Girl i'm trying to plate revealed me when drinking yesterday that her dad cheated on her mom multiple times with younger women while married, etc, but that her mom kept attracted to him for a long time (typical behavior with Chad) and she kinda hated that he arrived home drunk so frequently (alcoholism issues - although never beat them or anything, this was when she was a child), after that somehow the dad started to do bad financially (lost the business) and her mother divorced him for being like 'too much to handle' as she had to pay for him on everything (she was in her teens). Now he doesn't do shit and she feels a bit of pity for him and bothers that he doesn't do anything to change his situation but just gave up in life (now she is in early 20s).
What confused me about it is: in TRP we're supposed to not be under these situations, like we are always encouraging to run the extra mile, lift, pursue excellence, etc. And getting drunk every day etc are stuff that most likely will be avoided when you're high value (e.g. due to having to attend businesses, career, whatever).
So, in cases like this, to "mitigate" the effect of it, do I just need to avoid resembling what she didn't like about her father? like should I still be careful with the daddy issues red flag even if I continue living under TRP philosophy? I haven't tested her yet enough for baggage, high body count, difficulty to establish genuine connections with you, using men for her benefit/being manipulative, etc (I know some stuff like those can also be influenced by this red flag)
My point is: I think his dad just lost frame/abandoned RP principles hence fucked up in life, AWALT. So I'm confused if this is daddy issues or if his dad just messed up and whatever she got from it is something I can deal with by just continuing to follow the red pill dogma (because if I fuck up like that, regardless of being her or whoever bitch, results are gonna be the same, she is not yours is just your turn)
First-light 2mo ago
To be honest this sounds all OK. Any issues with you maybe doing like the negative things her father did are likely to be more of a problem later in a relationship. It shouldn't be like that (they should vet first) but its just how it is. . Almost all young people think their parents' mistakes won't be theirs. Almost all young women think they can change you (they fall for you, so they expect everything else to fall in place). By the time they know better you wouldn't be starting a relationship with them anyway as they will be post wall.
Dad didn't leave the bar to too high for you -that's handy. Dad ran out of money and mum left him -that's a warning that men are providers deep down in her mind (is for most girls anyway but she knows you can quit if dad stops pulling in. Dad ran about with other women and mum didn't dump him -honestly this means you are more not less likely to get away with it too. She really won't want it and will play up but actually its how she sees things going and there are likely to be genetic similarities at play too.
Its worth noting that you won't ever really get points from a nice girl for dissing her parents. Even if she is doing it don't join in. Just listen and make sympathetic sounds. If you dive in with "dad messed up, he should have... I would have...." you may not get told off right then but it may come back to haunt you later, either with "you didn't like my dad from the start but he is better than you in X or y way..." or "You said you never would do than and look now...."
You don't want to be a massive booze hound anyway so really there are no problems here. Just relax and enjoy her.
Musicgoon78 2 2mo ago
Look here bro, you're stuck in a loop again. I've said it before, trp is not a religion and this isn't dogma. There are circumstances that will change depending on each individual involved. If you keep thinking this way you're going to make yourself confused and most of the guys here are going to think you're a retard. Stop doing that.
Now, you have to realize that this is this girl's father. He might be a mess, he might be an alcoholic, but he's still her biological father. She is going to love him regardless and have feelings. Now. What do you mean by Daddy issues? Is she a hoe? Is she mentally ill? Does she drink too much? If she just simply loves her father and he's a mess that's not really daddy issues.
I want to make sure that I understand your question. Do you really have to ask us if you should avoid alcoholism and womanizing? Is that really a question you need to ask the group or can you come up with an answer just by asking yourself?
If you're looking for a perfect situation that's going to live up to some impossible trp made up standards, you're setting yourself up for a huge amount of failure. And adversity is just a rite of passage. Don't fool yourself into thinking that everyone has their shit together and nobody has issues.
fumandobebiendo 2mo ago
I understand, sorry about that, I'm just trying to extrapolate the learnings I have from TRP to apply them to my situations but when I get stuck I'm trying to come here to ask, like if I came up to a group of friends or what people tend to do in church, since nobody locally has the valuable knowledge we all get from here. I feel this more than a community
Yeah the fact that she feels pity for him and is not very prod of him, I can't comment on her loving him or not as I have no idea, they don't live together, but it looked like she is mad at him and trying to picture his father as somebody who fucked up and does nothing to change his situation, which seems she's not happy with, also picturing her mother as the victim. So my question in this part was if this was a signal for daddy issues as I know from other red pill learnings that daddy issues is a big deal as they can't be repaired. I don't know if she's a hoe due to this and don't know how to test for that
No, my point was that it seems like he just deviated from TRP so AWALT applied to him, my question here was that if I maintain TRP for all my life I'm immune to girls that have daddy issues like this (since I wouldn't be making the same mistake her father did)
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
There is so much wrong in here I scarcely know where to begin.
1) how did he "deviate" from TRP? does he even know it exists?
2) AWALT always applies. It's a warning to keep in the back of your mind, not something that happens to you.
3) TRP isn't a magical cure-all that makes you never have another problem ever again. It just helps you handle them better as they come up.
Did you never read Don't Be A Red Pill Sperg that I linked to you in your other recent post? Because your post and your subsequent reply are incredibly spergy. You're all over the place.
Good God, dude. You sound like the sort of doofus who conflates and misuses the terminology that I frequently make fun of in my various shitposts:
Try not to sound like that.
Did you discover TRP through Fresh and Fit? Because that's how a lot of their fanboys sound.
Musicgoon78 2 2mo ago
What? No bro. Just stop for a second.
No more red pill terminology, just real talk. This terminology is really causing you some comprehension issues. You're spinning yourself out. This girl's dad didn't Deviate from TRP. That is completely stupid. That's like saying that a person that doesn't know anything about golf has deviated from the golfing lifestyle.
You're also misusing AWALT. This situation has nothing to do with that.
Let's talk about your last statement. This is more magical and dogmatic thinking. You, Mr. SmokeandDrink, don't maintain TRP. TRP is a a toolbox. So let's replace the word and see if the sentence sounds retarded:
If I maintain toolbox for all my life I'll be immune to women having issues.
This is extremely magical thinking. It's very dumb and not based in reality.
Listen to what @pofkaf wrote. He is 100 percent correct. You're not living in reality. You aren't a Disney princess in a fairytale world.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
I consider myself a connoisseur of analogies, and that one was particularly delicious.
pofkaf 2mo ago
Every girl has "daddy issues." Every single one. Her dad was a drunk. Her dad was too nice. Her dad was absent. Her dad was a helicopter parent. Her dad cheated. Her dad worshipped her mom. Her dad was poor. Her dad was rich. Etc.
I repeat, every single girl has "daddy issues." Whatever the issue, it has shaped each girls personality.
So don't worry about this one specific girl's "daddy issues." Just stay true to yourself and try the best you can to build a relationship that you want with her.