Field Report from a date I went on yesterday: This was a date during the afternoon, so you can imagine the energy was different from a night date.
Met her at the train station—she paid for a train to come and see me. Started the date with a hug, simple questions at first, then I guided her to the location I wanted to go to without telling her.
I let her talk most of the time while we were walking: First thing I noticed I need to improve is presence. Sometimes I got lost in my own thoughts for a few seconds before coming back to listening to her. This might’ve been because I found her conversation boring. For the people here, tell me how I can improve this... Should I just change the topic to something more fun or what? Give me some advice on this. Since dates in the afternoon don’t have too much of a flirty vibe, I brought her to a bowling club. This place was dark with colorful lights, which helped set the right energy, in my opinion, since it gave us the mood of a nightclub with music in the background.
Anyway, we played some bowling, and I bought drinks to sip on while playing. She said she didn’t know how to play well, so I explained it to her, touching her while showing the movements—making her bend over and touching her lower back while guiding her through the motions.
One thing I noticed was we didn’t talk much while playing. I was hoping for some random conversation, but at the moment, nothing came to mind, so we just played while I teased her, tickling her to make her lose, and other stuff like that.
Then we played some pool in the same place. I teased her a lot more during that time. We still didn’t get into deep conversations, but I was making jokes and stuff while playing.
There was a lot of physical touch going on. Sometimes she sat on the side of the pool table, and one time she was sitting in a way that showed off her ass, so I told her I don’t get distracted that easily.
While playing, I tried to make the game as fun as possible—distracting her, touching her, and stuff like that. I don’t remember all the details, but I know I hugged her from behind a couple of times, trying to block her or something.
Throughout all the kino I used, she didn’t seem bothered at all. She was always laughing and enjoying it.
When I noticed I was initiating too much physical touch, I decided to hold back for a bit. After about 10-15 minutes, I saw her finding ways to touch me, so that was a good sign.
After a bit, I got bored of pool, so we left the place.
I didn’t find a good moment to kiss her during this time, nor did I feel any spikes in energy.
When we went outside, I took her to the beach for a walk. During the walk, she was kind of upset that I paid for everything. I took it as a shit test and played with her hands, using cocky and funny responses to her questions. At some point, she pulled out a 10€ note and tried to put it in my pants, so I played around with that.
I tickled her, ran away, hugged her from behind while tickling her, and stuff like that. Eventually, she managed to give me the 10€, but a few minutes later, I tricked her by saying she had something on her clothes and slipped the note into her cleavage, then ran away. She started laughing and didn’t seem upset at all by that move.
While walking on the beach, she showed me her perfume, so I took the chance to get close to her neck multiple times and let her smell my fragrance, which led to more physical touch. While smelling her perfume, I put my hand on her hip, and she didn’t pull away.
I realized that was probably the best moment to kiss her, but after standing there for like two seconds, she immediately started walking again, so I didn’t have time to lock eyes or make a move.
I didn’t even have time to put my hand on her neck to try and pull her in to see if she was receptive.
If anyone has advice on what I could’ve done differently, let me know. I need guidance from those with more experience. Are there other ways to find the best moment to kiss or create the moment in general?
As we kept walking, we stopped at a place on the beach with bars where people usually exercise. I teased her a lot there. At some point, we both got on an exercise machine similar to a bicycle, and we were grinding on each other with clothes on.
Then I saw the time—it was late, so I decided to walk her back to the train station. While walking, I put my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, especially when crossing the road. She said she felt much safer walking with me.
In the end, we greeted each other at the station. I wanted to go for the kiss but didn’t get the chance to create the moment because she jumped on me with a hug. Even when I tried to pull away, she held on. We hugged for a good 30 seconds.
Two minutes after we said goodbye, she texted me, saying she had a great afternoon and will do anything possible to come back to my town.
What I’ve noticed:
I definitely could’ve kissed her at some point but didn’t manage to find the right moment. I need to improve on creating and leading those moments without breaking the flow. (Need advice on this)
I forgot to stay mysterious sometimes and didn’t take enough time to reflect on how to answer her questions. I acted cocky and funny throughout the whole date, though, so I think I passed about 80% of the shit tests.
A lot of times, I don’t find the right words or can’t think of anything interesting to say to keep the conversation going. I definitely need to approach more and focus on using the Red Pill as effectively as possible. I care much less now when it comes to physical touch, and I’m not scared to touch a girl anymore, but I still lack in other areas.
If you’ve read the whole thing, let me know if you have any advice on what I could improve—explain in detail. Any kind of advice is appreciated.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Yes.... But read Day Bang by Roosh V. The energy NEEDED during day game is lower than night game. The energy is different in terms of implication night dates are more likely to result in lays because of overnight potential. You can absolutely use nightgame during the day, during an established date. Don't mentally cripple your potential like this
If a woman rides 40 minutes to see you for a first date you need to automatically take more risks. She's already that invested
Letting her talk is an amazing strategy but letting her lead conversation is terrible. A man can let a woman talk 95% of the conversation and still lead it himself. When women have boring conversations, there are an infinite amount of things to tease them about (playfully of course).
If you're sitting there bored it's because you're boring. Tease her about something teaesable. Purposely take something out of context for lols. A woman's boring convo is a Zen Asshole's playground for flirtatious teasing. Women will always say something stupid to tease for game
Just tonight i corrected a brand new chick's dance move (who i met 10 minutes prior) and she said "k. K. K." As in "okay" 3 times. I was on the verge of saying "kkk? You're so racist" but i chose not to. Zen Assholeism can turn most benign comments into emotional teases and running jokes
I could have jokingly called this woman a racist forever any time i wanted to rile her up in the future and made it an on command joke forever in response to anything she ever said again that could even be considered 5% racist and it would have been a gold mine go to. I should have, and i regret not doing it. Tease her boring crap it is easy if you're willing.
