I just started hanging out with an old fwb again after 2 years of not seeing her, weve hung out twice, and shes really submissive in bed which I like.
The thing that trips me out is she is always playfully bantering, fucking with me, and sometimes shit testing me once in a while, but as soon as I kiss her she becomes like a different person, super submissive, different voice and everything. The sex is great too.
Last time she sexted me after she leftt, and this time she just asked if i liked her new piercing and didnt say much else, I was thinking of texting her first just to keep the convo going because id say i let her start the conversations about 75%+ of the time. I will admit though i havent been able to stop thinking about the sex for the last 3 days, it was really nasty and exactly what ive been wanting. definitely am aware of that, but also am not sure if she is waiting for me to show more interest.
Only reason I say that is because of comments she made, like i said oh your not an e-girl any more youve transitioned to a rockstar girlfriend and then she said "no because i dont have a rockstar boyfriend" (i play guitar in a band and have long hair but i think she was just trying to get me to react) and after i nutted in her, which she got really happy during, she said "thanks for impregnanting me!!!!" idk what that was but i just laughed and didnt care.
she made some sarcastic comments to me, she always playfully says alot of shit like "that was decent" when the sex was awesome. and she said "im never talking to you again after this" (which i just laughed my ass off at and said ok)
to me this seems like normal FWB behavior but i cant tell, is this girl trying to see if i am a pussy by trying to see if i will show more interest than i should for fwb? or is she wanting me to show more interest. or neither...
Spark 4mo ago
I'm unsure how it went. For me it was great, the sex was great, I ate her pussy for at least an hour just because i was loving it, and then she was sluttier for me than she ever has been before, got super happy when i creampied her, and then has been kinda quiet since. If i had to guess, I'd say this is just how fwbs are supposed to go, but I fucked with older women for a while and they always are dickriding after the fact because you are so high value to them
Musicgoon78 2 4mo ago
I imagine that there is a epiphany moment with some women. I've seen it before. You give them good dick. You get them to dirtier shit than they've ever done. You both enjoy it. You both enjoy each other's company. Nutting in a chick causes a psychological bond. It's riskier and much more intimate. She will probably catch feels and realize you're her hypergamous best option. This makes a woman cautious. They have to keep you happy without scaring you off. It's a funny balancing act to witness
It's up to you if you want commitment or just to keep it casual. If you give her a good dicking she'll get over your lack of commitment, but that's your decision.
Spark 3mo ago
I guess the real thing is, if i do want committment, the ball should be in my court to say (in actions/other words) "I want more from you, but i dont need you" and where i get tripped up is how do I show that without it coming off as "I have no options, you are my best option". which is not true, I have a lot of options, but i just want to make sure that is very clear.
Musicgoon78 2 4mo ago
She's just busting your balls playfully and you're not taking it seriously. Your doing great bro. This chick sound like fun and she's a good fucking lay. Just enjoy your time with her and don't overthink it.
I wanted to add be careful about nutting in this chick. I'm snipped so I raw dog all my women, but I got baby trapped when I was younger. That shit sucks bro!
Spark 4mo ago
Thanks man!! much appreciated bro
First-light 4mo ago
This girl has got some game. As surely as boys can learn boy game, girls can learn girl game too. This is a bit of a two edged sword. She has learned to give you what you want just as you have learned to give women what they want. However in both cases this ability to gratify the opposite sex is done to also better gratify the self.
Of course she wants to capture you -whether to plate as an orbiter she bangs when she likes you or mate you or just climb you to a higher branch, who knows. She is the player, she decides. Play back and it can be a lot of fun for both but don't get lost in the game. I would suggest a good gambit was to give off that you though she was pretty awesome but that she hasn't yet made you fall for her.
There is no point in not telling women when they really are awesome in bed. Its behaviour you want to foster. I think guys often confuse praising what they do in bed for praising their going to bed with you. They go to bed with you for their pleasure and because that is part of what being in a relationship with you means. That needs no praise, it is to be regularly expected (unless there is a sound physical reason why it can't be done at the time) or the relationship would not exist. Men who praise being given sex are the pussies who will be controlled. In general (and I am sure there are exceptions who do it wrong somehow) men who praise the quality of the sex they share with women are just helping the girl and helping themself to get more satisfaction now and in the future.
Remember sex is just sex. The fundamental things in life apply as time goes by. Enjoy the game but don't get lost in it.
Spark 3mo ago
so what your saying is that i need to play her harder than she is while also being less invested?
What I cant tell is, is she just spitting game to try to conquer me, or is she hinting that she likes me deeper. or is that not even a thing... alot of her behavior, like coming back around after 2 years and after me being a dumbfuck, is interesting to me, but I guess most likely she just wants to get fucked. She is cute but I'm pretty physically attractive, I get compliments everywhere i go, (not to brag at all) but just because I dont think shes out of my SMV at all
I also think i need to be more dominant of her.
First-light 3mo ago
I think you can't tell if she is playing for more or if she is just playing around to make a conquest. Don't forget she may not know either. She likes sex, she likes you, she is confident with getting fucked by guys with low commitment. She has nothing to lose. Maybe secretly she wishes she could land you as a boyfriend. Maybe she just thinks "he's a bit of a player, he played me a bit last time around, lets play the game of hearts and see if I can burn him" Maybe she is just aiming to put you in her jar of hearts. Maybe its just fun to play while getting banged. She is a female after all. She doesn't have to have a fixed plan.
Give her what she likes in bed and then observe till you have more data?
Spark 3mo ago
Makes sense to me. Thank you for the insight.