I just canceled all my subscriptions to afford rent increases. No more chatGPT, Suno soundcloud, MidJourney, AWS, etc. I've basically just looked at my account and cut anything that doesn't return a positive revenue. I even scaled back to minimum car insurance. Seriously, my rent went up $100/mo and I covered that by cutting subscriptions. I'll be jogging in the snow and utilizing rate-limited free AI stuff but that's fine.

I just want to get a feel for how the economy is playing out for other guys. Like I almost never can afford steak anymore and my local grocery store stopped carrying most beef cuts. To make things worse economically I've been growing a bunch of fruits and veggies at my rental house, making us buy less. It's just a few dollars here and there in savings but if everyone does it then prices will crash, which seems to be happening with things that grow well where I live.