Think im going through shock right about now; did not believe girls actually be like this. I think im scarred and it will take at least 72 hours before im emotionally ready to fuck a bitch again… this shit is prob more damaging than even getting cheated on like holy shit guys.
So there’s this one chick w long distance LTR I’ve been flirting w whatever. Invite her out a lot never comes around. Finally today she agrees. Everything’s goin great at first: she’s buying me drinks, she’s touching my musklez, im thinkin dope. Meet up with my other buddies at a dif bar - there are two random hard rs. My chick latched on to them; ended up going home with the pair of them. They ran fucking train on my fucking kill. To make it even worse: the hard rs come back to us later and show my boys video footage of her getting double teamed. I didn’t watch bc I was grossed tf out but someone took a pic and posted it in our group chat and I got absolutely clowned in the chat.
I think im officially a racist after last night. I since deleted her from my personal Snapchat and this bitch had the audacity to hmu on my business acct to say she wants to “make it up to me” and to ask why I removed her from my personal snap.
Notes from experience:
if I kept things status quo (ie didn’t change bars) ez money circus show avoided. Always be aware of surroundings.
If I spent more time escalating I could have got her to dip back to my place fast as fuxk.
- Hoes are hoes but girls like this are mega hoes. if a rich white chick is tryin to get railed by 1 or more hard rs there is a very good chance she is a mega hoe. Harder to pin point till it happens but ig watch their eyes n shit. Same with if you know she has a mans but she’s still flirting/goin out w other men.
Sorry for the rant this isn’t a troll post; this shit literally fuckin happened last night. I feel absolutely fuckin disgusted by women rn and I don’t see it going away anytime soon. How do you I guess get over this sort of shit? Like it’s not my girl im not emotionally invested in her but I feel borderline scarred by this shit
Solezhtyn 3mo ago
Do homeboy a favor and send him the video evidence. He probably doesnt know his hoebag is a disgusting slag.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 2mo ago
Idk him at all or I would haha
Tbh tho he should’ve noticed the signs long ago that L is just as much on him as it is on the sloot
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
You didn't "get cucked" because she wasn't yours. Heh, you didn't even get to take your turn!
There's so much wrong in your mindset/mental models as shown in that post.
1) if she's even entertaining you or any other dude while in an LTR, she's a hobag. Hobags are going to hobag. Easy come (but not for you), easy go.
2) if a woman cheats with you, she'll cheat on you. Her behavior shouldn't surprise you at all. And hell, you weren't getting cheated on anyway, as again, she was never yours.
3) would it have made you feel any better if the two dudes who "stole 'your' kill" were white? FFS, dude.
Those statements I copied and pasted there cannot all be true at the same time.
You were emotionally invested in a gutterslut, and thought all was good with the world because she'd cheat with you, then got your fee-fees hurt because she decided to cheat with some other dudes (probably fulfilling simultaneous fantasies of hers based on race fetish and getting gangbanged).
she was just some hoe!
You should be laughing at how nasty she is, and being grateful that you didn't put your dick in her. She'd have likely given you a disease!
I feel bad for her boyfriend. he got cucked, and the poor bastard probably has no idea.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3mo ago
Ok I guess ya exaggerating when im sayin cucked but it was just my first time experiencing something of this nature. I think it’s more like seeing pics of it all is what has me fucked up. If they just left and that was that like it would have been way more of a whatever.
Not emotionally invested in the sense of: not in love w the hoe; not having genuine feels for her etc. sexually attracted sure. Or at least used to be.
Agree rip to her boyfriend; genuinely feel bad for the guy. Thx for calming me down a bit
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
If seeing the pics evoked some kind of reaction in you, then you were emotionally invested in her.
Don't deny it. Own it, and work to learn from it so you can prevent yourself becoming so invested in someone so undeserving of it in the future.
Wintergreen 3mo ago
I don’t agree with this. I could see any random whore who I KNOW is a whore and don’t care about, but if she got railed by two black guys it’d make me feel insecure. So in this case it’s not being emotionally invested in that girl, it’s being emotionally invested in your place in the world.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
You and OP @financehardo420 need to rethink this important Red Pill truism:
Let me re-emphasize that first part:
she's not yours
You should never feel entitled to or possessive of a woman, whether it's because you're the same race, from the same country, in the same age group, or just because you really really want her.
One of my exes was half-black. Black dudes acted like I "stole 'their' woman" while white chicks acted like she "stole 'their' man".
Bitter inspins in their 30s, 40s, and 50s have a shit-fit whenever Dicaprio or some other middle-aged high-status famous man gets with a hot young thing.
People don't own each other. That disgusting gutterslut in the OP's story is free to fuck whomever she wants, as are you and anyone else.
The sooner you come to terms with your lack of ownership of other people, the sooner you can start adapting to how the world actually is instead of pining for how you wish it was.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
It doesn't make everyone insecure. Typo and I and most other guys on here would just write her off as a whore and put her into the category of white girl that fucks certain kinds of guys
You mean emotionally insecure that you're ABOVE her? Man re-read your entire disagreement
Wintergreen 3mo ago
What? No I mean that you feel like you got cucked. Which might make someone feel lesser than the other guys.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
How can you get cucked if you never fucked??
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
If you feel cucked but you never fucked, maybe your brain has been mucked.
Wintergreen 3mo ago
This wisdom has hit me like a truck.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Reading that sucked you must like to get bucked in a duct
Wintergreen 3mo ago
Maybe cucked isn’t the right word, but however that situation would be described might make someone feel lesser than the other guys.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Bro abject whores pass me up all the time for trash at their level all the time, why would you feel lesser for that?
