First of all, thank you so much to AskTRP and TRP. I'm growing financially stronger(Investing and trading) and physically stronger(3x gym and 3x cycling/running) and I'm mentally stronger(Stoicism). I came here to learn about women so many years ago.I got laid multiple times being in the East. Thank you once again.

The problem I'm facing right now is pretty common. I wonder if there's even a solution to this. I have been with so many women and all those women were so good to me at first but later most of them became so awful that I wondered if I had invested in the wrong girl. In fact, they were perfect marriage material for me at first. We know this is sidebar material. Hyper-gamy, Solipsism, light-switch mechanism and more. Believe me, there are cases where I didn't lose my frame and still these girls got rotten overtime.

This isn't even a problem for me if I were to pump and dump but I want to have a good family. I want to marry a good lady. I'm from a country where there are relatively good girls but those girls are rare. know there are no unicorns so even if I get a good lady, I'm not going to love her more than myself. I have done that shit before. Not anymore.

I believe the problem is I'm bad at shit-testing women or testing women in general. How to shit-test women? What are the questions you ask for shit-testing? I want to select a good woman for marriage. I can get plenty of virgins in my country so that's not a problem.

Update : I think even if I said I'm from the East, a lot of people didn't notice. I'm NOT from the west.