What's the better appeal for a man? I'm currently skinny fat mostly and I'm short.
I could see a reason for a cut bcs of veins, abs and a better jawline and all that.
Since I'm short maybe it's better for a bulk? I wont be as little as I used to be, unlike on a cut, I'm still the same frame basically.
I know there's an option of lean cut, but it takes a long time.
Working with weights like an hour and then cardio and like 12-15k of steps - it's just too long of a proccess.
It'd take me surely and year for my abs to form.
First-light 1mo ago
I wouldn't forget the long game. A year comes round awfully fast. The long game is to be healthy and strong. Its hard to retain strength and muscle bulk on a calorie deficit without taking something something like test or ostarine.
Body builders bulk and cut for shows but they acknowledge its not the healthiest thing to do. If you do cut, what next? Unless you are your ideal size and strength then, there is nowhere to go next but back on a calorie surplus and bulk up again and regain what you lost in the cut. If looks are everything and you are going on a beach holiday, the cut might make sense but over the years, the long game will put you further ahead. Starved men are rarely the best company for the ladies. It makes a good photo to send to your mum but the whole healthy happy man is more attractive than just the appearance.
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
depends where you're at.
usually cut first and get a slim face
financehardo420 1mo ago
So here it is man very simple fix:
Diet: 1g protein/lb of bodyweight. Every day except cheat day. Play around w carbs/fats; rn aside from hitting my protein eat about 100g carbs and rest of cals come from healthy fats.
If you’re skinny fat you need to up your intensity in gym big time. Quit lifting bitch weights. If you physically can’t then you need to keep gradually pushing until you can. This means like my end of your sets you should be trying so fucking hard that you’re almost shaking. (You should still be able to control the weights though; no need for ego lifting). Proper form done to exhaustion. Rinse repeat.
I go for a quick 30min fasted cardio in the morning. For steps I’ve begun to implement breaks throughout my study grind where I go walk on a treadmill for like 10min on incline. Aim for 1 of these breaks every hour or two and that + the cardio + the weights will get u right.
Imo it’s better to cut first to at least 12% bodyfat fat as this will give you a very solid grasp of what you are really looking like when you’re lean (what muscles are undeveloped and whatnot). get there once; then work in bulking n shit. Small tweaks like hitting the protein and pushing hard in gym will 100% correct that skinny fat bullshit. Then just bulk to like 15% and cut back down to 12; maybe 10%. Bulk back up rinse repeat.
Unless if you’re injured or something you should avoid going above 15% bodyfat as a man.
SSBPikkon 1mo ago
yeah I agree probably the reason I'm skinny fat is bcs of diet (cheap shit, low protein), I was always skinny and then little fat.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
There are no shortcuts.
You're also thinking about this kind of wrong. This should be a lifestyle, which you will do for the rest of your life, not just for a few months until you start getting laid.
Just eat healthy, well-balanced, testosterone-boosting foods and avoid processed garbage, and train hard and consistently. As long as you look and feel muscular, and not soft, it doesn't matter if you're bulky or shedded; women will be into you.
Wintergreen 1mo ago
Problem is that most guys will look soft if they’re 20+% body fat until they’ve lifted for years. I think people should lift until intermediate level and then cut to at least 15% body fat. This advice (not from you) that people give of bulking until you look humongous does not give results in any timeframe that is motivational, and I think that’s what OP is referring to.
If you’re already 15% or less I’d just recomp assuming you’re not extremely cut like sub 10%. If you’re able to increase lifts regularly (assuming you’re in your newbie gains period, otherwise increases will be slower) then you can stay at that bodyfat % while building muscle.
SSBPikkon 1mo ago
I'm at 20+ bf and skinny fat. That's my dilemma. I'm kinda small but not kinda big if u know what I mean.
derdeutscher 1mo ago
What worked for me best regarding women was being lean and with some muscles, but not too much.
Too much muscles, or too fat, did not work out well.