Been with a girl for three dates off online dating. Didn't get to fuck or kiss her, but all the steps in the escalation ladder were done. Asked her on two dates, couldn't kiss her off those dates because she was repelling me. So I thought time to just withdraw cause not getting what I wanted. Told her to ask me out if she wanted to see me again, in a way giving her a last chance. Third date she brought up the "What are we?" chat in a negative light, she said when we spend time together she only sees me as a friend. Then gave some random cop out excuse.

I proceeded to tell her that I'm not interested in dating her anymore, and that when I cut things off I do it clean (never getting back together). I might have acted a bit beta after that and some of the things I said afterwards. But at the moment I genuinely never wanted to see her again. And I thought I'm not spending time on a girl who's basically admitting to me that she doesn't like me.

I'm kind of new to this kind of stuff. Was this the correct response or could I have handled it better?

UPDATE: fixed some grammar and clarified some things