one plate thats very LTR worthy. However, whenever she gets angry or tried to throw a temper tantrum at me, I hold an extremely strong frame, never reacted, finish strong and apply amused mastery (Find it cute like a child mishaving). HOWEVER, perhaps im too weak, but im gonna be honest I don't enjoy seeing people unhappy or sad, it makes me feel sad and I always try to uplift people, its my personality. So whenever, this bitch gets sad not trying to argue but visibly down just talking about something I did make her feel very sad and about to cry, I lose frame , how do I handle this?

Her" I don't know, but just sometimes you said you regret having sex with me, makes me feel rejected and I don't feel great...." Me" Well...." Her about to cry "Its okay if you don't wanna talk about it" Me " You know I don't like seeing u unhappy. Now I don't feel good"

Then I start to lose frame, this happens every time she gets sad. How do I deal with this, so she doesn't utilise this to have power over me (even if she's doing it subconsciously).