i havent found anything specifically that talks about this. but I'm trying to balance my detachment. for example, all signs point to this fwb is pretty interested in me as she pretends to be hard to get but when i look at her actions she basically does whatever i want. So i want to reward her a little bit for that but not too much, and keep her on the hook. She texted me twice on sunday the day after we hung out, and we havent talked since.

I was thinking of sending her a text, just an inside joke we were talking about the other day, but I also read a thing saying never text a girl out of emotion, positive or negative, and I have to admit i cant stop thinking about our sex.
I can control my feelings and not display any of that but I dont want to be acting or communicating out of anything other than not giving a fuck.

I fucked a different fwb last night but shes older and more of just a cum dumpster and i was like ... i really dont want to do that again lol. I have quite a few plates/cumdumpsters on the line so i dont feel desperate at all.

Heres my other main question, how does a womans interest work? As in, if she is more interested me than i am picking up on, and i miss the signs and am too cold, does that make her more interested, or will she lose interest because of this?

thanks in advance