Hello AskTRP,

While this is my first post on the forum, I have been aware of TRP for 6-7 years now. For context, I’m 21M , freshly graduated from university as an engineer, and have a great physique ever since I started lifting in 2021. I’m 6’1, 195 lbs, and fairly attractive.

I grew up in a fairly restrictive environment and a high school of mostly guys, so I didn’t have the proper social development when it comes to dating at a young(er) age, but I still got along quite well with the guys and a few girls (platonically), so I have the basic social skills needed as a foundation. I had only dated twice by the I graduated from high school, and in both instances I was operating from a blue pill mindset. Those two women I dated were initially attracted to me as I would find out through my friends, but I wasn’t really into them. Regardless, I still wanted to date them to get my foot in the door in terms of experience. My socializing was pretty decent when I felt comfortable or safe, but I also had severe bouts of social anxiety due to discrimination and bullying in my earlier years. Luckily, I somewhat outgrew it and could hold my ground. However, after binging on red pill content in any medium I could come across, I was able to internalize most of it and set myself up for success in university. Because of COVID, I didn’t actually go to campus until my second year, where I was still the same shy kid from high school, the only difference being the knowledge and strategies I had gathered. This made me quite successful with attracting women and hooking up in late 2021/2022, where I would effortlessly attract and escalate on OLD, clubs, and even the library. Several women in my classroom were talking to me, and naturally I developed confidence. Talking to women had become second nature. It felt as easy as talking to guys, something which I have no difficulty in doing whatsoever.

However, not too long after my home run, I meet a woman in the club and we hit it off. You see where this is going, right? I basically had a lot in common with her, and she was really into me, so I developed oneitis towards her and we were genuinely really close to getting into a relationship. We went on several dates, but we didn’t fuck, only made out and cuddled. Me being the newly minted stud, I wanted to still venture out and talk to other girls while still seeing her, so I did exactly that. But it turned out that one of the girls I was texting knew her and told on me, so on a random evening, after texting her a snap, she blocks me on all socials and never talks to me again.

Naturally, this was my first proper heartbreak, so I was demoralized and basically blackpilled for a few weeks. After going back home for the summer that year, I doubled down on the gym and learning business concepts on the side to fuel my goal of being an entrepreneur. I wouldn’t really date for a year after the breakup, where I hooked up with a girl I met at a party.

Ever since that hookup, I have been on a dry spell of almost two years now. I have made a couple of approaches in bars/clubs/cafes or through mutuals but I noticed that I no longer had the nonchalance and inner game I once possessed. As a result, my actual game and social skills started to deteriorate, which brings us to the present moment.

I have tried everything to return to that former state of DGAF-ness and aura, but nothing seems to be working. I tried reading more books, watching more videos, optimizing OLD, but I was back to that shy state younger me was in, effectively making me a virgin in mindset. Those few months of success and results feel like an alternate dimension, where ever since I have been afflicted with a curse of some sort. I don’t know why or how this happened, seeing as most guys here usually learn the concepts, apply them, and stick to them. But it genuinely feels like I have been regressing and even doubting TRP philosophy as a whole.

I don’t know if it’s possible to bring back that state anymore. I am in a negative feedback loop, but a sliver of hope remains because of the brief success I had.

How can I reclaim my pride and stop being such a wimp?