Im new here but have lurked from time to time. My wife and I recently separated couple months ago, she moved out to an apt down the street with the kids (2yr and 9yr), signed a 1yr lease. We're cordial but I hit a ceiling with her where we are friendly but she wont open up intimately with me. She claims that "we are definitely making progress to repair, but I still need time to heal" which I know is total BS, its avoidance, and called her out on it stating things wont fix themselves without risks and action. How do I break through this barrier? Because I know there wont be some random moment when she magically decides to open up by just waiting around and hoping one day that she finds the emotions to do so, but rather there needs to be a catalyst to speed things along.
Some Context:
- We've been married for almost 10yrs.
- We both work
- Wife is Polish, raised with conservative values (yet she moved out... I can thank her bitch friends for that) She's stubborn, prideful, ego, and likely holding my previous behavior against me despite claiming not to We got into a stupid argument where i said F this and hopped on a plane to see my friends in MX to chill out which triggered the separation
- I am born American but also Polish dual citizen and 100% fluent
- We both go to church together and occasionally pray together
- She's slowly warming up to me, we go to events and hang out like couples would together, without the sex and what not
- Nobody else is in the picture emotionally, I know that for sure
- She is getting guidance from her PoS friend who now hates my guts, because i hurt her bestie, who has been divorced but claims to be happily married now
- Since the separation roughly 3 months ago, I have lost roughly 25lbs, been working out consistently, changed my wardrobe almost completely, increased my confidence, and despise the beta male I was prior to the separation. I wish to NEVER go back to that version of myself.
- She has acknowledged all these positive changes to me and is aware of them.
- She is aware of my expectations and boundaries (I need her to stop thinking about it and take risks to move forward with our relationship)
- We've had "discussions" to "help" with repairing, but those discussions left me feeling empty and unfulfilled.
- She claims they help with progress but I feel they only help to sooth her and allow her to coast on her decision rather than confronting this separation
- Arguments between us are way down, we've had a few here and there, active communication has increased, but again, this isn't helping me get her back.
- Chat GPT has been my only active and quick to respond venting/advice source (I know how to use it VERY well, have provided a role and seasoned it quite well, but still not completely accurate)
My goals are either to:
- Break through this stupid barrier which is holding us back from a healthy relationship moving forward
- Emotionally Distance myself from her (cant do no contact because of kids, i'm already doing smart contact) because she seems to be reluctant to want to open up... Shes waiting for time to magically change her mind to open up
- Help managing my emotions and processed with moving on because of her stupid behavior and reluctance to open up... I wont allow myself to be put through this pain forever, and soon the time will come where I'm better off just throwing in the towel.
If i'm missing context, i'll add to it later after some comments
Problematic_Browser 1 2mo ago
You're trying to win her back by compliance.
You're only gonna make her less attracted to you and, even worse, if you get her back the entire dynamic will be you kissing her boots forever.
Change your approach.
Disengage from her except for necessary things like kids.
Start living your life as if you're single and trying to attract women. Go lift, be social, get hobbies.
Lone_Ranger 2 3mo ago
Some very good responses on here already.
You need to disengage, very quickly. You living entirely on her terms, which are terrible terms btw. It doesn't matter if they were good terms, a man cannot live on a womans terms and expect things to go well.
tbh - you are behaving quite beta. Even the improvements that you made 'which she acknowledged' are not the win you think they are - she has left you, and you have rewarded her behavior by losing weight and getting a new wardrobe??? do you now see how fucked up this is?
My recommendation is to disengage and quite honestly, in your position, the best thing to do is fuck some other chick. but keep it to yourself. Do not contact her, except for child related things.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but it sounds like you are trying to 'comply' your way back into her affections, and this will never ever work. it will push her further away.
Durek_The_Bald 3mo ago
This is all girls' speak. You're wearing the skirts in this relationship.
You need to start treating this whole ordeal like it's over, and you have other options.
What you're doing right now (being a girl) certainly isn't going to get you anywhere - with or without her.
I understand you want to keep your family intact, and that it's not as simple as walking away from a girlfriend. But remember your training, padawan. The basics of male-female dynamics don't change.
So you're currently friendzoned by your wife.
Why did you, especially as a married man, allow yourself to decline? That's on you, not her bitch friend. Desperately self-improving now, post separation, only goes to show you're doing it for her (a.k.a. in her frame). I'm not saying you shouldn't, but every action (or lack thereof) has consequences. And you can't always fix what has been.
