i know about 10 guys who do cold approach and are pick up artists. none of them get any dates, and all of them are awkward, and goofy. they try to play the numbers game but get no results. i know a guy who did 40k approaches. said he got a bunch of numbers, but no calls back. alot of them just sound like broken records and repeat the same stuff over and over again. they say that if you keep trying the same thing and getting the same results, youre insanet get no results. i know a guy who did 40k approaches. said he got a bunch of numbers, but no calls back. alot of them just sound like broken records and repeat the same stuff over and over again. they say that if you keep trying the same thing and getting the same results, youre insane40k approaches. said he got a bunch of numbers, but no calls back. alot of them just sound like broken records and repeat the same stuff over and over again. they say that if you keep trying the same thing and getting the same results, youre insane
Posted 6mo ago in Game Question - Permalink - Locked - 2K Views
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mattyanon Admin 6mo ago
The irony ...
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
Your retardation inspired this thread in the shitpost tribe at the trp.red side of the site.
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
I think I had a stroke reading this shit. It repeated over and over. It made me want to throw up.
At any rate, cold approach is really ineffective if you are uncalibrated. You aren't attracting someone to be in your presence, you are forcing your presence on them.
If you go out and only do cold approach, you aren't having fun. This isn't attractive and will yield shitty results.
I don't think cold approach is super effective without confidence and charm.
scribble 6mo ago
if you have charm and confidence why would you need to do cold approach. wouldnt you be attracting females just by being confident and charming? also what sane man would remain confident after being rejected all day long?
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
Is that a statement or a question?
scribble 6mo ago
heres the thing. im neither confident, nor charming, but l am still able to attract relatively attractive females, so l dont actually have to do cold approach. im just curious as to why confident and charming men would have to do cold approach
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
Are you putting yourself on a pedestal?
Some people suck at game. The end.
Cold approach is a sperg tell. Normal guys have conversations. Spergs cold approach.
Lone_Ranger 2 6mo ago
MrSupreme 6mo ago
That's like saying sales don't work because you're not selling stuff. It is all in the salesman, sometimes the salesman is even more influential in the choice of buying something than the product itself. You'll see it in politics,sales,marketing and game. Cold approaching will get frustrating if you're not doing it right, like having that shitty attitude towards it.
scribble 6mo ago
l know plenty of pua who swear up and down that it works yet get 0 results. they believe in it so much, theyre trying to convince others of how great it is like they are an evangelist
scribble 6mo ago
heres the thing though. men who do cold approach are usually mentally ill, and have very few friends. men who are mentally healthy, and large groups of friends dont normally do cold approach. in fact, how many guys do you know who date a lot actually do cold approach? i know none. but as i said, i know a bunch of pua, and none of them get any results, and ive never seen any females around them except for when theyre doing cold approach
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
What are you confused on? That awkward dudes can't get laid no matter how awkward they try to be?
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 6mo ago
scribble 6mo ago
from a man;s perspective, he doesnt know who the female is, and although he may want to approach, he will normally not approach for his own safety. as much as society likes to focus on female safety, men also want to protect themselves, and jumping at a random female because she's beautiful is risky behavior. the female could be a criminal, or associated with criminals. this is why the vast majority of men who cold approach tend to have no friends, are mentally ill, and, or desprate.
from a females perspective, she also doesnt know who the man is who is approaching her. she doesnt know if he is a criminal, or mentally ill. therefore, out of self preservation, she's likely to decline a pua. like her man counterpart, a female who accepts an "instadate" is likely to be low value, and, or desprate.
so whether youre the one doing cold approach, or the one welcoming a pua, there's probably something wrong with you
scribble 6mo ago
ive always noticed that animals cant just randomly enter another group, and expect to be welcomed with open arms. often times, they will even be attacked. also an old animal will never take a baby animal that doesnt belong to it. there are all these unwritten rules to being an animal. cold approach is one of them. people just dont respond well to them. when christians approach random people, the vast majority of people just walk away, and don't want to hear it. same thing goes for salesmen. and same for pick up artists. when pick up artists try to cold approach females, it's like an ant trying to join another colony, or a pupy trying to get an unrelated adult dog to adopt it. theyre going against the rules of nature
First-light 6mo ago
Very good simile there -cold approach is like the mad christian street preacher who approaches you with a leaflet and an invitation to join some meeting you never heard or and never wanted to go near. Who actually takes the leaflet home and then instead of binning it calls the number on it? The weak and lonely, seeking salvation from the emptiness of their lives. Do you want a weak and lonely, woman who says yes to random salesmen? You don't even know if you will like her, because you know nothing about her at all, she is a stranger. If she said yes to you how many other random guys has she said yes to?
You know nothing about her. What sane man wants to expend his energy on women he doesn't even know if he can stand an hour in their company? -A desperate man. Desperation is a huge turn off for women.
As I said in my reply that has been for some reason deleted, cold approach has limited value even to the successful. But when it is done by those who are not naturally good with women, naturally good at reading people's characters and desires fast from small details, good at picking settings (like a bar single women looking for a good time frequent not a busy street), good at knowing when to leave alone a lost cause, then its a losing game.
Talk to strange women yes. See if you might like them. If you like them, talk to them more and maybe arrange to see them again. But cold approach is putting the cart before the horse. First a man and a woman like each other, then the guy asks the girl out, not the other way around, the other way around shows a lack of judgement or a total confusion of priorities.
MidgetSpinner 6mo ago
You said cold approach doesn't work.
You also said your friends are pickup artists.
Lastly, you said they're all awkward and goofy.
All of these statements contradict. Your friends are not pickup artists, they're pickup autists. The reason it's not working for them right now is because they're awkward and goofy.
wegojim 6mo ago
Schizo post
Lionsmane8 6mo ago
Dude, you sound like you are rationalizing.
whytehorse2021 6mo ago
Social circles are a far better method than cold approach. Cold approach is far better than online dating. Online is far better than pick up artistry. I'd have to know more about these guys that can't get ANY dates from cold approach to comment on that. It's a very simple method but yeah random as hell so it's a numbers game.