Everytime a girl mentions her ex, on the surface i ignore/ act like i couldn't care less. However sometimes I compare them in my mind, in most cases I'm better in every way but I get annoyed, is this an ego problem? E.g. I would wonder "How did a guy uglier than me bag this chick and then dumped her. Why am I, who's a superior male than him, picking up the leftover of a lesser guy?" (Don't get me wrong the chick is hot)
Does anyone else have this thought before? If so, how did you come to peace with it ?
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 1mo ago
Take her toxic ex stories as a guideline for how to do her even worse.
Be the guy her mother warned her about
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
Knock that shit off bro. If that guy was so great, she would be with him. She's with you now isn't she?
Listen to what she says: if these something that she likes about him you can learn from that and if it's something negative, you can learn not to make the same mistake.
If she's talking too much about it, change the subject.
Wintergreen 2mo ago
Well yeah this happened to me quite a bit with my ex.
I only came to terms with it (still in progress a bit) because the guys always have some bullshit to offer that you think they don’t, unless it truly is some situation where somehow you’re in the twilight zone and she prefers a garden gnome over you.
I asked my ex a shit ton of questions, to the point where she knows I’m insecure as fuck, and it turns out that both her exes did more for her than I did.
No matter what it won’t feel good thinking about her exes. My ex tried to make me jealous by describing her ex as some giga chad when in reality she seems to have exaggerated. And her other ex was ugly as fuck, and this made me insecure too. So with fake giga chad I was like “I’ll never measure up”, and with garden gnome I was like “am I ugly??? I must be ugly if she fucked this guy and liked him”.
So in conclusion, I’m going to see a therapist because yeah tbh I can’t handle this shit either haha
derdeutscher 2mo ago
I think its insecurities so big that they each even in the past. These things may or may not be true. I NEVER ask too much about her past. There is nothing good to discover.
chad_chan 2mo ago
Yes You're right. I just need to come to peace with it somehow
First-light 2mo ago
"In most cases I am better in every way" Something is wrong here. Either you are building yourself up too high or you are dipping too low in SMV value. Odds are he was roughly as good as you just in different ways, unless you are playing a league or two below your ability.
I would examine this carefully. There will be some illumination in it either way and that may lead to peace.
chad_chan 2mo ago
Playing a league or 2 below my ability, As in dating someone whos below my league ? Yes. I have dated way hotter girls. When I say I'm better I meant better career, more athletic, higher SMV physical appearance wise. I shudn't be worried at all yet it occasionally bothers me I'm being linked to a lesser guy through this girl.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
She's not yours; it's just your turn.
Enjoy your turn while it lasts, and don't worry about whoever had a turn before you.
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
Everyone loves sloppy 304ths.
[deleted] 2mo ago
mattyanon Admin 2mo ago
The basic issue is that you're unsure about what you're giving (eg exclusivity) vs what you're getting (eg devotion).
This is fundamentally a problem with men: the more you give, the more certain you need to be about what you're getting, and you are never quite certain she's the girl she says she is.
Solutions usually revolve around understanding what you're giving (ideally as little as possible) and what you're getting from her and ideally from other girls too.
EurasianChad 1 2mo ago
You don't have to make her your serious girlfriend, bro.
You can just be casual.
Save the commitment for the more innocent chicks.
derdeutscher 2mo ago
You believe in innocent chicks? There are no such thing.
Men are also not innocent. The only one who are are those who are not so profound in getting women.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 1mo ago
Santa clause too goddammit
EurasianChad 1 2mo ago
By innocent, I mean less sexually experienced & less emotional baggage.