I am in my late 30s and have a successful career. I have decided not to have children of my own.

Many of my friends are just getting on with their lives. They have a job where they earn good money, but they're no longer passionate about it. They've bought a house somewhere in the suburbs and live the standard life with their wife. After work, maybe they take care of the garden and then play on the console or watch TV. Going out or real hobbies have become rare. Many of them are heading for a midlife crisis.

I like my friends. They are good people and I enjoy spending time with them from time to time. But we've also drifted apart a bit and I'd like to find more friends who are more like me. However, I have to say that I find it quite difficult to find such people. It seems that I only meet the usual standard dad in sports clubs, for example. And at professional meetings, where I find people at the same professional level as me, they really all have a stick up their ass or they sacrifice their entire life for work. Not out of passion, but because they don't know any other way. But that's not what I'm looking for either.

I'm looking for people with passion for their lives. Who want to be their best self in many areas and not just live day by day. But where and how?