Never be boring. Women are mostly boring. Be fun. Fun leads to sex.
Mistake. Don't do turn taking dates. You two are literally away from each other half the date.
Good save. Don't do turn taking dates ever again unless it's pool where you are still next to them and can shit talk/banter/touch
Alright, I'll admit this was genius. But it wouldn't have worked if she knew how to play better.
Because there isn't. Kissing at a bar/club/family establishment is cringey. Unless they have an outdoor patio at night and you two are alone it's cringe. Hence you avoid limiting yourself to such plans.
Good. Always venue hop. If they are willing to go from one place to another with you they are both compliant and invested. Always hop. Makes it easier to pull.
Bruh you could have kissed at any time. I'm not going to quote block anything else about the kiss. She gave you countless high energy, strong vibe tells that you could have kissed her. Including when you were stopped and could have. Literally man even if they are yapping away on a high note, as long as they are having good time you can interrupt their yapping with a decisive kiss.
Idk what the fuck you were waiting for. Queue family guy meme. Any high note will do. Stop being a bitch, there were like 12 times you could have done it in your FR. Even more if you had made opportunities for it.
This woman obviously wanted you and was highly receptive to more even just 1/3 through the date. You had a surprisingly high amount of game sense but missed about 50% of that killer instinct you could have had.
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
First of all: great work, you did so much right! You'll probably see her again.
Good work on holding back. Sometimes you gotta make them do more work and thus invest more in you.
Don't sweat the lack of kissing: the tension there might work in your favour.
If you want a way to make it happen though:
The cash thing: not a shit test, she wants things fair because she wants to fuck you. It's good, and you don't need to worry about it.
Know when to drop the teasing and stay in comfort and mutual investment with only occasional emotional spikes. During hugs make sure to keep it sexual so you don't feel like her brother: face close to neck (maybe kiss or bite it), squeeze her thigh or ass or at least very lower back.
Tempsyy 3mo ago
Hey, thanks for the feedback, I have to check out the triangle gazing thing, if you have any useful links I would appreciate it. As for the hugs I am not sure but I think yeah I was touching her lower back (not her ass tho).
I actually wanted to give a kiss on her neck either at the start of the date or at the end (the moments when we hugged basically) but I didn't do it, probably pussied out and it's also because I was kind of scared her not appreciating it, I wasn't visualizing the fact that:
"I am entitled to her body, it's her responsibility to protect herself from unwanted physical touch".
Anyways thanks again for the comment I will study and improve even more
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
triangle gazing: it's just left eye, right eye, lips, in a triangle. It's including the lips that makes it such a good prelude to a kiss and sets the tone/expectation. then lean in. she'll get it.
avoid "kiss at end of date". much better halfway through, even if you have to force it a bit with either cozy corner and triangle gazing, or the gentle grab and turn as you leave a venue to go to the next.
This is one attitude.
Mine is more like "escalate to find out".
pofkaf 3mo ago
There is no "best moment" for a kiss. That's some Disney fantasy bullshit. Just go for it, then make out if she's receptive.
Other than that, solid report.
Tempsyy 3mo ago
thanks pofkaf
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
First dates shouldn't be comfortable. Comfortable is boring. Boring doesn't give the tingles. Now, I go out of my way to give a touch of discomfort to spice up the date.
Am I on my best behavior? No.
Am I a bit crude? Yes
Am I agreeable? No unless I like the idea of something that she throws out.
Am I humble? No I'm so confident that it's comical.
I'm never thinking of how easy or pleasant this date should be, I want to be entertained. And believe me, your date wants the same. As she wades through the turds that call themselves men, she longs for something better. Not a slow moving interview with a gradual ramp up. A wild rollercoaster ride with a guy that's not afraid to be a bit crazy and have fun.
This is a new age my friend. You're not courting a virtuous and demure virgin, you are more than likely spitting game on a hoe that has ridden the carousel for a while. She isn't innocent and you've got to speak to that deviant side of her. She doesn't want respectful and slow, she wants strong, quick, dirty and confident. She can find that other slow weak shit from every other chump out there.
This is to say there is no magic moment to kiss a girl. My magic moment is: I want to kiss this chick. And then I do.
When you have a girlfriend, you don't need the lunar cycle to be in retrograde of mercury or some other bullshit. It's just I feel like kissing my girl and the you do so. My suggestion is just treat women on dates like she is yours. (Watch body language of course).
This shows copious amounts of confidence and also gives her a very real time feel of what it's like to be with a man that has no hesitation about going after what he wants.
I think you did a great job jumping into this! It was solid. My main feedback would just be to stir shit up playfully if the conversation is getting stagnant. Also be bold and decisive with your escalation. You'll be a regular Don Juan in no time if you keep this up. Good job!
Tempsyy 3mo ago
Thank you very much for the comment, this will definitely help. One thing I have to improve is reminding myself this quote during dates:
"I am entitled to her body and it's her responsibility to protect herself from unwanted physical affection, not yours to guess how much affection she is comfortable with"
I can definitely say that I've gotten so much better since I started my self imrovement journey, 6 months ago when I first started I would've been so fucking scared to even touch the hand of a girl XD.
Thanks again for the advice, appreciate it