I hung out with this girl from tinder on tuesday, and we made plans for her to come over friday to fuck. I've also been talking to this other girl whos hotter that i met on bumble, she asked me to add her snapchat and then the next morning asked me to hang out, which was yesterday.

I didnt play it cool and immediately asked her to meet me at a bar during the day at a specific time and place, she said she couldnt, but she said I love the planning and she was free later. Later last night she hit me up but honestly i started to put her on a pedestal in my mind because of her looks and I was definitely not giving off a good vibe over text and almost fumbled it but she said lets reschedule because she could tell I was acting weird. I was overthinking the shit out of it. She asked me to take her out too, she was making it really easy and I fucked up.

Today I said "ill pick you up we'll go to to x restaurant for a drink at 730 tonight" she said she had to work, and then later texted me at like 9 and said "i just got off"

I asked her if she could do saturday then and she said she has to work.

I'm already coming off too eager to see her and trying to hard to make it work and i really dont want to cancel this other girl tomorrow, even though shes not as hot, and i dont want her anywhere near as bad shes still cute and has a nice body and shes a freak and I want to fuck her for the first time. I need to do it too it would help me to get over the oneitis bullshit i have for this other girl.

The thing is , I think she still wants to meet me even though I have been overthinking it, she was really eager too at first and I may be slightly exaggerating in my head how bad of a vibe it gave off last night when I was trying to meet up with her. I dont know what to say at this point though, if anything, I havent responded to her saying I gotta work.

I feel like this is my chance to let it ride and fuck another girl to help get my mind off the oneitis and show I'm not needy