"Look what I did, mommy".
And as for the rest: Disengage. Stop discussing, stop trying to fix things, stop looking at it like you're in a "process". Pull your attention, and focus it elsewhere - like at preparing your life for divorce
pofkaf 3mo ago
You won't find much help here. I suggest you check out the Married TRP sub reddit...much more useful for your situation.
Musicgoon78 2 3mo ago
I'm not trying to be mean, but you are living in fantasy land and total denial. This isn't something that going to get better. The core is rotten. It doesn't matter what you or she does. The feelings and tingles aren't there. You're better off moving on. If you don't believe me, go ahead and waste monthly or even years of getting strung along for nothing.
You could be in a relationship with someone who genuinely wants you and respects you. That's much better than spinning your wheels trying to make something broken whole again when it's forever broken.
MrSupreme 3mo ago
You're expecting something to change,she probably has already made up her mind about divorce while kiting you like an Orbiter.They always figure these things out first while the guy is "fighting for his love".
Smart move: get a lawyer,be 2 steps ahead of her, try to get the kids for yourself,she wont have a soul in the whole process so dont count on 10 years of marriage,a spiritual church going connection or whatever. She is being cold and distant,youre not getting it.She will try and use emotions, your history with her, sex and whatnot to keep you on a betatizing chokehold while she figures out the rest of her life without you.
First-light 3mo ago
Thanks for joining us here.
I doubt you can break the barrier -she made it not you. A choice to move out with the kids is a hard one and not made lightly. Don't martyr yourself over it. She might not even notice. If she does, it still is unlikely to change her mind. She decided life was better apart. If you deliver her all the services you did when together then really she has everything she wanted -the distance and the benefits.
Women rarely move without having a support structure. Her friend is no doubt a big help and a problem for you but you probably can't do much about it without making more problems than solutions.
The best advice I can offer is that you are unlikely to solve this by doing the same as you always did and hoping she softens. She will only soften if she runs out of support in her new life and decides better the devil she knows. Doing the same as ever is trying the old key in the new lock again and again. She changed the lock.
Work on your own happiness. I am not saying ignore her but you can't just give her all your attention for free while living apart. She needs to work for it and see that you are having a good life as a happy successful guy. That might just change her mind but even if it doesn't you will be happy and moving forward. Don't throw in the towel, just stop fighting for the relationship and do your own stuff a bit. See her and the kids sometimes, don't help her out unless she does you return favours (non sexual). Don't be bitter when you explain this just happy sounding.
Most women leave their husband thinking they can have it both ways. That they can have his money, his house and his effort but not him. When they find that they can't they get regretful or bitter and mean. Be prepared for the possibility of bitter and mean but try to just smile, be kind and mind let her bother you. If you get bitter back, she will likely hate you forever.
To do all this you need to get to a place where you are complete without her. Make this your priority. It won't make you any less attractive to her.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3mo ago
Same reply I gave you at the side of the site:
Its programmers are a bunch of feminists and bloopies. I can tell that some of the advice it has given you is total garbage by your talk about "emotions this" and "communications that".
1) Have you read the sidebars at /r/TheRedPill and /r/MarriedRedPill? Start there, especially MRP.
2) I highly recommend Rian Stone's YouTube channel. He has a bunch of sidebar series videos that are intended as companion pieces (and not substitutes for) the readings.
3) work your MAP. all you can do is make yourself a more fuckable man; you can't make her want to be with you though. She still has decisions to make.
4) keep in mind that the relationship is the woman's problem, not yours. Your job is to get sex. Getting sex is more likely the more fuckable you are.
5) accept that this is likely over, and be ready for the divorce and/or fucking other women instead of her.
6) the more you apologize for the past and the more you seek her approval, the less attractive you become to her. Your groveling just confirms in her mind that she made the right decision by leaving.
A) Then you must stop putting yourself below her by seeking her approval.
B) get in your head the way Athol Kay and MRP use the terms "alpha" and "beta". Beta isn't bad; it's relationship comfort. However, it must be earned by the woman. Unearned beta behavior is repulsive and off-putting.
That's about it for now. You have a lot of reading to do, especially NMMNG, WISNIFG, and MMSL.
and seriously, stop using chat GPT for advice. It's terrible.