wank each other off because we are healthy and we take no risks". Most millennials and zoomers would go through hell rather than say hi to the hot chick that has been working out around them for some time now. True spergs.
adam-l Moderator 5mo ago
You don't need to cut them out of your whope life. Only out of a portion of your life, the "red pill" one. Don't talk about Fight Club.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 5mo ago
If you actually enjoy getting together with them, no need to cancel.
Over time you will very likely drift apart. They doing soy boy stuff, you doing other stuff.
You do have to keep your RP beliefs to yourself. Blue's will turn against you, it's part of the culture. Just keep it to yourself and do your thing.
I work in a totally blue environment, there's just a few of us (guy and girls) that aren't and we all know who is and isn't. We have to play the game to get along.
Let it organically work itself out, which is I'm sure you will all drift apart over time.
EurasianChad 1 5mo ago
You don't have to cut them off completely. As cliche as this sounds: you start to become like the people you are most around.
Its essential you have a brotherhood of men with similar beliefs, especially when it comes to being driven to winning in whatever domain you choose.
Distance yourself if you have to, especially if they start to get way too soy.
benzino 5mo ago
Nothing wrong with this. They are supporting you.
I'd be careful and watch for backhanded compliments, or signs of envy, otherwise not every friend of yours has to be red pill, as long as they have your back. People change their views all the time, not personality
[deleted] 5mo ago
Lone_Ranger 2 5mo ago
you say you are 26
now is the time to throw yourself into your career. If you do that, all your issues in your life will get better - you will meet more ambitious and dynamic people that will form your friendship circle and network. the women will come to you (so you wont need to waste time chasing women).
forget everything else and throw yourself into your career. focus on your mission, forget about everything else. When I was 26 I bought my first house. a 4 bed house in london. all my friends thought I was nuts - I wan't married and I didn't have kids.
The solution in career is to be always a few steps ahead of the rest of the pack.