I've been working hard on myself and am now in a situation I've always wanted: sleeping with multiple younger attractive girls. I'm 34, missed out on fucking around in my teens/20s, so I'm having that phase now while I'm living/traveling abroad.

I have a FWB for several months I see weekly, another new girl I'm starting to sleep with, and continuing to cold approach regularly. I'm perfectly happy with ONS that I then try to turn into FWB if I find the girl attractive/interesting enough.

Thing is, I know most of these girls want a relationship. They're too scared to say it straight up but they frequently talk about it indirectly (like why am I not good enough for a relationship, am I not pretty, calling me a playboy, etc.).

Should I tell them straight up to dispel any notions of a relationship? I think it's already clear from my actions that I'm not looking for a GF because I avoid romantic dates and mostly invite over to my place or go to a bar/club first, have sex every time we meet, etc.

As a related question, I feel kinda bad, like I'm wasting their time. I genuinely enjoy spending time with certain women and have stayed in touch with some who are traveling, living in a different country, etc. But I'm not ready for a relationship because I have too much shit I want to get done first and still want to enjoy fucking around.

Would appreciate any advice and perspective.