i havent found anything specifically that talks about this. but I'm trying to balance my detachment. for example, all signs point to this fwb is pretty interested in me as she pretends to be hard to get but when i look at her actions she basically does whatever i want. So i want to reward her a little bit for that but not too much, and keep her on the hook. She texted me twice on sunday the day after we hung out, and we havent talked since.
I was thinking of sending her a text, just an inside joke we were talking about the other day, but I also read a thing saying never text a girl out of emotion, positive or negative, and I have to admit i cant stop thinking about our sex.
I can control my feelings and not display any of that but I dont want to be acting or communicating out of anything other than not giving a fuck.
I fucked a different fwb last night but shes older and more of just a cum dumpster and i was like ... i really dont want to do that again lol. I have quite a few plates/cumdumpsters on the line so i dont feel desperate at all.
Heres my other main question, how does a womans interest work? As in, if she is more interested me than i am picking up on, and i miss the signs and am too cold, does that make her more interested, or will she lose interest because of this?
thanks in advance
coolsocks00 1 3mo ago
Heres some on basic plate/fwb theory https://theredarchive.com/r/TheRedPill/humansockpuppets-guide-to-managing-your-bitches.37389
Heres some more in depth material in the same series https://www.trp.red/p/humansockpuppet/754
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
It varies.
It depends on the woman.
There is a balance of interest and disinterest that is ideal, and it varies between men, women and varies in time.
How you work this out is down to experience and your character and preferences.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3mo ago
Get better options
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
It is truly sad how many of you guys can't just treat women like human beings. If you have good sex and good rapport, and you go about it naturally they will just keep seeing you.
It's not harder than that. Women want to have a good time with someone that is good to be around. There isn't a guide on it because dudes used to just act normal. You guys are so deep into the sperg rabbit hole that you guys can't comprehend how far normal social dynamics will carry you with women.
benzino 3mo ago
Until blue-pilled and female-centric media came along and teaching men all the wrong things to do, like putting women on a pedestal - turning them away in the process. When they found RP, it was a breath of fresh air. Who would have thought leaving girls on "read" and texting them every few hours would make them more attracted to you? and it's easy to think there are more magic formulas like that.
In reality, it's just high SMV and being fun to be around. If you can find a balance between being nonchalant and fun, then you're good.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
The texting them less and stuff is like a formula, but is also wholely unnecessary to get laid if they are into you.
Doing that stuff serves as a formula for men who would otherwise overdo it or for choosey women who's other options are not being a challenge.
So yeah i can see how some guys treat RP/Game like a formula but it's a poor substitute to organic sexual courting. Game is a more poor substitute for genuine vibing where the girl has a lot of high emotional investment in you
Of course high emotional investment + game would be superior but if I had to pick one I'd rather organic sexual/emotional investment than using tactics that emulate attraction triggers
chadinthemaking69 3mo ago
I think the main problem is with terms like “game” and “RP tactics”, people (myself included) think there is a magic formula to get girls panties wet for you.
“Just run game” can be misconstrued by people to think, follow the panty wetting formula. Girl isn’t attracted? Formula not applied right. Girl left? Fucked up the formula.
I think most people instinctually know how to get women and understand how the dance is meant to be played, but grasp onto the idea that there’s a way to get any girl by using certain tricks. I guess that’s where PUA comes in, but being authentically awesome and cool rather than faking it probably feels a hell of a lot better.
I would argue that a lot of the tactics and game techniques come naturally when you’re vibing with a girl that you like, and you recognize that she’s interested in you too. Staying in the present moment and just having fun will allow a lot of these so called techniques to happen naturally.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Game is quite literally just making conversations deliberately more sexualized through mannerisms, conversation topics, etc above and beyond regular conversation.
You can't just say "hey would you be down to casually fuck me?" To a girl so you instead need to run game (aka make the interaction more sexualized) and yes, there is a way to do this but the percentage of game or how fast you want to move it that way is circumstantial.
There IS a way to run game but there isn't a guaranteed success. It's all risk and reward and reading the room.