Trash loves trash
Wintergreen 3mo ago
This is a good mentality to have and a better evaluation of the situation.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
MrSupreme 3mo ago
Gotta make sure she is horny for you instead of just horny.Girls that are just horny do that type of thing
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
Underrated categorization of women
Redpillpusher 3mo ago
LMAOooo, Caucasian boy brings his trophy on a pedestal out for a night on the town, gets his trophy defaced by 2 of my brothers, and then immediately proceeds to vent about it and "the blacks" in general online. This is definitely NOT typical (sarcasm). LMAO as the late great Kevin Samuels used to say: "You can't make this shit up!"
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3mo ago
Go ahead and gather your collective nutsack and go crawl right back up your mother’s vagina. My parents immigrated from a commie country in 1995 and worked 2 full time min wage jobs each w $0.00 of gov assistance. I have absolutely zero sense of “white guilt” and think u sound dumb as hell honing in on like 1 single comment that’s intended as I guess (pun not intended) dark humor. Kevin Samuels is a cool dude.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
You said the experience made you racist. He's right to point out that sentence
Wintergreen 3mo ago
This situation sucks man, but you know better than to say things like what you’ve said here. It’s maybe forgivable to express how you feel about black guys railing your prospect, but saying that you’re now racist in a public forum and referring to them as hard r’s isn’t going to get you much support bro.
I don’t know what to say aside from that, if this happened to me I’d lose my fucking mind. I’m sorry man.
AbusiveFather1 3mo ago
why are you mad at the ninjas? be mad at the skank but moreover be mad at yourself for getting emotional over a cum dumpster. on the upside, you avoided becoming eskimo brothers with a couple of mandrills. also, props to you for keeping up with the romanian tradition of supporting wehrmacht o/ (this is not a sieg heil emoji, i'm just waving heeey)
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3mo ago
You didn't even fuck her and she was in a relationship ALREADY
THAT GUY got cucked, not your faggoty ass getting passed over for a raunchy spit roast
Jesus Christ man. You should have never taken that monk mode. Did you accidentally go on a chump mode instead??
Jesus fuck man how did you manage to become a groveling bitch after a self-improvement break? You need to fix your inner narcissism, you are obsessed with the slightest rejection or possibility or rejection despite allegedly fucking 9s and having rosters.
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
How do you get cucked when this chick that wasn't your girlfriend decided to fuck two other dudes. This is some super drama bro.
Go get some more options and forget that hoe. She's for the streets.
derdeutscher 3mo ago
You are way too emotional and sensitive dude. Also unrealistic. What do you exactly expect from chick like that? If some girl who is already in LTR fucked you, you would be less dissapointed by women?? Yeah thats just straight stupid.
You are way too far from for stone cold heart you need in order to play these games..but I guess this brings you a step closer..Remember: AWALT. Also, if she wants make it up for you, why not rail her?
And dont be a racist..its just wrong.
First-light 3mo ago
It wasn't your turn last night. That's all you need to think. Some poor other bastard got cucked, she was out for slut attention that night and just saw an opportunity to be a bigger slut.
You are swimming in a cess pool of foul sluts. Its easy to saw AWALT but really its a case of all women can be like that not all women are like that. You don't go from loyal girl friend to unfaithful woman getting tag teamed by random guys you have just met in one night of madness. Women can get corrupted by the drug of slutting. Some learn that they can just get instant attention, gratification and a transient feeling of value from slutting. You have been enjoying a lot of them but it just wasn't your turn last night. while you swim in the cess pool this is going to happen some times.
Don't think any racist ideas. Its not like lots of white guys haven't taken turned black girls' heads and made the local guys hate them. Its just the way with women that they tend to have particular attraction to different genes. I think its to do with getting healthy new blood in a gene pool. We are all equal under hypergamy and slutting.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
*raises hand
Done that. One of my exes was half-black. Black dudes acted like I "stole 'their' woman" while white chicks acted like she "stole 'their' man".
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 2mo ago
Also same haha guys I was semi kidding about the whole racist thing; was still drunk when I posted this
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3mo ago
Hehe I dated a half black girl as well. Good times
First-light 3mo ago
Two of my daughters are half black. Now that one is quite an interesting dynamic. Older white middle class women go into full white saviour mode and love the kid often showering her with presents that your white kids never get. Pre wall white women, however, sometimes give off that they know you are a traitor. Black guys can usually be more friendly than normal but then again the odd one is clearly rather cool towards you (poor guy probably had a bad experience with a white guy and his girl). Just occasionally someone thinks you might have stolen the kid (because white men are very bad as we are often told).
Now of course as time passes, there appears an added dimension that both amuses and revolts. -"What's that hot young black girl (its the single drop rule here) doing with the old white guy, these black girls have no standards!"
redhawkes 2 3mo ago
Lmaoo, how can you lose something you don't have bruh.
The fact that she was "forbidden fruit", created an illusion of a good girl in your head.
If you wanna smash, you need to minimize variables, not maximize it by hanging around with cum dumpsters.
Isolate, Escalate, Close.
EmpireCrimson 3mo ago
Grow up. Seriously. Your inability to close the deal was thrown in your face and instead of acknowledging what you didn't do to close the deal, you blame it on "two random hard rs".
"Like it’s not my girl im not emotionally invested in her but I feel borderline scarred by this shit"
You missed your turn. Life goes on. This is one-itis and shit game mixed together in a blender, and out comes your post. Maintain your frame. Own your shit. This post is neither.
mattyanon Admin 3mo ago
what are "hard r's" ?
redhawkes 2 3mo ago
Dindu nuffins