Okay. Now, when I say "Should i?" type questions, I'm not referring to serious life-changing decisions such as reaching out to estranged family, vetting a serious relationship, getting a divorce, having an unplanned pregnancy, a life-altering country or job change, or something where experienced feedback is actually somewhat valuable. I am specifically referring to trivial shit you don't need the advice or permission of internet randoms to make a decision on. You're a man, make your own fucking decions on trivial choices.

After much thought, and seeing all the arguments for and against (content) moderating "should i?" type posts as seen in the original community discussion, I have seen arguments for allowing them with newbie psychology to support why they do and should be able to do it, and I've seen arguments on how it fosters a lack of accountability and an annoying front page spamming that discourages experienced users from participating.

There needs to be balance, if anything, for the newbie's on sake for experiencing actual long-term growth.

So, in light of not having the "lock post" function @redpillschool (if you can give me and everyone else that early Christmas present), I have a solution for "Should i?" posts. The only thing I haven't decided on is how to resolve it after someone hits maximum warnings. So again I am reaching out for community feedback.

My solution is to near-freely allow "Should i?" posts, but only allow so many from the same person, and if that person does it 3 times their 3rd post gets immediately taken down but they get a flair of shame. The flair t-list is as follows pic included:

1) Should i (x1)

2) Should i (x2)

3) Can't think for myself

The first two are self-explanatory. Ask such a trivial post and get a flair/warning. On the third one post comes down immediately and you get the flair of shame.

Now, I'm just unsure of how to devise the criteria to remove the flairs (particularly the flair of shame):

Go x amount of weeks without making such a post? Make an update post in which you made your own choice on the question and update on how it went? A personal mod DM appeal explaining in detail how you're going to fix your shit (books to read or have finished/ how you've since improved on your own?), a public post explaining in detail to the community how you're going to start being more self-determinent?

Discuss opinions on the decision as well as opinions of how to remove or downgrade the flairs once they've been applied.