Third date, went well, but I'll let you guys judge from an external perspective.

We start off with a hug, and besides that, I'd like to point out that she took a 40-minute train ride to come see me.

As mentioned, the date starts with a hug, then I take her for a walk just to chat a bit. I avoid boring questions and, in some cases, prefer silence (to avoid saying stupid shit since I know I'm a bit slow).

We take a stroll, I bring her to some clothing stores she wants to check out, but I soon realize I’m getting bored, so I decide to take us to a bar.

Here’s the first point: I don’t know why I didn’t think to take her to a bar from the start. This bored me to the point where I finally realized I should be the one making decisions, not her.

One thing I definitely need to improve is talking to more girls and being able to sustain longer conversations, because after a while, we started talking about things that were too deep, and it brought her mood down.

Moving on with the story:
Let's rewind a bit. During the first 30-40 minutes of walking, I decide to take her to the beach. For context, we met at 5 PM, so it was definitely a more intimate setting than just walking down the street. She tells me she's free to stay for dinner, but I had another commitment, so I told her no, and that we’d leave at the same time as last time. I also told her that if she'd let me know earlier, maybe I could’ve stayed.
In any case, during these first 30-40 minutes, she’s very playful, and I am too. We tease each other during the conversation.

A few things that made me laugh:

  • A car stops way early to let us cross, and she asks if the car stopped for her or for me. I respond: “It stopped for me, obviously.”

During dates, being a bit "egocentric" helps, especially in maintaining my "frame" of being attractive and the best choice for her.

Then she starts to "force" a conversation about relationships and my history with other girls.
At first, I don’t answer and reflect the question like it’s a “shit test” and ask her: “How’s it going with guys for you?”

I think this was a mistake since her response was:
“Well, maybe it’s still a bit early (since she broke up with her boyfriend two months ago or less).”

Damn, I’m not sure if it was a mistake—what do you guys think?

Then she reflects it back to me, so I keep it short:
"Have you had relationships in the past?"
"Yeah, two, but they didn’t work out."

"What do you do with other girls?"
"Whatever comes to mind."

(Maybe this second answer wasn’t perfect—give me your opinion.)

Moving on...

We go to a few shops, blah blah blah, I get bored and suggest going to a bar. We go, she’s underage, but I offer her a drink because I know she drinks and has done so before.

I take her to a bar that was quite busy. She sits across from me, but I tell her, "Come sit next to me, I can’t hear you otherwise."
She agrees—another way to get closer.

I notice during the conversation that she’s moving her eyes a lot, so I grab her by the chin and say, "Look me in the eyes." She does, and I feel a stronger connection. She talks to me a bit about her insecurities, I listen, and when she finishes, I tell her I’m going to the bathroom. While there, I pay for the drinks quietly, so I’m free afterward.

I come back, compliment her on the fact that she doesn’t wear much makeup, which I genuinely appreciate.

Nice and all, then we leave and head back to the beach. The conversations are more random and fun, I can tell the alcohol has kicked in. She’s not drunk, but her mood has definitely improved. We sit by a fountain—cute, romantic—and chat. Then we stop talking, I put my hand on the back of her neck, look into her eyes, then at her lips, and go in for a kiss, but she resists. I stop and continue the conversation like nothing happened.

Time goes on, it gets late, I take her back to the station, we wait for the train. I recreate the moment, she doesn’t resist, but when I go in for the kiss, she turns her head. So I kiss her on the cheek instead. Again, I pretend like nothing happened, I’m happy and keep making jokes. We keep talking, the train arrives, she gives me a hug, then another. During the second hug, I kiss her on the cheek. She says, "Oh, how cute." She goes to kiss me on the cheek, but I turn my head, and she stops about a millimeter from my lips. We don’t kiss, but as she’s about to get on the train, I tell her, "Give me a kiss," offering my cheek. She hugs my neck and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I’d say that’s good progress.

Tell me what you think I did wrong, what I did right, if I should have gone for the kiss or something else, avoided certain conversations, etc.

In any case, from my point of view, I should’ve wasted less time, and we should’ve gone to the bar at least an hour earlier to create the right dynamic, giving me more time to attempt the kiss.

I’m really happy that I didn’t act "needy" or weird when I was rejected for the kiss, and I appreciate that I confronted the fear of taking action and going for it.

She texted me when she got home, and that’s it.

Oh, and besides all that, she mentioned several times that she wants to see me again (even after I tried to kiss her).

What do you guys think?