I've been going in lots of dates but I've been having trouble to make them moist. All of them basically say "there was no chemistry" and I basically read that as "you have no game no pussy for you".
Are there any resources I can get my hands on that teach me how to be more charismatic or interesting?
Intrepid_Place53900 1 2mo ago
(How to get good at game)
Read the side bar, then it's trial and error. You will have failures, until you succeed.
thespectator 2mo ago
The single best thing you can do to get better at game (or anything for that matter) is to just fucking do it. Failure is the best teacher. Specifically, I'd highly recommend cold approach.
You'll learn REAL QUICK what doesn't work, and what seems to work well. And your brain will truly remember this because of how painful the failure and how good the success will feel. Accept that every time you hit on a girl or go on a date it might not work out. Make your goal to GET BETTER and HAVE FUN rather than to get laid. Girls can smell desperation from a mile away.
There's no shortcuts in the game.
mattyanon Admin 2mo ago
Chemistry is female code for mutual attraction........ and most especially her attraction to you.
There are fuck tonnes.
Youtube / charisma on command is good.
Are you physically escalating?
Are you smiling? Are you teasing her?
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
have you read the sidebar?
No-Stress-Cat 2mo ago
Read the Sidebar. Git Gud @ Gaim.
MrSupreme 2mo ago
Be in the moment,develop social skills with PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE. You gotta be out there, talking to men,women,children,old people just anyone, hear stories,tell stories,hang out.All of it outside your comfort zone until it becomes effortlessly comfortable.
redhawkes 2 2mo ago
The Roissy Reader, Book Of Pook, the fucking sidebar (FR's) all of it and put it into practice. Soon enough, your brain will filter out what works and what doesn't.
Basically, push/pull, tease, Amused Mastery and kino/escalate early.
Musicgoon78 2 2mo ago
Are you keeping yourself happy and entertained? Are you a fun person?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
I would find a PDF of Day Bang by Roosh V. And then read Bang after that
Day Bang had a treasure trove of tips on how to go from regular conversation to more interesting conversation and was a game changer for me personally.
Day Bang really underscores how much regular conversation still matters in game and how to balance rapport and game
Also Book of Pook. Don't skip book of Pook