When guys are reading that there's pussy password it's their own damned fault or they need to stop watching YouTube grifters with clickbait "this will work 100% of the time" horseshit
The problem is dudes with no social skills trying to learn game who can't differentiate what is even appropriate or realistic in a social interaction in the first place trying to run before they can even crawl
chadinthemaking69 3mo ago
Good point
Spark 3mo ago
You are correct, and I completely agree alot of this shit is hyper overanalyzed and autistic as fuck. I never needed that, I am wondering about a simple dynamic which is just how much silence should i be giving a FWB who hasnt said anything to me like she usually does, I feel like shes waiting for me to initiate. but I'm not sure and I dont want to burn myself
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
And you're STILL overthinking that.
She's not responding much? You slow down and stop responding
You interact with her as feels natural. Not liking how much she naturally chooses to interact with you? Go fuck other women.
You don't owe her this level of autism. Go live your life. If they're on board they are on board. If they aren't they aren't.
Unless you're turning her off somehow (something you can fix) then you are at your maximum dynamic with her and you should go live your life else wise as you wish till she comes back around. She should be competing with your mission for your time and attention. If she's not go do something better
Spark 3mo ago
alright, that last part makes alot of sense. I've done all I can do and it seemed to end on a high note so I'll just leave it until she hits me up.
The dynamic I am trying to understand is this: How do I gauge her emotional investment. Because I really want to text her right now, and just engage in some dumb banter. But, there is a power dynamic at play, if i seem at all too invested its not good for me at all. I dont want to shoot myself in the foot. you know what I mean? I get there is no guide, you have to feel it out. There has to be a rule of thumb though
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Do you even want this woman as a girlfriend?
Spark 3mo ago
That would be cool, but really I just want to have sex more often with her, and to be fully honest, we had really good sex last weekend, she was super slutty and submissive for me, and I cant stop thinking about it.
I think whats happening is I'm starting to doubt myself, and seeking reassurance. Overthinking whether or not i'll see her again, or if some irrational imagined non-existent thing happened between us that suddenly she doesnt like me anymore, which is all stupid as fuck, because I know my SMV is higher than her. and I know the reason she sarcastically said "ok im never talking to you again after this" was a way of her saying that she enjoyed herself. And I also know that she is very attracted to me and we have great sex. I guess I just dont want to be too warm but i dont want to be too cold
I'm just being paranoid because I want more of that type of sex.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
You're being needy and probably catching feelings.
Go fuck other women
Spark 3mo ago
good point. I see what you mean and ill cut it out
No the real shit is, I tend to forget all the shit I have going for me. I tend to compare myself to other dudes, who, I am just as cool/attractive as. I'm letting myself tear myself down and not charging myself up about how good I am and how good my life is. I gotta remember to stay positive on myself and take things lightly and have fun, and remember who i am
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Plenty of other men who are "better than you" don't give a girl what she wants and you do
You can't focus on that. You have always be leveling up regardless of what she or some girl or women do
All you have at all times is yourself. Can't be putting this much stock into non girlfriends and even if you had a girlfriend you should always be leveling up and being the main character in your life
Imagine if Starwars had been centered around Leia instead of Luke's story. The movie would have fucking sucked. You're the main character, you need to be the one the spot light is on in your life
Spark 3mo ago
Right, that makes sense. I do a pretty good job of that most of the time but I'm displaying the worst of my thoughts in this post and I appreciate you taking your time.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
No problem
You are showing a lot of humility and i wish more guys on here would be like you
MrSupreme 3mo ago
This is just general advice,keep her on an emotional rollercoaster.Sometimes you fuck her hard and angry,other times soft and pretty.Sometimes you dont give a fuck about her being a brat,other times you dont have time for it and leave her alone.
The way you ask here is like many other guys do,expecting some kind of excel chart with percentages and shit.Be on the moment,let it all come naturally and think before you act.
Spark 3mo ago
I'm not asking for an excel sheet, ,I'm just trying to figure out if I am too cold will that make her lose interest... I'm not a fucking autist like alot of the dudes in this shit
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
Just act like a regular human being who's incontrol of his own decisions. You didn't come equipped with mind reading powers.