Recent case of Baltasar Ebang Engonga having sex with hundreds of married women and videotaping them with THEIR consent has me questioning everything I thought I knew about the RedPill.
He even had sex with the wives and daughters of prominent state officials. How can this happen? And why would married women want to record themselves while cheating?
RedPill115 3mo ago
Sex drive is fundamentally a reflection of mating drive.
The female game is to tie down a male resource provider. Then optimize her kids chance of success.
Sometimes this means loyalty to one guy, so etimes this means trying to have kids with as many different high value men as possible - with each kid from a different man the genetic diversity is larger.
Men definitely play this game as well, you just don't imagine yourself playing this game when you're thirsty.
In the idealization phase tou think "how could they". In the "I've been banging her for a while" phase and the sec is getting less good and she's playing her games to cut you down you'll suddenly remember what a relief it would be to be with someone else.
MrSupreme 3mo ago
Who the fuck is Baltasar Ebnag Engonga? Anyways.
Married women cheat because some reasons.A reason could be that hubby got too comfortable with easy access to pussy so why bother seducing and making her feel tingles anymore.She grows resentful and has a fling,to satisfy her pussy needs and still keep provider hubby,have her cake and eat it too.
Another reason is because she wasn't really ready for the commitment of a monogamous,long lasting relationship to that one guy.Her pussy still tingles for every other guy that makes a move on her and she feels ugly,old and guilty for rejecting men.So she grows resentful,has a fling,to satisfy her pussy needs and still keep her provider hubby,have her keep and eat it too.
I have seen some women that say they like a man,make it public that she does,then the guy does something stupid like shitting his pants or showing very beta traits,and then the woman sticks by him through thick and thin.But she isn't doing it for him,she is doing It for herself and her choice,and her pride.
Changing her mind is a weak trait when it comes to what she thinks the public perception of her is.So she may even go as far as marrying that man,just to prove everyone she was right and she made the right choice, that'll teach em.
Solipsistic til death.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Bruh this shit is in the side bar how are you surprised?
fumandobebiendo 3mo ago
read the sidebar, AWALT
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
lol wut?! This is textbook. What the fuck is surprising about married women cheating if you know anything at all about Red Pill?
Several reasons.
1) some women are just whorish dogs with no self-control and have no business attempting monogamy
2) all women are hypergamous. Some will keep marriage vows even when faced with a perceived upgrade, but most (like 90%+) will fuck that perceived upgrade, whether just to get his sperm (like when bored rich housewives fuck the handsome young pool boy) or to try to branch swing to him and lock him down
3) in some cases, the husband made himself unfuckably unattractive over the years (got fat, repulsive behaviors (usually betaization through a thousand concessions), etc), and so there's an increased likelihood that other men who come along will be perceived as upgrades in the woman's eyes
That line still has me LOLing.
What the fuck did you think you knew about the Red Pill if married women cheating surprised you?
ballubhai 3mo ago
I get what you laid out but let me explain what really got me questioning everything.
I know AWALT and women are opportunistic and all that. I know. But 400 women cheated and had sex with the same guy. I am not able to wrap my head around the numbers. 4 fucking hundred.
And I get that married women cheat all the time but these women (most) were from the same social circle that means word must have got around about this guy. Still, no one really outed him. Instead they ALL wanted to bang this guy.
I wanted to believe that some were not like how we know they are but I have been proven wrong by this story by miles.
400 women cheated with the same guy and not one outed him. I guess I still have a faint blue pill of hope in me fuck.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
Are you reading with your eyes closed? Did you just start making shit up?
Bro, I just posted on TRP.RED a story about a woman that's been married for 15 years. I smash her in front of her husband and nut in her. He stands there almost crying. He doesn't like this. She makes rules for him that I don't have to follow.
Hypergamy is one of the linchpin ideas of TRP. What is your disconnect with all of this?
And who cares about this dude from another country (non USA)? It sounds like he is getting his. Good for him..
ballubhai 3mo ago
See my reply to another comment and you will know why I have the disconnect.
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
You spit that red pill right back out. Hawk tuah!
First-light 3mo ago
Tyrone gave them the tingles. He was also a safe bet. He didn't rat on them. So they had the best of both worlds beta and Tyrone. What's not to like?
Answer: Women
You can love them or you can understand them. You can't do both.
derdeutscher 3mo ago
I got cheated on a few times. Reason was always the same. Few months into seeing each other I get tired of fucking her. If you dont fuck a woman for two months, she will go and get dick somewhere else.
Actually this is so effective that I started to use it when I want to end relationship with a chick but do not know what to say. I just stop fucking her, works like miracle.
Of course this is one reason. Probably tere are some others as well