one plate thats very LTR worthy. However, whenever she gets angry or tried to throw a temper tantrum at me, I hold an extremely strong frame, never reacted, finish strong and apply amused mastery (Find it cute like a child mishaving). HOWEVER, perhaps im too weak, but im gonna be honest I don't enjoy seeing people unhappy or sad, it makes me feel sad and I always try to uplift people, its my personality. So whenever, this bitch gets sad not trying to argue but visibly down just talking about something I did make her feel very sad and about to cry, I lose frame , how do I handle this?
Her" I don't know, but just sometimes you said you regret having sex with me, makes me feel rejected and I don't feel great...." Me" Well...." Her about to cry "Its okay if you don't wanna talk about it" Me " You know I don't like seeing u unhappy. Now I don't feel good"
Then I start to lose frame, this happens every time she gets sad. How do I deal with this, so she doesn't utilise this to have power over me (even if she's doing it subconsciously).
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
I think that we are missing more context here. This sounds like a comfort test. She's afraid of losing you. If this is the case, what are you using amused mastery for and what do you mean by holding frame? If you're holding frame just to "look alpha", you've missed the point. A comfort test needs reassurance, not something stoic.
Let's address what you wrote: Did you tell this chick you regret having sex with her?
If you can't understand why she's butthurt and feels awful, I don't know if we can help you bro. That probably the most autistic and uncalibrated thing you could ever say.
"I regret having sex with you" should only be uttered if you're dead set in nexting a girl. If that is why she's crying and you can't understand that, you have some bigger problems you must address.
chad_chan 3mo ago
Yes my bad, was being autistic at that moment and spurted that out. My inner thoughts were don't get oneitis and LTR her. (Reason why i mentioned she was LTR worthy was because of her behaviour but I still don't wanna get oneitis). Thx for the reminder, My mistake, I'll own it and improve.
MrSupreme 3mo ago
You told her you regret having sex with her?! Unless you're breaking up with her I think that is the stupidest thing you can say, you're just messing with her head and she's probably broken now. How do you tell someone you consider to be "LTR" worthy that you regret sex with her, are you planning to not fuck her until marriage or something.
Jeez man,you messed up real bad with that one. You gotta give her some comfort and reassure her that you're feeling good with the relationship and AFTER some time has passed you can tell her about becoming a LTR and getting closer. keep your cool and don't say destructive shit like that again, actually care for her
chad_chan 3mo ago
During post night clarity, I just had this thought in head that shes worth keeping around, possibly marriage so I wanna fuck and date other girls while keep her in the back-burner until marriage aka not fuck her yet. Even writing this, I realised how retarded it sounds. My bad, I'll improve on it.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
Read the following books: "No More Mr. NiceGuy" by Dr. Robert Glover and "When I Say No I Feel Guilty" by Dr. Manuel Smith.
An important lesson you get from both books is that everyone has the right to feel what they feel, and that their feelings aren't your responsibility.
Dude, wtf? Like the others already said: you never tell a woman you regret having sex with her unless you're just trying to hurt her feelings mid-breakup (and even then, it's a pretty stupid thing to say).
Also, you don't even know what frame is. This woman is already in your frame, and she's scared you're breaking up with her.
From Roissy's/ Heartiste's Sixteen Commandments of Poon we have:
This is one of those two. I advise apologizing to her if you want her to stick around.
chad_chan 3mo ago
Will read up the books you recommended, thank you.
redhawkes 2 3mo ago
It's always the retards with 'chad' or 'alpha' in their username that post the biggest cringe..
Guilt, shame and honor are the biggest manipulation tactics women use to get things. You need to be immune to that shit if you want success in life.
chad_chan 3mo ago
yessir, I'll get better at it. Any advice on which specific ideas/concept within the sidebar where would help me particularly ?
redhawkes 2 3mo ago
Read Whisper's posts, all of them.
First-light 3mo ago
What do you want in your frame? If you want a happy woman don't make her insecure, reinforce what makes her secure.
Presumably you like railing her? (If not you are wasting your time). So reinforce when she is good fun in bed. Tell her you enjoy her body and what she does with it.
At the moment you are putting regret into your frame and getting it back. It wouldn't hurt to know why you did this. Was it a sort of test of your chaddishness that you could say she was not worth a fuck and get away with it?
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3mo ago
Bruh every time you cave you reinforce the behavior.
Read sock puppets guide to proper bitch mgmt