My upper body is excellent (1.8 shoulder-waist ratio, defined arms chest and abs) and glutes/quads are toned. However my calves are extremely skinny despite hitting them really hard + playing multiple sports and make me look liek i skip leg day. How detrimental is this to an otherwise above average physique? I notice I get a lot more girls looking my way when I wear something like a tanktop with jeans/cargos compared to when i wear shorts. Or it could be in my head. Thoughts?
Posted 3mo ago in Self-Improvement Q - Permalink - Locked - 1K Views
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Wintergreen 3mo ago
I think calves are just a trend that gym bros like to talk about because they are hard to build and many people don’t train them because they’re not the most important muscles for aesthetics.
You are currently just finding reasons to be hard on yourself.. you could have the sexiest calves in the world but bitches are probably not going to even notice unless they are heavily into fitness, to the point of knowing how difficult building calves is, in which case they’d respect the gains but they’d probably still prefer delts/biceps/triceps/traps.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
They notice
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Men are more rated on their upper bodies but it is noticable and yes it does hurt you.
Women do use the phrase "chicken legs". Even if they love your arms and fuck you they will keep the negative in mind. Most won't be honest at all but they are thinking it. It won't matter per se in terms of results but it matters enough to that they notice and yes hypergamy would be a factor if they saw a similar guy with better legs
So yeah, don't skip leg day and train your calves
joyboy 3mo ago
I think calves are mostly genetic. I don’t skip leg day at all, I’m happy with my quads/glutes and squat/DL numbers but my calves are just toothpicks. I spam calf raises but have seen minimal growth. Not sure what else I could do
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
Trail running is excellent for calves.
Lunges help too.
Here's the thing: with any muscle or muscle group or even overall fitness, if you aren't getting the results you want after several months, you need to change some things up.
however calves alone aren't going to keep you from getting laid. There are plenty of chicken-legged dudes who get laid. So yeah, work on them and try new things, but don't sweat it too much to the point that you're obsessing over it and missing out on girls who are interested right now.
Edit: it's early, and my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, so I just noticed something after already replying to you:
The exercises you listed don't really target the calves all that much.
are you doing calf raises?!
For variety and better results, do raises with your toes pointed straight forward, pointed inwards, and pointed outwards. Also have something the balls of your feet are resting on that's elevated above your heel like a piece of plywood or something (start small until you're used to this, and progress to using stairs or curbs). Do them with bodyweight or with additional weight.
wegojim 3mo ago
Calves are a small muscle like the biceps and delts. How many days per week are you training calves? The recovery time on calves is much quicker than say, the back or quads. If you're only training calves once per week you are definitely missing out. Try hitting them with more frequency, and dial it back if you feel like they're not recovered the next time you go to do them. Make sure you aren't doing seated calf raises as they seem to be inferior to standing in my experience.
Get a full stretch on the calf as if you're trying to touch your toes to your shins before you do a full contraction, the growth stimulus is best when you struggle in the stretched position.
joyboy 3mo ago
Twice a week and yeah I’ve been mostly doing seated. I recently switched to standing so I hope that’ll show more results
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Angle, intensity, the type of exercise. I can't explsin it just refuse to accept it's genetics. You can work your calves, you're doing it wrong
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Yeah I hope whoever is down voting me is better at raising their calves than raising my karma
benzino 3mo ago
You can train calves but genetics play a big role bro. Some people just have small calves no matter how much they train (Jon Jones for example).
Try to train it as much as possible but at the end if you have small calves it's best to downsize the upperbody a bit for a better look. If you're just going for aesthetics then body fat is more important than size
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Duh. I've lifted. But to say it's impossible is cope. You absolutely can
Basic Einstein rule: doing the same thing 1000 times and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
There are lifts and exercises and forms that builds more than normal
financehardo420 3mo ago
First of all don’t wear cargo shorts
joyboy 3mo ago
I don’t the only shorts i wear chino/khakis or jogger shorts. I said jeans/cargo PANTS
Lone_Ranger 2 3mo ago
this is all hopeless main character syndrome.
You are fixating on some tiny aspect of yourself that others will never notice or care about.
It's actually quite a feminine behaviour. I'm surprised that nobody else called you out on this in the comments.
MrSupreme 3mo ago
I remember reading an Arnold Schwarzenegger article a long time ago, where he said both calves and abs can be trained daily,no rest needed.Think about it
EurasianChad 1 3mo ago
It's in your head.
You're doing your best to grow the calves. If they stay stubborn, what else can you really do?
Accept what you cant change and own it.
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
The main problem is you're training calves to appease women. If you want to work on your calves, do it for you.
You're mistaking women for men. They don't think the same and aren't visually as driven as men. Most guys that say shit like looksmaxxing are usually incels.
Now, if you think that calves are a make or break for women, you don't understand women at all. This will make less that a half of a percent difference if that on why a woman would choose you.
This tells me that your grasping at straws and are struggling with success and understanding of game.
After my divorce I was big. 370 pounds. I didn't think of any shortcomings. I pulled some scorching hot girls. It was all game and it would blow my mind how much pussy I could get as a fat fuck.
Never once did a hot girl me ruin my weight. They would rave about how fun I was or how I was always smiling.
Never once has nice calves entered into a girls checklist of traits they must have in a partner.
Focus on your social skills and lift for you.
No-Stress-Cat 3mo ago
If you don't want to end up with chicken legs, MORE SQUATS!