Is it backgrounds of travel locations? Wealthy interior design backdrops? Vibe and energy at time of photo?
I've had photos that show me physically attractive as a person, with moderate success. When I changed to photos around my house that is worth a lot of money, I attracted a lot during my trip to Korea where wealthy is important and western designs aren't common. The photos were all taken in 30 mins and unedited.
I'm stuck at that place where my photos are performing well enough but I'm not 1% top. I'm like 5 or 10% top.
There's gotta be some things that can bump me up to the top 1% in the west.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
How about you get off OLD and get into the real world and actually talk to people, if you are interested in meeting women?
The issue with OLD (which is now a kind of social media) is that it is a 'female space'. And to participate, men have to adopt a female mindset, and start behaving like a woman.
When you ask what you should do in order to appear more attractive to women, you have already fallen into the trap of adapting your way for the female gaze. This is the route towards a feminized life. I see it all around me. Men fall into this trap easily - the next step is a man bun, and going to pilates.
I'm a bit heterodox in this respect, but I suggest trying other ways to live your life than through OLD.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
You don't. You do it IRL with your demeanor/behavior.
Why are you leading with your wallet? Do you want women to peg you as beta bucks?
Back when I was single, I actively hid any hint of having money. I wanted women who wanted me, not for me to buy them stuff.
Here's a good post on the topic that was posted fairly recently: What are you leading with?
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
Dammit. I didn't read this before posting. We are at least on the same page.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
Happens to me all the time.
Hence my being known for frequently saying "fucker beat me to it!"
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
Legitimate smiles and being surrounded by happy groups of people.
Exotic locations are just leading with your wallet. It screams "take advantage of me" to gold diggers.
If you don't have confidence or a good social circle, it will absolutely show. This is something you can't find a shortcut to.
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
You kinda can, kinda can't.
There are limitations. Photos lie and people know it.
That being said: show a range of pics of you in lots of situations, always having fun with friends (including women) and looking somewhat like the leader if possible.
Show abs if you have 'em.