Edit: ignore the bold, idk how to make it go away.

I’ll admit, I have a problem with overthinking.

I think the issue might be this: whenever I’m thinking about a scenario, particularly interactions with other people and what they might’ve meant when they said things/refrained from saying things, instead of just concluding something positive such as, “they probably meant ” I think “they probably meant ” and then I go deeper and try to imagine the feelings and thoughts and if I would say/not say things when I’m feeling that.

Example: someone looks at my shoe and does a double take and I ask then what that was all about, and they say “nothing”. I could just think, “They probably just wanted to check the brand” or something, but then I start to wonder if they were really just thinking that my shoes were ugly and that I have shit style. So then I start to put myself in their position and see if their behaviors would happen if they were thinking the positive thing or the negative thing. This is a made up example, but hopefully it makes sense.

Do other people do this? Is it just a lack of confidence?

Additionally, a lot of times I make a conclusion about a scenario, and instead of moving on I have to run the scenario by other people, and only when they say what I was thinking (typically without me suggesting it because I don’t want to feed them the answers) will I be able to accept the positive conclusion.

Is this normal? What causes this?