what has your experience been with women on birth control vs off it? I heard it destroys female libido and induces mood swings (as well potentially causing cancer or heart disease, etc). hypothetically, if 18 years of child support weren't a part of the equation, would you prefer that your ltr/str was on the pill or no?
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Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
I'm biased because of vasectomy (obviously i prefer girls off the pill because they don't need it or side effects with me) but I have noticed way more problems in women on the pill even when I still use condoms.
Of all the women I've fucked (crazy factor controlled for) the ones on the pill were fucking headaches and had a lot of mental problems above and beyond crazy factor. You could tell some girls just have their own problems pill or no pill but the ones on the pill seemed uniquely emotionally unstable in ways different than damaged women that weren't on it.
Don't get me wrong I've fucked crazies that didn't believe in birth control but none of them had the kind of weird emotional reactions as girls on it. I mean the pill basically has their body in a perpetual state of fetusless pregnancy. They are going to have weird emotions.
The ones on the pill were so unpredictable to me. They'd all get really attached and then freak out and act crazy and break as plates in the weirdest more dramatic ways. Maybe I'm shit at explaining this but of all the women on the pill I've fucked i have definitely noticed a difference in emotional reactivity and immaturity different than that of just crazy.
The pill just breaks these women in unique ways. I've not seen it really affect their libido and have marathon fucked multiple of them and they are horny and give a lot of unsolicited head etc, but the emotional bullshit that comes with the pill is a nope for me if i had a choice for them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Alright this was my last AskTRP for a while. I'm holding myself to it now.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
I don't believe you.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
It's a struggle man. Hold me to it lol
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
My wife was on the pill when we got together, and has been off it ever since we found out it was causing or at least contributing to health problems (right after we got engaged).
I didn't see any real difference in mood swings at all. She was just as bitchy at that time of the month as she was before quitting.
As far as exes prior to her, I never saw the ones who were on go off of it, and I never saw the ones who weren't on it go on it, so I really don't know.
No other factor weighs in, so I really wouldn't give two shits.
benzino 3mo ago
I know 2. So here's my take.
Both had high libidos, sex was great. No problem in that regard.
One I ghosted because I didn't like her that much and one day she made a fuss about me not replying fast enough while I was on a trip with the boys. That probably would have happened with other girls too.
The other - my recent ex was a headache at the end. But I believe that has nothing to do with the pills. She just has issues on her own.
So by personal experience, nothing out of the ordinary. They do have nicer skin and the first girl told me that she takes it because of that reason, and she doesn't have to deal with periods.
About birth control - only if you trust her enough and you know she's actually taking the pills, which you don't. Otherwise I would prefer something you do have control over.
pofkaf 3mo ago
My LTR of 2 years has been on birth control since high school (mid 20s now). It's to regulate her cycle more than anything.
Those two specific issues you mentioned are nowhere to be found in my experience. Her libido is normal I'd say, and her lady bits work perfectly from a physical standpoint. She also doesn't get mood swings aside from the typical woman-ese nonsense. In general she has been lightyears better compared to any other girlfriend I've had.
With that said, she doesn't even know how her body would react to stop taking the pill. Perhaps her libido and/or mood would drastically change. Who knows? She's been on the pill for so long.
I think that women on the pill tend to be more promiscuous, which is indicative of other emotional problems anyways. The pill is just a side effect, not the disease. So it doesn't matter if a women is taking birth control or not...it's the woman herself who matters in a relationship.
Just try it out for yourself.
First-light 3mo ago
The pill provides a stable state of abnormality. It may or may not be preferable to what normal would be like for her.
A well regulated woman who eats healthily, sleeps close to sunset with minimal screen time and does a sensible amount of exercise will very probably be more fun 3 weeks of the month and have higher sex drive in about 10 days of the month.
Some women settle down very happily when pregnant, some find it hard and the pill is a fake pregnancy that keeps ending. I very much doubt that the science is wrong. Its very hard to get anything scientific passed as permissible if it says women act hormonally (because this gives the lie to the great tenet of feminism that they are equal and can perform equally). If Western science says women on the pill are more likely to have less libido and be less likely to ditch a man (because they will grab and hold a beta when pregnant), then its probably right. But these are the averages.
The individual woman will not necessarily be the average and a lot will depend on how balanced her hormones would be naturally.
Lone_Ranger 2 3mo ago
It's hard to be sure that the pill causes a decline in libido, because of confounding factors.
Taking the pill is highly correlated with being in an LTR. And nothing dries a woman's panties faster than the love and commitment of an LTR. So the medical research shows that the pill is correlated with a decline in libido, but science is so blue pilled that it can't control for the fact that women simply don't desire beta guys, and they view all guys that would be in an LTR with them as beta. Because they are broken sluts.
MrSupreme 3mo ago
Had an 8 year relationship, she was on the pill for about 6-7 of those years. Mood swings, gaslighting, lying, polycystic ovaries, obesity, everything was a power struggle, no loss of libido though. Honestly,it probably is worth it, I don't have kids but can't even imagine what it would be like to have one with the wrong person.
Lone_Ranger 2 3mo ago
"but can't even imagine what it would be like to have one with the wrong person." answer = expensive.
Like $1m per kid expensive.
whytehorse2021 3mo ago
It's highly individual. Work with a Dr to get it right.
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
I have a vasectomy so I raw dog all the time. But my girl has to start taking BC for some health reasons for a while. She would burst out crying for stupid shit and had this weird brain fog. Hormones are no joke.